Status: my very first fic here!

Your Slightest Look


Mark knew his step-nieces very well. He knew the texture of Sarah's and Christie's hair from the million times he'd braided them, knew how to make Anton stop from crying before he could even think about it, how Anna only wanted to keep reading until the morning and how Amanda would have a lot of phases before she settled on something that would surely make her famous - she was a very mature child.

So as soon as he stepped inside the house, his step-mother trailing after him with one of his bags, he knew exactly what was about to happen. Hearing laughter and hurrying steps, he opened his arms wide and let the children mob him with the biggest grin his lips could muster. He was tired, but he made the effort to lift Anton on his arms and hug Sarah tight when she latched to his side. He heard the bark from the dogs outside, in the garden.

"Mark! Mark! Look at my hair!" Christie cried out, pointing to her now short blonde locks. She felt so tiny when he grasped her waist and kissed her bubbly cheek.

"You look beautiful!" he said, and he meant it.

"Mark! Mom says you're staying all of Christmas!" Anna was missing three teeth and if Mark wasn't as tired as he could be, he would have lifted her with his free arm.

"Yes, I am!" he told them, letting Anton fall gently to the floor as the boy giggled and kissing his step-aunt Hannah on the forehead. "Until the 30th, because I promised some friends that I'd celebrate New Years with them, okay?"

"Okay!" they all chorused.

"Alright, why don't you let Mark rest?" Dee interrupted their giggling. "He's really tired from his flight, and I'm sure he just wants to sleep."

The kids complained, of course, but they all left until it was just Mark, Dee and Amanda in the living room.

"I'll help you with your stuff," she offered, grabbing his bag. He let his hand rest on top of her head and delivered a kiss to her temple, grasping the rest of his luggage from his step-mom.

Again, as Mark had stated before, he knew his family. He just did. Little things unknown for others were obvious to him, and it had little to do with how observant he was, but how close he was to his family.

"So," ah, there it was. "Mom still thinks I'm eight."

Mark cocked an eyebrow, smiling at her as he unpacked and she sat on his bed. It all still smelled the same, looked the same. He never felt more welcome than when he was with his family.

"Why do you say so?" he asked, playing along. "You're obviously thirteen, Mandy."

"Yes! I know!" he made a dramatic gesture with her hand. "But she still won't let me go see stuff!"

"Like what?" he could see where this was going.

"Like a local concert...?" it wasn't a question, but a request for a small favour. Mark began to chuckle and shake his head as she babbled off. "It's just an acoustic concert, I swear! A meet up in the park!"

"Who would do a local acoustic concert in Ohio?" he laughed, honestly did because Amanda was into those unpopular European bands that only played in LA, New York and Baltimore from time to time.

"Ángela Ruiz," she sighed, falling into the bed. "She's this singer from a great band I've found out about, Pulse Point. And she's a YouTuber like you!"

"Oh, that's great," he folded his underwear and moved on to his socks.

"She does these amazing vlogs and does charities and covers and even plays a few games!" the thirteen year old scrambled out of the bed. "She's amazing!"

"She does sound amazing," he agreed, smiling at her.

"And maybe Felix will come!" ah, the teenage crush on celebrities. "He's so great. So handsome and nice and..."

Another sigh. Mark was holding his laughter when he turned and ran a hand through her soft, chocolate hair. She looked t him and grinned and he was immediately grateful for having such a wonderful family.

"When is it?" he questioned softly.

"The 27th," she gave him a lopsided grin.

"Alright, then," he yawned. "I'll get Aunt Hannah to let you come with me."

"Mark, you're the best!" she squealed, throwing her arms around him. He caught her and returned the hug. "Oh my God! I can't believe I'm gonna meet them! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome," he laughed, crushing her to his chest before he yawned again. "Okay, I love you and all but I'm really tired, sweetie. We'll talk tomorrow, alright."

"Okay!" she nodded and gave his cheek a wet kiss before skipping away to her room.

He probably was setting himself up for a very interesting afternoon.
♠ ♠ ♠
And this is my very first story on Mibba! I don't know how many Markipliters there will be around, but so far I've met a really nice one! It took forever to see how the layout thingy worked, but I'm happy with the results! Also, the chapters will be longer, I promise, this is just the prologue! Thanks for reading and leave me comments telling me what I can improve! Bye!