
What Will We Name Them?

A/N: I write them as cat-people(look like cats, size of humans, kinda like Avatar), so I made pregnancies and birthing closer to human.

Jemima gave a high-pitched squeal of agony as she lied on a bed of cotton, silently cursing Alonzo for getting her pregnant.
"You're doing great, babe." Alonzo murmured, brushing a gentle paw over his mate's forehead. "You're almost done."
"When they wake up in the middle of the night, you get to take care of them." Jemima panted. She knew birth wasn't a fun experience- at least, that's what the adults had told her- but she didn't expect it to be this bad!
"Whatever you want, love," Alonzo promised, "as soon as I regain feeling in my paw."
In an attempt to comfort the calico, Alonzo had offered his paw for her to hold onto throughout labor. He figured it would be more comforting than a rag or metal bar. He briefly wished he hadn't, seeing as his usually-white paw was now a purpleish-blue color.
The usually calm and sweet queen let out a blood-curtling scream as the last kitten left her body. A clueless bystander would think a demon had just been exorcised. Alonzo smiled at the slimy newborns and kissed the calico's cheek.
"You're done, Jem. Do you want to see them?"
Jemima gave a nod and weakly held out her arms. She was exhausted – actually, she was beyond exhausted, but that was the best word she could think of to describe how she felt.
She smiled as her two kittens were handed to her. They were perfect mixtures of her and Alonzo, but they were polar opposites. One’s head resembled Jemima’s while the other’s resembled Alonzo. One had Alonzo’s stomach while the other had Jemima’s. Nevertheless, Jemima hugged her newborns close and let a caterwaul creep through her chest as her mate nuzzled her head.
“They’re beautiful, Lonz.” the queen breathed happily.
“Just like their mother.” Alonzo smirked, eyeballing the kitten with Jemima’s facial markings.
“And their father.” Jemima countered, eyeing the kitten with Alonzo’s head fur.
Alonzo continued to smile as he lifted his head to look at Jennyanydots, who had helped with the birth. “Thank you so much for your help, Jenny.”
The Gumbie cat smiled sweetly. “Anything for you, dears. I’m so glad I could be of service. I just love kittens!”
Alonzo nodded in agreement as he turned his attention back to his mate and children.
“Well, I’d better be going.” Jenny said, shrugging her shoulders happily as she moved towards the door. “Take good care of your new family, Alonzo.”
“I will.” Alonzo promised, placing a paw over his heart in solute.
Jenny nodded approvingly and said her goodbyes before leaving the den.
“What will we name them?” Jemima asked, looking at the black-and-white tom.
“Hm, I’m not sure. How about you name the girl and I name the boy?” Alonzo suggested. Jemima nodded in agreement, staring down at her daughter in an attempt to think of a name.

A/N: Your turn! Can you think of names for the new kittens? The one with Jemima’s facial markings is a girl; the one with Alonzo’s facial markings is a boy. Review with name suggestions for one or both!