Épousez-moi, Restez la Même Chose

I wish you could understand me

The first day home, living together was filled with Gerard showing wiL around. He didn't have an enormous house, just a two-bedroom flat in the suburbs of Maine, as much as Maine had suburbs, but it had always seemed so spacey. His living room had a nice high ceiling and hardwood floors, and it was by far the cleanest place he'd ever lived in. The kitchen, living room, and a small bathroom were all nestled into a small area downstairs, and the two bedrooms and master bathroom were up a winding black and metal staircase that Mikey called 'chic'. Mikey called his place a loft, most of the time when he would visit. It was never 'Gerard's house' it was 'Gerard's loft'. Well, until Gerard Googled what a loft was, and found out his house was not one.

One of the bedrooms upstairs was filled with all of Gerard's art supplies, a few paintings hanging on the walls, some blank or half-completed easels crowded in a corner cowering from the light, a whole wall covered with bulletin boards and notes. It was his studio, and the first thing he worried about when he looked at all of wiL's stuff spread out in the living room floor. He couldn't give it up, because--hell, he was an artist now, he had a job that he intended to do. So no, he wasn't going to move wiL into his studio. And he was about to tell wiL that he could have the living room until he caught a glimpse of wiL's eager little grin.

Yeah, he couldn't insult him by sticking him in the living room either.

He tangled his hand in the back of his ratty hair, catching every dark strand on his fingers and wanting to rip them out just a bit. He could feel them pulling on his skull, bringing his thoughts to the surface slowly and painfully--

"Okay, follow me, wiL." He leaned down to grab one of his bags and wiL did the same. He set wiL's stuff in one corner of the room and wondered how he was going to go about explaining that they were sharing a room. But, wiL probably already assumed that they were sharing a room, right? He was hired as a wife, not a roommate, and--oh shit. What if, like, he thought that Gerard wanted to have sex with him!

Oh no.

No, no. Alicia would kill him with a spork if that ever happened.

Gerard shook his head and let himself slump down onto his bed as wiL was busy toting all his stuff up to Gerard's bedroom. Well, their bedroom, now. He supposed there was going to be alot of those moments where he steps back and realizes that it's not just going to be him alone. It's going to be him and wiL, living together, sharing a room, a bed. Gone were the days when he could walk around the house naked...okay, so he never did that, but now he never had the chance! And that was the important part, that he was suddenly stifled in the activities that he could partake in.

It just served to better prove the theory he had that all humans want what they can't have.

"Uhm, okay, wiL, this side of the room will be yours..." Gerard spanned his arm out to the left side of the room, the side with the window and everything.

"Than-nk you, Gerard," wiL gushed as he dropped the last of his bags off in the corner. He stood back up, one hand perched on his chin in a thoughtful manner, and looked around the room, eyes lighting up every few items.

Gerard's seen that look before. He actually warned Mikey about that look when he moved in with Alicia, warned him that he was going to wind up with fucking curtains and a bedspread and possibly even wallpaper. Because wives always wanted to keep the house clean, they just couldn't help it. And Alicia was proof of that. She was in no way the housewife type, but she kept their apartment clean. There weren't boxers and shirts hanging off of every available surface, or CDs thrown everywhere, or--basically the backbone of the way Mikey and Gerard lived. It was gone.

WiL had that look. Gerard hoped that Alicia's personality hadn't rubbed off on him. He wasn't so keen on the idea of anything in his house matching anything else unless it was Batman or Hellboy themed.

His stomach lurched up into his esophagus when wiL moved over to the window and pressed his hand up against the glass. He just knew that wiL was calculating which color would go best with the walls. When wiL turned around and smiled at Gerard the pain in his belly let up a little until he held his hand out, intending for Gerard to come over. Gerard stepped hesitantly up to the window and let wiL slip his hand into his, squeezing nervously.

WiL pointed out the window to where the sun hung in the sky, suspended over houses and suburbs. Gerard glanced at it for a moment, not understanding why wiL was so excited, why he was practically bouncing up and down, until he realized. WiL was trying to pay Gerard back for showing him the sunrise. A smile crept onto his face as he let wiL step into his arms and lean his head against his neck. He mumbled little words that Gerard wished he could understand. He knew what wiL was saying had to be important, even if it wasn't really. Even if all he wanted to say was that the sunset was pretty too, Gerard wanted to be able to hear him, to understand him.

He nodded to the words regardless, tightening his grip on wiL, letting his hands fit against small curves in his back, curling his fingers into a shirt that had Dr. Frank-N-Furter on the front. Geez, did Gerard ever want to understand this kid. Based on their shirts and makeup alone, they had a million things in common, and Gerard rarely ever found someone like that anymore. At least, someone that he hadn't influenced into liking that stuff. Because Mikey was influenced by Gerard, and most of the kids at their shows were, but wiL? Probably didn't even know of his band. Gerard had finally found someone who could like him for just Gerard, and not Gerard Way, lead singer of My Chemical Romance, and they couldn't even communicate.

It was so frustrating.

"Mmm, Gerard?" WiL tugged at Gerard's shirt until he was looking down at him. He smiled up at Gerard and wanted to ask what he was thinking about, but when he realized he couldn't, pouted. "Je souhaite que vous pourriez me comprendre," he sighed out.

"I wish I could understand you, wiL..." One of his hands made the journey from wiL's back up to his jaw, smoothing out his pout with a thumb. He leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to wiL's. "Sorry," he whispered.
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1. Yes, I changed the name of the story. I saw a story with the same name, and--just, no. That don't fly wit me. Basically, the new name is the old one in French, so...yep.

2. I have a new story. Go read it. I command you! (Not really, but it would be nice)
See, I'll even put a link to it here

3. Another short chapter, but I was distracted, and my brother is an idiot.