Status: Slow moving... but moving, nonetheless.

She's Like a Piece of Home

Sept 8th

**Anything in bold is a switch in language. :) **

“Luka! It’s not your turn!” Mackenzie’s squeal carried down the hall and floated into Raleigh’s room. She nearly dropped her book as sat up quickly. She had forgotten how easily he had slid into the Sunday family game night, mostly because she had hidden in her room during them since he started coming over. She had ignored that her phone even existed since Saturday morning. Insisting that she just wanted some downtime before she started her new position tomorrow, she had also managed to avoid Cami and Quinn. Speaking of the new position. She hadn’t told him. Did that matter? It wasn’t like they were dating.

Setting the book on her nightstand, she climbed out of her bed. She could go join them and just act like nothing was different. They were just friends after all, friends that had sex, but still just friends. She checked herself in the mirror, smoothing out her ivory and navy striped thin-strapped tank top and dark cut off jeans. Friends. She ran her hand through her hair a few times, patting down any puffy spots from lying on her bed. Sometimes friends get carried away. She wasn’t about to walk out there looking like a hot mess. Jesus, Raleigh. Get a grip. It was only one time.

Toying with the ivory braided rope bracelet as she tiptoed down the hall, she listened carefully, judging where everyone was sitting by his or her voice. Luka’s back would be to her. Good. She straightened herself up as she continued. Rounding the doorframe, she saw Quinn and Cami sitting on the couch together and Mackenzie leaning against her father’s leg. Luka was sitting off to the far side of the loveseat. Quinn spotted her first from the couch and nudged Mac, who beamed at the sight of her.

“Am I allowed to play?” Cami’s head swirled, eyes wide at Raleigh’s random appearance. She noticed Luka’s shoulders stiffen before he turned slowly to face her. Self-consciously, she tucked her hair behind her ears trying her hardest not to blush when he gave her a small, pleased smile. Mac was already halfway to her before she even finished the question. She grabbed Raleigh’s wrist and dragged her next to Luka.

“You can sit here.” Mac practically shoved her towards Luka. The unexpected movement from the five year old threw her off balance and she nearly toppled onto his lap. Luka’s reflexes were like lightening, his hands cradling her waist as he guided her next to him. His left hand squeezed her waist as his right hand lingered across her lower back, before he returned them to his lap.

Clearing her throat nervously, she mumbled a brisk “thanks.” She scooted a few inches away from him and looked at the coffee table. “What are we playing?”

“Durak,” answered Quinn. She looked up at him, not English. This had to be Luka’s game. “The fool.”

“What now?”

“Durak,” Cami repeated. She shot an annoyed glance at Mackenzie. “Your niece wanted to learn a new game and harassed Luka to teach her something. Except now she’s not even paying attention and these two,” she gestured between the boys, “are getting a bit competitive.”

“Only a matter of time,” Quinn said smugly. Raleigh’s lips twisted, trying to hide a smile as she peeked at Luka. She looked him over quickly, khakis and snug, dark green polo with an orange embroidered Ralph Lauren logo over the right side of the chest. His eyes met hers and he shook his head.

“He going to lose,” he promised. “Not accept defeat.”

“Oh, but Goonies never say die, right Quinn?” she winked at Quinn, who nodded appreciatively.

“What is ‘goonies’?” Luka asked. Her jaw dropped slightly as she spun her head to look at him.

“You’ve never seen The Goonies?” He shook his head. Her brain seemed to catch up with her at that moment. “We – ” she caught herself. “You have to watch it.” The attention of the group still hadn’t left her. She tapped her bare legs anxiously with her fingers. “So let’s see it then,” the brunette commanded pointing at the coffee table. She watched, carefully studying the card layouts and turns. She knew this game. After a few more minutes, she nearly shouted, “President!” They all stopped and stared at her. She blushed looking between the faces. “This game is just like President. It’s a drin – ” Cami raised an eyebrow. “A game we played in college,” she added swiftly.

“Do you want to play after I finish taking Luka down?” Quinn cracked as he set his next card down. Luka muttered a response in Russian. She wished, as she had so many times before, that she could understand what he said. Quinn laughed as he answered.

Raleigh tucked her hands between her thighs and shrugged. “Yeah, okay.” She sat and watched them quietly, progressively inching closer to Luka as they moved through the round. Her eyes drifted to his cards and she surveyed them. They left her view suddenly and she looked up at an amused Luka.

“No look.” She frowned as she crossed her legs.

“I’m not even playing. It’s not like I’m cheating.” He looked doubtful. She let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh for pity’s sake! I’m not going to help him!” She threw her arm towards Quinn.

