It Stinks Being an Angel

An Angel Kidnapping

Celestial could feel raindrops gently landing on her face, and a cold wind brushing by. She opened her eyes, slowly, and let the world come back into focus. She could see a figure standing not too far away from where she was. She could not tell who it was. For all she knew, it could've just been a shadow, for that is what it looked like. It was engulfed in black. She began to lie up, and saw that someone, most likely the man that saved her, had put her down to rest on a concrete bench. She was still weak from before, so she didn't try to stand up or move around. When she took in her surroundings, she saw that she was up on a tower; which one, she didn't know. She was too tired to figure it out. Her mind was spinning uncontrollably. Then she recalled what happened with Ambion and...Fred. She grimaced and closed her eyes; for she was afraid the tears would come back.
"Finally awake now, are we?" The shadow said and she instantly recognized the voice.
"K-Koga!" Celeste exclaimed. "Please, leave me be! I have been tortured enough as it is."
"Hmph," he said. "And I wasn't the one that caused your suffering."
"No, you were the one who saved me." Celeste said in realization.
"I know, shocker!" the demon laughed. "It's just that, when I saw you falling, I had a-" he flew to her and stopped merely inches from her face. "Sudden impulse to save you. So I did. You should be grateful."
"Not when my savior is a demon that has been trying to kill me!" she yelled, turning away from him. "J-Just kill me now. Please. I want this pain to end."
"Why are you hurting so much?" Koga asked lazily as he lay down on the bench, resting his head on her legs. His wings covered the two of them to shield them from the wind and rain.
"Why do you care?" she snapped.
"I really don't know..." he said and his voice trailed off. "Just tell me. It's not healthy to keep things bottled up."
"You are one to talk." Celeste murmured. "Alright. I could not sleep so I went downstairs to see my friends; Fred, George, and Lee."
"The three from the train?" Koga interrupted with a smirk on his face.
"Yes," she answered, rather annoyed. "So I went down there and I found George and Lee, but not Fred. I asked them where he was and they told me he was talking in the hallway to this girl named Angelina Johnson. So I went out there and I found him...him...kissing her."
"That's it? THAT'S what's got you so angry? That's stupid. And I thought he was just your friend?" Koga asked, cocking his eyebrow up at her.
"Well, he is. It was just really, really awkward," she explained. "My heart did not feel very cheerful anymore. After my encounter with Fred, I went up to where Ambion was-"
"Wait, who's Ambion? Isn't he an angel?"
"Yes, he's my fiancé."
Koga said nothing, but she could feel and see him tense up.
"You're fiancé, eh?" he said coldly.
"Yes, why? Do you have a problem with that?" Celeste asked curiously.
"A little bit, yes." Koga said, still cold. "What's he doing at Pigworts?"
"It's Hogwarts, and he's only here to protect me and see to it that I regain my powers. Anyways," she continued and Koga relaxed only slightly. "I went to where he was and he, too, was kissing another girl."
"Nice, a real nice piece of work. The perfect choice to get engaged to," He said amused, and yet a little bit bitter at the end.
"It was not my choice to marry him," she explained. "My father put me into an arranged marriage. We were supposed to get married a few days after you attacked me."
"I guess I saved you twice, then," Koga said smugly.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, if I hadn't chased you away from Chicago, you would have been married to bubblebrain."
"I, I guess you're right..." her voice trailed off. "I had to get away from them, so I flew over to that cliff and just let it all out."
"Flew? Wait, I took away your powers!" the demon pointed out.
"Yes, yes you did. I do not know what happened. I just concentrated and my wings came back. They were not very powerful. Just enough to get me away."
"I see. Hmmmm..." he was thoughtful for a minute. "I think I'm going to kidnap you."
'WHAT?!" she cried out. She jumped up in the air and Koga's head hit the bench.
"Yes." he said bluntly, rubbing his new bump.
"No! I am NOT going to let you kidnap me. I will not allow it!"
"Then I'll have to take you forcibly. Excellent." He said with an evil, twisted smile.
"You need to be taken away from this...pain," he told her slyly. "Come with me."
"No. Not with you!"
"You owe me," he pointed out. "I DID just save your life. TWICE, in fact."
Celeste bit her lip. She did want to get away, just not with him. She was in such a dilemma. But before she could say anything else, he grabbed her around her stomach and took off into the air. His grip was tight and uncomfortable.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! PUT ME DOWN!" she commanded him to no avail. He simply ignored her. They soared high through the Hogwarts grounds and out passed Hogsmead. Celeste flailed her arms, trying to get the demon to let go, but soon stopped. If he let go, Celestial would fall to her death.

