It Stinks Being an Angel

A Strange Chain Of Events

For the rest of that week, Celeste wasn't herself. She was very quiet and almost depressed. It had Ambion and the three boys worried. One night, Celeste didn't even show up for dinner. Ambion was sitting next to three girls while Fred, George, and LJ were sitting as far away from him as possible.
"How can he say he loves Celeste, and yet sit there and flirt with three girls?" George asked grumpily as he glared down the table. "It pisses me off!"
"I know!" LJ yelled in an angry manner. "I would REALLY like to give that guy a swirly!"
"You and me both," George agreed.
"Speaking of Celeste," Fred began, looking around the Great Hall. "Where is she?" This question caused the other two to look around.
"I thought she was right behind us!" LJ exclaimed.
"Let's go look for her," Fred suggested, starting to get up. At that moment, Professor Dumbledore stood up to his owl-embedded podium, stopping Fred's actions.
"May I have everyone's attention?" He asked with a smile on his face. "I'm sure you all have heard rumors about something special happening at Hogwarts. These rumors are all true." The hall burst with excited conversation. What was this exciting new event that was going to happen? Everyone wanted to know; including the twins and Lee.
"This must be what dad and everyone was talking about!" George exclaimed.
"What about Celeste?" Fred asked, concerned.
"You could go get her, and we'll stay here and find out what it's about, k?" George suggested, still looking up at Dumbledore.
"Alright," He answered. He continued his previous movement and left the great hall. Fred walked past the entrance hall, up the grand staircase and through the fat lady's portrait. He stopped when he overheard someone crying in the common room. It was Celeste. She was standing over by the window, gazing out of it with watery eyes. Her hands were folded together as if she were praying.
"Oh, please," she was trying to say through her tears and sobs. "Save him, let me save him! I don't want him to, to..."
She broke down and laid her head on the window. Fred walked up behind her silently and put his hands on her shoulders. She jumped up, startled. Celestial immediately began to wipe away her tears from her face, as if to cover them up. But Fred had already seen them. He grabbed her arms to stop her and pulled her up into his arms and held her. She didn't know what to do. It was so unexpected. She just stood their numbly in Fred's embrace. Then she could feel her arms working again and slithered hers around him. They stood for what seemed like an eternity.
"Was it about the dream?" Fred asked quietly. She nodded into his chest.
"Don't worry," he continued soothingly. "I'm sure he, whoever it was, is going to be ok."
"Oh, I hope you are right." Celeste sobbed, knowing that she was lying. He broke away from her.
"Come on," he said, smiling. "Apparently, Dumbledore's telling something BIG to the school and we're missing it!"
He grabbed her arm and gently towed her to the great hall where they were too late; the students were all leaving. Everyone was a buzz of excited conversation. Fred searched the crowed for the flaming red hair and soon found it. He grabbed his twin's ear to find it wasn't his twin; but Ron.
"Ow! Hey! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Ron exclaimed.
"Oops!" Fred said with a laugh. "Did I hurt Ickle-Ronnie-kins??" The whole room could see Ron's face turning pink.
"Shove it, Fred!" Ron mumbled.
"Relax, dear brother!" Fred soothed. "I just grabbed the wrong ear. But, I guess you'll do. So what was this 'big news' everyone's a buzz with?"
"Apparently," Ron began, completely forgetting about his anger: apparently too excited to be the first to tell someone. "Hogwarts is hosting this year's Tri-Wizard Tournament!"
"No way!" Fred gasped, his eyes bulging. Celeste stared at the two, confused.
"Excuse me, but, what is this, ' Tri-Wizard Tournament' thing?"
"It's a tournament where three schools get together and a student from each is chosen to represent their school. The three compete in three tasks. The winner gets loads of money!" Ron explained.
"Wicked!" Fred bellowed. "I'm totally signing up."
"You can't," Ron said with a grimace on his face. "None of us can. You have to be at least 17!"
"That's rubbish!"
"So you agree with us?" A voice said from behind Celeste. George and LJ emerged from the crowd of students.
"How are they going to prevent younger students from entering this contest?" Celeste questioned. "Wait, how are they entering at all?"
"I can answer that!" Ambion said smugly, jumping out from the sea of students. "You write your name on a slip of paper, and then toss it into the goblet you see over there." He pointed into the great hall where Flitwick was trying to move an enormous goblet. Hagrid stepped in and helped the poor little man.
"And to prevent younger students, well that's quite easy," he said, once again, smugly. "They're going to draw an age line around it."
"We'll get passed that age line," George announced. "Who's gonna stop us?"
"I would not do it if I were you," Ambion told them, shaking his finger. "Dumbledore HIMSELF shall be drawing the age line. No mere, weak mortal is going to be able to cross it."
"We'll see about that!" Fred challenged, taking a step towards the angel. "My brother and I can come up with ANYTHING!"
"Ha!" Ambion laughed. "Good luck with that." The two stayed where they were and glared into each other's eyes. Celeste finally stepped in.
"Will you cease this nonsense?" She said in a firm voice. "You two are acting like children."
"At least I'M a real man," Ambion said, flipping back his flawless hair. "Come on, darling; let's return to the common room. You need your rest if you want to get your powers back." Fred swallowed harshly as Celestial reluctantly took Ambion's hand. The two disappeared up the stairs but Ron, his brothers, and LJ stayed behind.
"Who IS that guy?" Ron asked annoyed. "He makes me want to hurt him."
"Join the club," Lee began. "We have jackets."
"The guys' name is Ambion," Fred explained in a grumbled voice. "He's a transfer student from He-Helsinki." He smiled at his own ingeniousness.
"Well, whatever. Does he have a thing for Celeste?" The youngest Weasley boy asked.
"Unfortunately," George informed. "He won't quit bothering her. Or us, for that matter."
"And it's driving Fred MAD, isn't it?" Ron asked with a smirk. Fred turned around and stared at his little brother.
"What are you talking about?" He asked quietly.
"Oh, nothing," Ron said, the smirk refusing to be wiped away. "Except for the fact that you like Celestial." Fred swallowed harshly again.
"Don't make me sneak a U-NO-POO into your dinner." He threatened.
"I'm gone!" Ron replied, and dashed up the stairs where Harry and Hermione were waiting for him.
"One day, he's going to find himself not breathing," Fred murmured under his breath.
"Ignore him," Lee said. "What you need to be concentrating on is getting passed the age line!"
"Simple!" George declared. "We use an aging potion!" And the trio strolled up the grand staircase in deep discussion.