“She lies. She helps me cheat all the time,” he said, his voice cavalier. She looked at Quinn, jaw dropped. He winked at her over his cards. She wanted to punch him. What an instigator!

“Liar!” she exclaimed. She pointed her finger at him. “I beat you most of the time. You can’t stand losing!”

“Oh, don’t look at me,” Cami cut in. She glanced next to her to see Luka staring at Cami, stunned. Raleigh reigned it back in while sending a scathing glare to Quinn. She was use to this banter with Quinn, but sometimes they got carried away a bit too easily. “Sometimes I think she’s more his sister than mine.”

“You beat him at cards most of time?” he asked. She nearly smiled at the obvious tone of wonder and incredulity in his voice.

“I’ve been known to kick his ass at most card games,” she answered quietly. He stared at her. He was considering her.

“I don’t allow them to play games against each other anymore,” Cami offered as further support to her statement. She smirked when the cards were lowered into her view again. Luka went to pull a card and she tried not to comment. She tried really hard, but the fidgeting had begun. She chewed on her lip and sat on her hands as he separated the card from his hand. She made a tiny throat clearing noise.

“What?” He had paused and was looking at her expectantly.

“Nothing.” When he started to take the card again she grimaced. “Just not the card I would have played,” she mumbled. His long fingers tucked the card back in.


“And what?” she asked.

“And what card then?” She pointed a finger at one of his trump cards. He arched an eyebrow. She glanced between the piles on the coffee table, Quinn’s hand and back to Luka’s before nodding. She managed to say nothing the next two times he went. Right as she was about to point to card on his next turn, Cami spoke.

“I thought you were too busy prepping for the new job to join us tonight.” Her voice caused Raleigh to sit back up right and push herself a bit further from Luka. She had begun to cozy up next to him and he had done nothing to stop her either. She went to move her legs, but found that her left ankle was trapped against the couch behind Luka’s leg. She left it.

“I was. Just figured it had been awhile since I had joined game night and it turns out I had some time to spare tonight.”

Cami nodded, disbelieving. “Nothing to do with anyone, I mean, anything else?”

“Nope,” she insisted. She looked like she was about to make another comment when a colorful box clattered on the coffee table, scattering the cards. Mackenzie stood in front of them, hands on her little hips. Raleigh hadn’t even realized that she had left the room. Judging by the reactions of the others, they hadn’t noticed either.

“You grownups are boring.” She huffed. “I want to play Clue Junior.”

“Well, so much for that,” Cami declared as she stood up, brushing her hands on her pants. “I think it’s time to make dinner anyways.”

“I – ” Raleigh began to stand, but Cami waved a hand at her to sit.

“Quinn can help me.” She grabbed the sleeve of his shirt. “Let’s go, Quinn.” Quinn dropped the cards he was cleaning up as Cami dragged him from the couch. She tugged on Mackenzie’s arm as well. “The munchkin can help as well.”

“My game! I wanted to play!” Mackenzie pouted as her mother pulled her out of the room.

“After dinner.” She could hear Cami tell her as they moved down the hall. The brunette bit her lip and looked over at Luka.

“So.” She ran her hands along her thighs and tapped at her knees. He leaned back into the corner of the couch as his right arm resting along the back and studied her for a moment for speaking. He looked like he was trying to decide where to start.

“So, new job?” he asked, there was a hint of shyness.

She nodded, fidgeting nervously with the hem of her shirt. Why was she so awkward again? “Yep.”

“And?” he pried when she said nothing else.

“Oh! Sorry.” Gawky, that’s how she felt, like she was sixteen again. She turned and pulled her legs up next to her. She twisted her hands together in her lap. “Um, Assistant Curator of History. Still at Heinz.”

“I see.” He had reached out and set a hand on top of hers, but didn’t drop eye contact as he did it. She fought not to look down at their hands. “Big deal, yes?” He wasn’t being factious. He seemed genuinely interested if this was big step for her. She let out a little breathy laugh.

“Huge. I’m one step away from what I want.” Impulsively, she scooted a couple inches closer to him. Nothing felt natural or normal with him, and that bothered her. She forced herself to make an effort. But she had to be honest with herself, she liked him enough to keep trying.

“Curator?” The word was coated thickly in his accent, rolling the ‘r’ as he said it. His thumb was rubbing against the back of her hand, distracting her and drawing her closer. It took a second for her brain to process it.

“Oh!” She smiled, as the obvious reason dawned on her. “Same word, isn’t it?”

