Now We Are Three

Now We Are Three

“I’ll be home in an hour babe,” Tony said through the phone. “Okay Tone! I’ll see you soon! I love you!” I smiled. He chuckled, “love you too! Bye.” “Bye,” I said and hung up the phone. I walked into the kitchen excited by the fact Tony was coming back from tour today.

Tony and I have been married for three years and we are still going strong. We call each other every day when he’s away and Skype when we can. I guess you could say being married to a man who tours all the time is a big roadblock for a marriage and it is, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. He makes hundreds of fans happy and this is his dream and I am proud of him for living it up. Also with him being away for so long and coming back from tour makes us want to take advantage of our time together before he goes on tour again.

He always tells me how he misses me over the phone when he’s away, but soon enough he will be missing one more member to our family. I am a little over eight months pregnant; due in about three weeks. We are having a baby boy and we decided when he is born we would name him Tyler Jackson Perry. We are both ecstatic to be having a child. Tony promised that he would visit as much as he could while on tour, which I found very sweet.

‘A happy three member family,’ I smiled at the thought of that and fetched me a bag of potato chips. I went over to the living room couch and fell back against the cushions. I grabbed the remote and turned on the television, flipping through the channels until I saw that Tosh.0 was on. I threw the remote to the side and ate my chips, while watching Tosh.0. I was watching a new episode when I heard the door open.

“Audrey! I’m home!” he yelled through the house, not realizing that I was right there in the living area. “I’m right here silly,” I giggled. He turned his head and saw me starting to stand up. He walked over to me and grabbed my face into his hands and kissed me hard. I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing his face closer to mine.

He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to mine and breathed my scent in. “I missed this,” he said. I smiled at his comment, “me too. The baby missed your voice too.” He smiled and bent down to my stomach. He pulled my shirt up and kissed my stomach tenderly.

“Hey buddy! I heard you missed me,” he smiled and kissed my stomach, “can you kick for me?” He placed his hands on the center of my stomach and a few seconds later I felt two small kicks. “Did you feel that?” I asked quietly. “Sure did,” he smiled and stood back up, “let’s go upstairs and rest a little bit. I am worn out.” “Okay,” I smiled and he grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.

We entered our room and he stripped down to his boxers. We both got into bed and he wrapped his arms around my belly and placed both hands flat on my stomach. His head want in between the crevasse of my neck and breathed in. "I love you Audrey," he said and kissed down to my collar bone. "I love you too Tony," I said and with that being said we both fell asleep.


I woke up the worst pain ever. I went to get up when I felt wetness all over where I was lying. That's when my eyes widened. My water broke. My contractions were getting worse by the second and my legs started to wobble at the agony.

"Tony!" I yelled. He woke up startled and fell off the bed with a thud. He stood up and shook his head, "wha- what's wrong?" "My water broke," I breathed. His eyes widened and asked no more questions.

He helped me walk down the stairs, grabbed his keys quickly, and we headed out to his car. He carefully set me into the passengers seat, closed the door, and ran around to the driver's seat. He got himself situated and started the car, then pulled out the drive way to the hospital. My contractions were getting worse by the minute and I was gripping the seat handles for dear life. I just couldn't wait to get to the hospital.


"Oh gosh," I yelled as I started to push. We got to the hospital about two hours ago and I have been pushing for about an hour and a half. I was getting tired and tired by the moment. I just wanted this to be over and see my baby boy. "Okay Mrs. Perry, take one more final push," the doctor said. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed and squeezed Tony's hand as hard as I could.

I felt a wave of relief hit me and a baby cry. I looked up a little bit to see mine and Tony's miracle. I smiled and breathed in and out. Tony gave my hand a squeeze and kissed my forehead, "you did it baby girl." I nodded in agreement and sighed.

After the nurses cleaned our baby boy, they gave him to us. He was wrapped him a small blue blanket and honestly he was gorgeous. "Tyler Jackson Perry," I said and kissed his forehead. Tony sat down on the side of the bed and smiled down at Tyler and I. "He has your nose," he smiled.

"He has your skin tone though," I giggled. "Can I hold him," he asked as if it even was a question. "No, you're forbidden," I joked and handed him Tyler. "Hey buddy, do you recognize my voice?" he chuckled. I smiled and looked at them being the cutest things.

"You're going to be a great dad," I grinned. He looked down at me and bent down quickly to kiss my lips. He pulled back, "and you're going to be a great mom." Now we didn't know if we would be good parents. We knew we would be amazing parents.