Status: This Is Only Part 1!

Curse of an Era

Chapter 3- To Inject Venom

“So you are asking me if I could recall anything.” Nazwadjat asked watching the game board like a hawk, stalking its prey. His son, Eli, is only ten years old, but is very mature for his age and sees the trap on the senet board. The young prince knocks his father’s piece off the board, with a smirk gracing his face.

“Wow! You are very smart for your age! I couldn’t even see that move a mile away!” Yukel pointed out.

“Naturally, he is a prodigy. It makes me proud to see him learn and resolve a mistake quickly! He is my only child after all.” Nazwadjat says smiling at Eli.

“Your majesty, I hate to interrupt your quality time with your son, but could we get those details about nineteen years ago?” Zara asked impatiently.

“Ah! Of course, I almost forgot! Eli, please excuse us.” Eli nodded and jumped down from his chair, walking out of his father’s study. Once the study was quiet again, he spoke.

“It was so long ago, but I remember like it was yesterday. It was not even a month after mother gave birth to my sister; I remember how excited I was. Father told me I might have a brother, so I was so excited that I peeled into the nursery and gave a disgusted look. I was six years old and my first reaction was, ‘You said I was having a baby brother!’ My parents both giggled. ‘No, but a sister is still a blessing! Nazwadjat, you’ll see someday! You are her big brother, always protect her!’ A week had pass, mother would usually read to me every night. Stories about my ancestors were something she thought would interest me. Except one night, without her reading to me that night, I actually got curious and wandered the palace looking for her. The last place I’d ever looked was where I found her. I was hearing the loudest crying coming from Zima’s room. I opened the door to see Zima fussing in her crib. I walked in to calm her, but I stepped in blood. Mother’s remains were like frozen in time, I was in so much shock that I froze in the doorway until my father and the servants came to help me move. Zara, do you remember?” He turned to face her.

“Yes, I do.” She remembered that night, a six year old prince traumatized, and a king speechless and bottling up his pain, a new born princess crying hysterically in the arms of her wet nurse. One word described the scene, a word that the universe feared: Chaos.

“Familiar Case?” Yukel asked. She nodded.

“It still pains me, to remember the pain you all went through. Master Osirah just hired Ardeth at the time, and the chaos of Ardeth losing his right eye that night. It was still a miracle he survived it.” Yukel watches Zara with the emotional tearing on her face.

“I want to protect my family from a repeat of the misfortune and painful loss that once occurred. Could you promise me that you’ll stop this killer in time before another royal blood is spilled?” Nazwadjat asked leaving is chair.

“Without a doubt, your majesty!” Yukel answered.


“A sphinx? You brought a sphinx!” Zeke pointed to the newest temporarily member of the squad. Ziye sat in watching Zeke fuss about something that wasn’t even his business. Zara ignored Zeke, while the others try to focus on the universal records of Maat. The records are meant to be read out loud in order to start the flash back images at that time.

“Are we ready?” Ardeth asked while the others shook their heads. Ardeth opened the records to read about what happened to the inventor, a doctor who the Carlo’s just got a few details on.

“The X413 drug was invented over twenty-nine years ago, by a doctor named Victor Van Gore. Gore suffered from what humans would call ‘mental illnesses’, and believed if a reaper wanted to not exist, they would have a right to end their lives themselves.” The officers all can see the images of Gore, a reaper about the age of thirty. He was tall, extremely thin, looked very fragile for a reaper. He had bags under his eyes, his reaper fangs were broken, in other words a mess to other reapers. A young, blonde and really busty woman ran over to help Gore balance better. He was barely walking on his own, and it seems that young lady was there to help him.

“The drug’s ingredients were strong mixtures of sulfur, cyanide, natron, and carbon monoxide. These ingredients kill the soul inside the reaper, but also preserve the reaper’s body as a porcelain doll. He invented the drug to cure others, but instead decided to just cure himself.” The young lady was later guessed as Gore’s wife, she shared a bed with him, she cooked for him, she took care of him but she always had a smile on her face for him.

“So it was a suicidal drug for him?” Memare asked.

“It seems so. It was a liquid substance that can be poured into bullet castings.” Ardeth said while watching Gore make the bullets.

