Miserable at Best

Black Cat

(Juice's POV)


As we neared the location of the Mayan's warehouse I couldn't shake the feeling to possibly throw up everywhere. Jax gently patted me on the back before passing a cigarette to me. "Take a few minutes to calm down, then get ready." I nodded my head, quickly putting it in between my lips and smoking it down to the very end. It still didn't seem to make me feel any better though. Chibs cracked his knuckles and pointed towards a back door that was being closely guarded by two of the Mayan bikers. I readied my hand on my hip, clutching the gun in my hands. It was now or never I guess.

We ambushed the guards and Jax proceeded to snap one of their necks as Bobby and I ran inside the warehouse, seeing people start to scatter off in every other direction. I couldn't count the number of bullets I had fired or the amount of shots that I had hit someone with, but within a matter of moments there soon laid five bodies in front of us. Chibs, Opie, Jax, Half-Sack and Clay started to drag each out one by one while I searched through every crate that was tucked away under a few tarps and blankets.

Sure enough all of the stolen goods were hidden in there just like Clay had suspected all along. I quickly hustled everything inside the van before signaling to the guys that I had finished. We hurried back to the bikes and sped off before the warehouse exploded into a thick haze of smoke. At least this morning was over with for now.

"Juice, are you sure you got everything?" Clay asked me as we started to unload everything into the storage units behind the garage. I nodded before going over all the inventory and showing him each crate. He grinned at me, smacking me playfully on the back. "Thanks son. Sorry about your old lady, by the way. But you know it's for the best right?" Again I nodded silently. I was already in hot water now that Chibs knew that I was still seeing Faith despite the rules, I didn't need to get into anymore trouble for now. "Right. I got some stuff to take care of at home, I'll see you tonight."

(Faith's POV)

When Juice had left to meet up at the clubhouse with everyone, I immediately decided to call my parents to let them know that I was fine at home. "Well I'm glad you're alright sweetie but I really wish you would consider moving up here with us." I shook my head and sighed. I knew she was going to keep insisting that I move out of Charming but it just wasn't going to happen, not unless Juice could be there too. "Alright well I gotta let you go mom, bye." I said before abruptly hanging up the phone.

I decided to head off into the kitchen to make myself some food when I heard a knock at the door. "Fuck." I muttered quietly under my breath, sneaking towards the window to see who it was at the door. I felt a knot catch in my throat when I noticed it was the sheriff, Unser. I unlocked the latches and opened it as fast as I could before anyone would notice the police standing on my doorstep. "Um I'm sorry to bother you Miss Faith but I heard what had happened to you at Gemma's a few nights ago and I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

I exhaled a short breath before smiling at him. I was glad to know that at least some people cared about me. "Thank you, I'm doing fine." He handed me a card with his number on it. "Just give me a call if you see anything suspicious or something." I chuckled lightly before agreeing."Again, thank you Wayne." He smiled before turning back and heading to his patrol car. I quickly shut the door and proceeded to lock it up tight when another swift knock at the door interrupted me.

And there standing in front of me was Juice and from the look on his face, he didn't seem very happy. I pulled him inside, holding onto him as tight as I possibly could. We sat down on the sofa before he started to curse loudly causing me to flinch a bit.

"Chibs found out that I'm still seeing you, he's been following me."
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Sorry its taken me so long to update and I'm super sorry if its so short, I made this as sort of a filler since I need to think of a more better idea for the chapters to come. Again I love you all and thank you for your feedback and support :D <333