He nodded. The arm that was on the back of the couch smoothly wrapped around her back as he pulled her in close to him. His other hand tugged at her waist. She swallowed as his fingers dragged along her hip and over the bare skin of her leg, stopping at her knee. Her leg involuntarily twitched as though trying to follow his hand across his lap.

She was entertaining to say the least. The way she switched in and out of roles, he was never sure what to expect with her. He was going along with her request to not tell anyone. It didn’t matter to him really. He could have gone either way, but he had to admit that there was something almost exhilarating about it being a secret. When he had changed her position, bringing her up next to him, he caught the twitch of her leg and he thought for a second that she was actually going to climb on top of him. She was showing control though; he had to hand it to her on that one. He began to wonder how much further he could push her before she would do something. “You excited?” he prodded, but nearly laughed at the question’s double meaning.

“Huh?” She looked back at him, confusion in those hazel eyes. She had gone back to the hem of her shirt again. He let his fingers drift along the bare skin of her back above her tank top. Her lips parted and he heard a catch in her breath.

“For job?” he hinted, helping her along.

“Oh, yeah.” She paused and blinked, before blurting, “Yes!” Releasing the material, she sat up straighter. She was back, the confident one. He tried not to grin. This one would talk. “Very. It’s going to be so different, a lot busier, but I’m really excited. It’s tough to get a job in your field anymore. Really hard for people with history degrees. I mean, the field isn’t exactly booming.”

He mentally pulled back from the physical game he was playing with her. He was intrigued by her decision to pursue a field that would be so challenging to get into. For him it had always been hockey. There was nothing else. “Why then history?”

“It’s safe.” The answer was clearly off the cuff; she even looked astounded that she said it. “What I mean is,” she began to backtrack, her voice apprehensive. He pieced it together, her tone and the surprise, that answer was deeply personal to her. She hadn’t meant to reveal it. “The field isn’t safe, obviously, I just told you that.” She took a deep breath. “History has happened. You can’t change that. You can’t just decide that something as significant as say, the Holocaust, didn’t happen. But you can learn from it, so that you aren’t doomed to repeat it.”

“I see.” He nodded again. He never thought he could learn so much about her from one statement, but here she was. She was safety, not one to step too far out of the box. Life was neat and organized to her, categorized by event. It made sense now, the constant back and forth with her. She was always fighting with herself. “Never try something risky?” he teased. “Take chance?”

“I did,” she replied quietly. Her eyes never left his as she spoke. “It didn’t end well. I decided I didn’t want to go through that again.”

His eyes narrowed as he tried to understand. He wanted to know more. “What happ – ”

“So Paige and Molly told me training camp starts this week. What’s that all about?”

“I – ” he paused, impressed by how fast she had dodged him. Typically, he was at least able to finish his question first. He twisted his hand into the silky strands of her hair, the tips of his fingers occasionally brushing smooth skin of her neck. The corner of his mouth tilted into crooked smile when he felt a tiny shiver against his hand. “It starts Wednesday.”

“And you just go in cold?”

“What?” He was puzzled by her question. Of course he didn’t go in cold. The game was the most important thing in the world to him. He wasn’t sure if he had ever stopped training from the time he had started playing when he was 4. He was addicted to the game; it was his life.

“Well, have you done anything over the summer to prepare for it?” She really thought he did nothing over the summer? With the exception of the couple weeks off he taken off when he was home with his family, he hadn’t stopped moving.

“I have routine six days a week. Four days are two a days. I think I ready.” He tugged playfully on her hair. She twitched again. She was so close he could sense it.

“Oh.” Another deep breath. “So what is training camp then?” He almost laughed again. She was way more skilled at being evasive than he initially thought. He was going to have to try harder.

“Uh, physical fitness testing, training as team, lot of practices, preseason games.” She was studying him, an inquisitive look in her eye. She was leaning into arm now, as she slid her hands along her thighs, drawing his attention down. “Busy. Very busy.”

“So no more free time?” Was there a note of disappointment there? She stretched her leg out, his eyes followed. Her knee set just enough on his thigh that he couldn’t miss it. She was inching her way to him.

“Limited,” he replied quietly. She was distracting him the way she always did, finding a moment of boldness. He was beginning to recognize this as her way of saying it was okay. He reached out and gripped behind her knee, yanking her across him so that she was straddling him. She stared at him, shock almost immediately washing to satisfaction. “I would like to see you still.”

“Hmm.” He pushed his hands just slightly under the white and blue shirt and his fingers settling on the skin above the hem of her shorts.

“Tuesday night.”

“I can’t,” she murmured, avoiding his gaze.

“Why? Busy with Brooke?” he teased. She shook her head.

“This job,” she said softly. “I don’t know what all I’ll have on my plate.”