While the flashback started to blur, Gore turned the gun on himself, while his wife just walked in with his dinner in her hands. She drops the plate onto the floor and runs over to sob over Gore’s preserved body. She grabs his gun from his clenched hands and locks it away in the closet.

The flashback ends with all seven members of the room processing what they just witnessed.

“He couldn’t have been the killer of Queen Kavita! He killed himself a year before her death.” Yukel pointed out.

“We already know that, Rookie.” Zeke said in an obvious tone.

“We already arrested her killer, nineteen years ago. However, how did her killer obtained the drug?” Ardeth pondered.

“Had to come from either Gore or his widow?” asked Memare.

“Let’s see if we could find her name or her maiden name in the records.” Ardeth instructed.


At Kelter’s bar, there’s an hour left before closing time. Taylor is working behind the bar while Kelter washes dishes in the back sink. When Emiley McRosa stops by, Taylor’s heart stings a bit. ‘This woman is my enemy, she says she’s helping me by saving my family, but in reality she is using me for her own advantage.’

“Taylor, this is Lord Elric Henry. He was hired to help you finish your job quicker! He owes me a favor, so I thought about you. Aren’t I so caring?” Emiley giggled. Elric sat beside her with no emotion or facial expressions.

“I didn’t need help…” He muttered.

“Of course you did! Remember, Nepsa?” She giggled. Taylor gave her a look of disgust, while Kelter entered back into the bar.

“Nepsa? Did she call?” Kelter asked.

“No, she hasn’t yet. Kelter, you look exhausted. Maybe you should close up early tonight? I can help you, so you can catch up on some rest.” Taylor suggested. Elric and Emiley got up from the bar and both waved goodbye while heading outside the bar.

“Nonsense! Nepsa will be calling. She calls every night at nine sharp!” Kelter giggled.

“Alright, but after she calls, get some rest!” Taylor said back motherly. Taylor felt the guilt eating at him, because he already knew that ‘the help’ was going to help.


What started off as excitement actually was disappointment. Nepsa never called, and Kelter was already worried. It just didn’t seem like Nepsa at all. It was two in the morning, and a call finally went through, waking Taylor and Kelter. It was Nepsa’s mother reporting her death in harsh sobs. As Kelter processes the phone call, he felt his heart drop; Taylor watches and feels guilty over knowing the truth behind it.


The next day, a woman, with plum colored hair, at least 6’5” tall and 125 pounds thin, was wandering through an old deserted village, known as Raven Oaks. The village is so deserted, that the grass and trees over grown the village, while old moss and vines engulfed the villager’s homes. “I can’t believe after twenty years, she still lives in this dump!” The woman stops at a home slightly larger than the others, looks deserted on the outside but is actually occupied by the same resident over twenty years. She unlocks the door with a skeleton key and closes it shut right behind her. In the background you hear an old phonograph (record player) skipping on each beat. She wanders into the kitchen to spot Emiley McRosa pouring another glass of wine.

“Emiley, progress report?” asks the taller woman.

“Not much to report, my lady. Henry had to finish Taylor’s job again! Taylor is useless; why not take hostage of another reaper’s family?” McRosa huffed.

“Not likely. Cora and Shiro already are my prisoners. The other reapers in the Army of Darkness don’t have families to torment. There is no interest in there. I am ready to proceed to punishment number three for Taylor. Daughter number two is next, maybe that should speed his progress up! His wife and his eldest daughter had delicious blood in their veins. I can’t wait to taste the others! However, you are right, my little angel. This game is getting boring; I’m not even as closed to achieving my goal. Who knew it was going to take this long.” The scary woman said.

“No matter what you still have me as your loyal servant. You promised me that you will resurrect him back to me after all!” McRosa smiled excitedly.

“Who?” the woman asked confused.

“My husband?” McRosa’s face dropped a bit.

“Right, that’s right! My apologies, I’ve been really stressed out lately.” She managed to fix her previous answer.

“No problem, my lady. You are the goddess of Chaos after all! Makes sense things can be chaotic.” McRosa faked her laugh.


To Be Continued…..
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Book 1- Chapter 3.