Pop Culture.

I think the beats made to clash and distract while they cha ching

Image is everything. You can’t escape it. Just like marketing. You use marketing everyday. Whether you’re selling the image of yourself or the love you give. Without marketing, we would be nothing.

I know what you’re thinking; it’s a cynical way to look at life. But it’s the truth. We sell parts of ourselves without even knowing it. Job interviews we are selling ourselves to a company for a job. First date, we’re selling ourselves at a chance at love. It’s subtle, yes, but it’s still there. Marketing executives aren’t the only ones selling an illusion; we are too.

I moved to L.A under the illusion that I’ll be able to become an actress and make millions, leaving my home life far behind me. So when I hit rock bottom after a year of trying to get an acting job, no matter how small, I went to college and found a passion in marketing; ironic enough. Sure I didn’t stay long, thanks to losing my part time job, but I learned a lot from my marketing teachers. The main thing I learned was, people don’t give a shit about the product you’re selling; they just care about the image.

Look at Pepsi and Coke; they’re huge names in soda. But when you think about it, do they really taste any different? They’re only syrup and water deep down. But there are battles of who is better; and that’s thanks to their marketing team conditioning consumers. And what about Apple and Microsoft? Deep down they’re just computers; hard wiring and programs. But due to marketing, people think that if you own an Apple product you’re superior over those who own a Microsoft product.

Marketing is just psychology at its finest.

After losing my job and having to jdrop out of school, I needed to find a job and fast. Moving back to Georgia wasn’t an option. Then one day, I stumbled across an Atmosphere Modeling Agency. They told me everything they’re about and I fell in love.

Thousands dollar paychecks for just showing up where they tell me, using the product they tell me; it was the perfect job. And I figured this could be good marketing research for me. I could use this experience for when I get back to college; this time graduating with a degree in marketing.

In order for me to make any money in this industry, I had to abandon who I was before. I had to lose my “sweet, innocent Southern Belle” act and get sexy. Because like Six said in Syrup; Sex is biology. Sex Appeal is marketing.

Why do you think there are only attractive people selling hot items on the TV? It appeals to us. It triggers lust in us and because we can’t have the person selling the product, we have to buy the product.

Four years I’ve been doing this. Using sex appeal to get people to stay at certain hotels, go to certain clubs and buy certain things. Four years I’ve been using a fake persona, a fake name; and nothing bothered me. I gave up college, knowing I’ll be making more money doing what I’m doing then working for some big company as a marketing exec. But in those four years, I forgot who I was. Then, cliche enough, he showed me that I was beginning to believe the lies I’ve been weaving. That I was becoming part of the culture that sells sex to sell a innocent product.

I was becoming a slave to pop culture.
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I blame this idea on reading and watching Syrup.