Right. The title alone sounded overwhelming and assistant to anything was never an easy job. He frowned thinking ahead through his week, starting Wednesday his schedule would be constant. “Friday night?” He’d have a few hours to himself in the evening at least.

She shook her head and raked a hand through her hair. “Saturday night?”

“We leave for Columbus. Game Sunday.”

She was chewing on her lip, eyes to the ceiling as she thought. She rested her hands on his forearms. “Monday night? I wanted a week to adjust at least.”


“Oh.” The dejection was as clear on her face as it was in her voice. “I forgot… for a minute. The scheduling never ends for you guys…”

It will always be like this, he thought. Back and forth over the schedule. She’d have to see him on his time. He would never be able to drop everything for her. He never had this problem with Valeryia. But Valeryia already knew how his schedule worked; she had been there from the start. But then again, he knew that Raleigh had a taste of this life growing up. It wasn’t new to her, she was just remembering it now. “Tuesday night?” He shouldn’t have anything going on after practice that day.

She was forcing a smile. Over a week until he’d be able to see her again. “I can do that.”

“MACKENZIE ELIZABETH!” Cami was hollering from the kitchen. Raleigh flinched and began to push herself off of him. His grip tightened, holding her down. He couldn’t bring himself to let her go. “Get back in here!”

Mackenzie’s whine drifted away, back towards the kitchen. “Tuesday night?” he asked again, drawing her attention back to him. She nodded as he sat more upright. “Okay.”

The swiftness of her movement startled him as her lips collided against his. His eyes widened before he closed them. Her hands were wrapped around his neck, her fingers brushed along his hairline. He slid his hands up to her waist as he felt the tip of her tongue run his upper lip. An alarming thought presented itself as he hauled her closer. He knew why he felt so unsettled that it was going to be so long until he saw her again, why he enjoyed that she surprised him, challenged him. He pulled away with a gasp and gaped at her, hastily taking in her heart shaped face again. He covered her mouth with his again before she could question it. He really liked this girl.

What was that about? He looked stunned. She wanted to ask, but he didn’t give her the chance. She let her body relax against his when they had settled into the corner of the couch. His fingers were on her face now, pushing her hair back. Drifting slowly down her neck, following every curve. “Mm.” She couldn’t help it. His touch was so faint against her skin as he reached the backs of her arms she shivered. Yeah, no, Raleigh. This is totally what friends do. You make out on the couch with your friends all the time.

“Mackenzie Elizabeth! I’m NOT kidding!” Cami’s booming yell was exactly what she needed. She broke away from him. His grip tightened briefly, before he dropped his hands to the couch.

“We should go help with dinner,” she mumbled. He licked his lips and nodded.

“I want to see Aunt Raleigh and Luka!” Mackenzie’s voice was entirely too close. She had to be right outside the room. He didn’t stop her from scrambling off his lap. She was on her feet right as Mackenzie rounded the corner.

“Hey, Mac Attack!” Raleigh exclaimed crossing the room toward her. She placed her hand on her niece’s back and turned her around. “Let’s go help Mommy.”

“But I was just in there and she’s boring!” she whined as guided her through the doorway. She glanced over her shoulder, surprised to see Luka hunched over, his face buried in hands. She would tell him later, she thought, remind him that she didn’t think of this as anything more than friends. She didn’t want him thinking that she was getting the wrong idea.

“Let’s help her anyway. I’m sure Luka will join us in a few minutes.” She glanced at the clock as they entered the kitchen. It was still fairly early in the evening. Maybe he would want to stay after dinner. Maybe you could hang out with him without it leading it to making out, the way friends would hang out. “Can I help you with something?”

Her sister looked up from the lettuce, shocked to see her. “You don’t cook.”

“Is there still something I can help with?”

She turned when she saw Cami looking past her. Quinn flanked her on her right side, reaching across the counter and swiping lettuce from Cami’s cutting board. “What are you doing in here?”

“Offering to help.” The couple exchanged suspicious glances before looking back to Raleigh.

“You don’t cook.” She gave Quinn an incredulous stare. They were both staring at her as though she were a leper.

“Why does this matter?” she asked, exasperated. “I’m trying to help!”

“Where’s Mackenzie?” Cami interrupted. Raleigh’s eyes darted around the kitchen.

“She was right here. She probably went back to talk to Luka. I’ll go get her,” she added spinning on her heel.

“When’d your sister get so weird?” She heard Quinn muttered to Cami as she left. I’m not weird. She shook her head as she trudged down the hall. She softened her steps when she heard mumbles from the living room. Not English, had to be Russian. She hesitated outside of the room, listening. Mackenzie’s tiny voice working through the words and Luka’s deeper voice, responding slowly. He was giving Mackenzie a chance to understand what was being said. She held back a smile as she eavesdropped on them.