Celestial lay in bed, trying to command her eyelids to shut and remain shut with no success. It was storming outside, and rain continued to 'pitter-patter' on the window. She finally sighed and threw her covers up. She ventured downstairs to the common room in her sweatpants and large tee-shirt (she had to borrow pajamas from the boys until the ones she ordered were in). The common room was mostly empty; probably due to the fact that it was midnight. She caught George and Lee in a corner, most likely plotting on how to get passed the age line. She smiled to herself, which then turned into a frown. Celeste could not locate Fred. Normally, he was with the other two. She walked over to them and asked:
"Where is Fred?"
"Um, I think Angelina took him out in the hallway to talk about quidditch, or something..." George mumbled distractedly. Celeste had no idea what quidditch was, but seeing as neither George nor Lee were going to be of any help, she just shrugged and walked out into the staircase. She swung the portrait open and stopped dead in her tracks. Fred, Fred Weasley, was standing in the hallway and kissing Angelina Johnson. Celeste didn't know what to do. Her voice was caught in her throat, and tears threatened to break through the dam of her eyelids. Just as she turned to leave, she heard her name being called. It was Fred, but she refused to talk to him again. Instead, she sprinted to the boy's dormitories where she knew Ambion would be. When she opened that door, she got ANOTHER surprise. Ambion was sitting on his bed and kissing some weird Gryffindor girl. Celestial could not believe what she was seeing.
'What, is George now going to be snogging Katie Belle?' She thought to herself. 'And Draco Malfoy is going to snog Hermione? Or worse, Harry?' She thought she might throw up. She backed up to go back down the stairs and bumped into Fred.
"Celeste, let me explain-" he began but was cut off as she dashed away from him and up to the girl's dormitories. She knew neither of them could follow her up there. Just as she thought that, she heard the stairs turn into a slide. She didn't want to talk to anyone, so she got up and walked to the window. Slowly, she opened it and stepped out into the ledge. Celestial just wanted to get away. She prayed and concentrated hard on flying, remembering the sensation of the wind blowing in your face. And suddenly, burst from her back, ripping her shirt. She knew they wouldn't last her long; just doing this simple task took much of her strength. She didn't care. She just hoped it would take her far enough away. Closing her eyes and breathing, she leaped from the tower and soared through the wind and rain. She flew to a small ledge that looked over the black lake and decided to settle there. Once she landed, Celeste collapsed onto the floor and crawled herself into a little ball. Then, she finally allowed the tears to flow.
'How could they do this to me?' She thought to herself angrily. 'Fred, well I guess I understand. But AMBION! That-that PIG!' Ambion made her so mad she could almost feel the steam bursting from her ears. And then she thought of Fred. She didn't understand why she was so angry at Fred. He was only her friend, as far as she knew.
'Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm going back to heaven as soon as I get my powers back, anyways.' After many hours, when she could not cry anymore, she stood up and took a deep breath. The rain had long soaked through her 'pj's' and her shirt was tattered from her wings. She was cold and wet and she wanted to return to the castle. Yet, she didn't want to return to the castle: not if it meant seeing Fred and Ambion again. Suddenly, there was a large burst of wind that made her stumble. Flying sucked out so much of her energy that she wasn't able to retain balance. She fell off the edge of the cliff and plummeted down towards the water. No one would be able to save her. No one could see her through the rain or hear her yells that sounded more like whispering. Inches before she hit the water, someone caught her. She was just strong enough to open her eyes to see a black blur of wings flapping around her.
"Strange," She heard the man say. "An demon saving an angel..." And she could not stay awake any longer. Her eyelids shut over her eyes and she drifted off into a deep sleep.
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So what did you all think?? I personally liked it. Thought it was pretty epic. Oh, and if anyone wants to edit these at all, just contact me. I'm kinda new here, so I have no idea what's going on. Thanks!!