Suspicious Minds

life as a cop

Mariana’s POV


Mariana's POV

i heard the window break in the upstairs bathroom my seven year old self tucked away in bed. momma and daddy downstairs watching a movie. when i heard the heavy footsteps go past my room i climbed out of bed and followed the steps sitting down by the banister of the stairs watching then masked men yell at my mother and father. i moved a way from the stairs stepping back i stepped on a creaky floorboard holding my breath i watched daddy fight back but the masked man with a gun shot him i ran back to my room and when i heard momma come in

“mariana hide under the bed sweetie everything will be ok i promise i love now get under the bed” momma said giving me hug that would be my last i climbed under the bed and saw all the masked man come in and the last words mommy said were i love you Mariana

*end of dream*

now i'm 23 a barcelona cop. the reason i became one was to solve my parents murder and to stop others from experiencing my experience seeing your parents killed is not something any child should experience. i climbed out of my bed for a shower since i had to be at work by eight. once i was out of the shower i pulled my semi dry hair into a ponytail and got into uniform when my aunt called

“hola Tia carlota” i said

“hola Mariana what are you doing” my aunt asked

“getting ready for work tia i have to be in by eight something happened at the la terrrazza” i said pulled on my gun belt and pulled out my gun from the save

“you mean that club that Lionel Messi owns” my aunt asked

“si Tia. they are calling a staff meeting and will pick someone to lead the case” i said loading my gun.

“Mija be careful i know you love your job just be careful” she said

“i will tia i have to go now te amo” i said she said be safe and love you too before she hung up. i grabbed my keys and radio before leaving.

“hey jeff” i said taking my seat in the desk next to him.

“hey mariana” he said before the captain began the staff meeting

“great job everyone stay safe out there and Officer Mariana will be taking the lead on the La terrrazza club murder.” the captain said before dismissing us. i grabbed the file from the captain and told me to go and interview the owner of the club Leo Messi. i nodded and then left stopping at starbucks to get a pick me up before i had to go and question Leo

“hola what can i get you” the cashier said

“a double chocolate frappe grande por favor” i said

“5.00” she said of course i love starbucks but they are ripping me out of five dollars every time i come to get a pick me up coffee.

“alright name” the cashier asked

“mariana” i said i stood waiting patiently for my drink which came fast. i thanked them before leaving and going to the La terrrazza thank god they were closed when i arrived i parked my car and got out i really didn't want to Question this idiot but i had no choice.

“hola i’m officer Mariana Cortez Barcelona Police i’m here to see a Mr. Lionel Messi” i said walking into the club.

“that is me how can i help you officer” he asked

“there was a murder here last night in your club during the hours you were open” i said

“ok let’s take this to my office follow me officer. would like a drink” he asked

“i’m in uniform i can’t have a drink” i said

“alright have a seat officer” he said closing his office door

“ok Mr. Messi i just need to ask you a few questions regarding the murder here” i said

“go ahead” he said

“where were you between 12am and 2am when the murder occurred” i asked

“i was at home asleep” he said

“did you see anything suspicious before you left” I asked

“no i didnt its a club i don't think anything suspicious was happening and if there was i wouldn’t know about it” he said

of course he has to be frustrating. but i continued


“do you know anything that could help this investigation Mr. Messi” i asked

“no i don't” he said

“alright here’s my card if you think of anything call” i said getting up to leave

“alright i will Mariana but just know i have a lot of people i know and off the record be careful” he said

i left the club and went to my Tia’s (aunt’s) for lunch since it was noon and i had been at the club since ten.