A small squeak caused him to drop his hands in front of him. He smiled when he looked to his left. Mackenzie was standing there, peering at him curiously; her blonde curls bobbing around her round face. “Are you okay?” She spoke carefully and deliberately. She was improving. Quinn must have been working with her.

I’m fine.” She leaned against his leg and picked at the fuzz on his pants. He swooped her up onto his lap, causing her to giggle wildly as swung through the air. He tucked her frilly pink skirt under before setting her down.

Her little face grew serious again once she stopped. She thought for a moment before speaking. “Why are you sad?”

Oh, but I’m happy.” He gave her his cheesiest smile. Her lips twisted the same way Raleigh’s did when she was contemplating whether she believed him.

You…” She hesitated. He could see how hard she was thinking, trying to piece the words together. He was very impressed though, knowing the complexity of the language, she was actually doing amazingly well. “Looking sad.” She had the words all right, but the structure was off. He opened his mouth to correct her, but two tiny hands flew up to cover it. “No, wait! I don’t think that’s right.” She took a deep breath and spoke slowly. “You look sad.”

I do not feel sad.” He insisted, smiling again. She frowned, her crystal blue eyes filled with concern as she placed her hands on his cheeks, squishing them together.

But it’s sad face.” He gently pried her hands from his face and set them back onto her lap.

A bit scared.” She furrowed her brow and put her finger to her lip, tapping it. She was stuck. “Scared,” he hinted quietly. He enjoyed this banter with her. Typically Quinn was the only he spoke Russian with at their house. Cami knew a few words. She would respond to some of his questions, but always in English.

Why?” Her head tilted slightly. She had that word down pat. He had a feeling Quinn heard that often.

I like a pretty girl.” He made sure to speak slowly. She should know most of these words. He couldn’t believe he was telling this to a five year old. “It makes me worry.”

Why?” Oh yes, she had that one down.

I am afraid that it may not work,” He admitted reluctantly. He wanted to spend more time with her though.

But why?” She was persistent.

We are so different.” So very different. Raleigh rarely understood what he was saying. It was actually exhausting to speak to her in English all of the time. But he knew that would be the case. “It surprised me that I liked her.”

Who?” The word flew from her mouth. She knew the two words that every child should know. He smiled. Of course she would know the ones that got her more information.

He brought his face to her ear and whispered, “It’s a secret.”

Her eyes widened. “I pinkie promise.” She held out her pinkie. “Is it Aunt Raleigh?” she whispered solemnly. He tapped the tip of her button nose. “Why do grownups do that?”

“You are right.” He put a finger to his lips. “Remember, it’s a secret.”

She nodded vigorously, clearly excited to have special information. “Secret… secret. Hey! They sound the same!” Mackenzie’s enthusiasm took him back to the earlier conversation he had with Raleigh. “Oh! Same word, isn’t it?” The words sounded the same. Curator. A difficult field to get into. Well, maybe they weren’t so different.

He wrapped the little girl into a bear hug and planted a kiss on her cheek. “You know, I think you're very beautiful, too, little mouse. Now, let’s go help with dinner.”

Giggling, she scampered off of his lap and nearly ran into Raleigh, who was standing at the door. “Sorry, Aunt Raleigh!” she squealed as she skipped off to the kitchen. She was smiling shyly at him.

“You know I didn’t understand a single word of that? I think I might be jealous of a five year old. Secrets, huh?” She stood against the doorframe, arms folded across her chest.

He shrugged as he skirted around her. He wasn’t sure how close he could be to her right now. “She likes to feel special. I made something up.” The lie left his mouth easily enough. He wasn’t about to tell her that he just confessed to little girl how he felt about her. Especially since he was pretty sure that he should have been over her. He thought after Friday night, he had gotten her out of his system. But now…

He had made it two steps out of the room when her voice caught him. “Um, Luka, wait.” He turned to look at her. She was wringing her hands in front of her. “Would you want to – after this is over,” she gestured back to toward the living room, “do you want to hang out, or um, watch a movie?” Her lips moved, but whatever else she had said was inaudible. He was about to answer, when she hurriedly added, “As friends, of course. I mean… yes, just friends. I don’t want you think I’m mixing up what this is.”

He nodded. “Of course.”

Just friends. Wouldn’t want to mix that up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to @Thatmom, @dogandbutterfly, @ndrenee, and @melitious for your wonderful comments. They are truly appreciated. :)