Fred sat on the couch in the common room and threw his head into his hands. He could not believe that Angelina did that, or that Celeste saw her do it. She kissed him, but Fred never responded. He didn't even realize what was happening until he saw Celeste standing in the portrait doorway.
"What's wrong with Celeste?" George asked, obviously noticing the commotion.
"She saw me kiss Angelina..." Fred mumbled.
"What?!" George exclaimed, sitting down next to his twin. "What happened?"
"Angelina told me that she liked me," Fred began, still holding his head. "And then she kissed me. I didn't even realize what was going on! And then I saw Celestial coming out of the portrait and she took off. I went after her, but she ignored me. For some reason, she went to the boy's dormitories and came back out even more upset."
"What'dya think she saw up there?" George asked, with a grimace on his face.
"I don't know," Fred answered. "But it really messed her up. Let's go check it out." George agreed and the two of them went up to the boy's dorms. What they saw pissed them off. Ambion was snogging with Lavender Brown, a Gryffindor 4th year.
"Oi, Goldielocks!" Fred yelled, furious. "You love Celeste, my ASS!"
"What's going on here, Ambion?" George demanded. The two stopped kissing and glared at the twins.
"None of your business, carrot-tops," Lavender snapped.
"It is our business, since he's our BEST FRIEND'S FIANCE!" Fred yelled.
"Oh please," Ambion snorted. "She wouldn't believe you if you told her."
"We didn't need to tell her. She saw you, ass wipe!" George told him. Ambion swallowed.
"Brilliant," he mumbled. He brushed his hand through his perfect blond hair.
"You call yourself an angel," Fred snarled. "Come on, George. We better go find Celestial."
"How're going to get her down? We obviously can't go up," George pointed out as the two descended down the stairs.
"We'll get someone to get her." Fred answered. When they reached the bottom, the only girl that was there was Angelina Johnson, and Fred was NOT about to ask her. They walked over to where Lee was still going over some work for the aging potion.
"What's going on?" He asked distractedly. When the boys answered him, they had his complete attention.
"Blimey!" Lee exclaimed.
"More like, 'oh, shit!'" said Fred.
"What's your guys' plan?" Lee asked.
"We don't have one..." George admitted.
"We could always take a broom and fly out to her window," Lee suggested.
"But it's raining!" George complained.
"Boo hoo! So you'll get a little wet, what's the big deal?" Fred asked. "Celestial's more important. Come on. Let's go to our dorm and summon my broom." The three walked up to the dorm, completely ignored Ambion, and summoned the broom.
"Wait!" Ambion protested. "I wish to help find her!"
The boys ignored him.
"We could find her faster if I went with you!" he exclaimed.
"No offense," George began, glaring at goldilocks. "But I think you're the LAST person Celeste'll wanna see."
"But I can fly!" Ambion argued, flapping his arms as if by doing that it would convince them to take him with them.
"He has a point, Fred," George said, guiltily. Fred glared at the two of them.
"Fine!" he said, throwing his arms up in the air. "But only two of us can fit on here at a time," Fred said, looking guiltily at his brother and his friend.
"You two go," Lee told them. "I've got more things to fix with the aging potion."
"Alright, let's go Georgie." Fred ordered and hopped onto his broom with George right behind him. The two flew to the other end of the tower and saw that the window was already open.
"Celeste?" cried out the recently soaking Fred and George. There were other girls sleeping, but no angel.
"You don't think she ran away?" George asked. "Or worse, was kidnapped?"
Fred's mind immediately thought of a certain demon that's been after his friend.
"You think it was Koga?" Fred asked, anger rising inside of him.
"Wait, who's Koga?" Ambion demanded.
"Let's go out looking for her," George suggested, ignoring Ambion, and the two hopped back onto the broom and back into the rain, ten times angrier than they were before. They were soon followed by a very flustered angel.
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I hope you liked this chapter!! please leave a comment, or send me a message telling me you like it!! thanks again!!