Status: Active

Amusement Park War


My name is Spencer Bloom.

I'm 21 years young, I have honey blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

Why am I introducing myself you ask?

I want to be remembered.


[A/N: This is a crossover story. If you are reminded of something you saw or read my idea probably sparked from there. This idea came to me in a dream and I decided to act upon it. Crossover Characters will be included from:
-Kingdom Hearts
-Final Fantasy
-Soul Eater
-The Hunger Games
-How To Train Your Dragon
-Sky High
-Teen Titans/Young Justice
-The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Leave of comment for the BOCs (Boy Of Choices) you'd like to see more of and if you'd like to see any crazy crossover ships and who they should be.
This is an idea I had for another writing site, but since the site's update my computer doesn't run well on it anymore. If this story does well on this site it'll stay up, but if not I'll take it down and post it elsewhere. It's all up to you, my readers!!]