I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 109: Same Goddamn Person

Poison leans back in the chair he was sitting in within the confinements of Frank’s house in Redmond, Washington, across the country from where he left his Killjoy family behind and where also Frank left his own in order to escape his clutches. His mind was still reeling over the facts that were splayed before him printed on white sheets of paper in ink. They were all testaments to Frank’s ridiculous story that he had become pregnant with three of his children with a fourth one on the way the many times they’ve slept together in the past, and it was that information that swirled repeatedly through Poison’s head in hopes of chasing away all of the stubborn doubt that he fought to cling onto.

The reason Poison had come all this way was because he had realized that his tie to Frank went deeper than just possession, and deeper than sex. Somewhere along the way love had slipped into the equation and overcame every feeling and thought Poison had about his precious Black Opal. Love became the reason he sought him out year after year. Love was the reason he risked not only his life but the life of his brother and the Killjoy family that he’s known all his life. Love was the reason he was giving up his murderous lifestyle and stepping out of the shadow to become a normal citizen like everyone else. Love was the reason why he was planning to begin a life with Frank Iero as his husband though it would be considered a very huge leap for some, it felt only right to him.

But now these medical documents before him were evidence that corroborated Frank’s tale. He had gotten pregnant when he was 15 years old, then at 16 years old, and now at 17. All those times he had been in the company of Poison, specifically beneath his body as the older man spilled into him again and again. There was no doubt now that Frank was born with a working womb that could safely carry the life of a child, there was no questioning that…but now Poison had to wrap his mind around the fact that the twins he had been babysitting at Edith and Peter Conrad’s house were biologically the other half of himself. They shared his blood, and perhaps even some of his features that he hadn’t yet caught before. He had been so consumed with the thought of entering Frank’s body again he hadn’t ever thought to really look at the twins. But then again how could that have ever been a thought then? He hadn’t known Frank was capable of even being pregnant!

“You’re telling me…” Poison began before pausing to look up at his lover’s face who was intent on avoiding eye contact with him by hiding behind his fringe. “That I am the biological father of those three kids upstairs in your room? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

Frank opened his mouth to speak before quickly shutting it. He repeated this action three more time before settling with a meek nod.

My god, this was proving to be almost too much to believe. Frank’s words made Poison’s heart ache and his breath catch. Forcing himself to look away from the man he loved, he blinked a few times in case this was some incredible dream he was stuck in but it didn't work. As in denial as he wanted to remain because it felt much safer than believing the inevitable, Poison couldn’t keep dancing around truth. It was all there in front of him after all in ultrasound photos, scans, checkups, blood test and urine samples. Poison of the Killjoy was a father, a living breathing father! That made Gerard Arthur Way a father too. This entire time he’d been around Lorenzo and Venetia they had been his creation, his other halves staring him right in the face. Lorenzo Iero was his son, his very own little boy in the flesh, and Venetia was his daughter, his little princess alive and well.

Thinking back to it, Poison had never really liked kids. He was neither good with them either. He did find it a bit odd that he caring for Lorenzo and Venetia while under the disguise as their babysitter came natural to him. It wasn’t difficult and there hadn’t been a moment when he wanted to hold their heads underwater during bath time. Originally, he had chalked it up as nothing, that perhaps he was becoming tolerable with kids as he aged, but now…now he was beginning to believe it was something, that a part of him knew that they were his. And now that they were his he couldn’t walk away anymore, he couldn’t turn his back on his family. He had come here for Frank and Frank alone, but now he can’t be without the man he loved nor the children he had unintentionally created with him. There was no going back now, even if death was coming for him. And so, with that knowledge, Poison reached up with both hands and for the first time as Poison the Killjoy, he took off his mask.

Frank had been staring at his hands intensely the entire time he had sat down at the table with Poison. He didn’t feel like he had much of a choice, either he looked at his baby daddy as he discovered the truth about the family he never known he had, or he avoided his eyes and tell him himself. Frank opted to tell him from his own words and so he kept his eyes glued to his hands clasped together on the table top. He hadn’t looked away when he heard Poison push back his chair and get up, but when he heard him walk away into the living room, he finally lifted his head to find him having already turned the corner. The sight of something yellow caught his eyes and upon dropping his eyes down to it, he let out a gasp of surprise. Poison was currently walking around in his house right now without his MASK!

Shaking with both apprehension and emotions due to his pregnancy hormones, Frank’s eyes darted around the kitchen, not sure where Poison had gone and where he would come from because the kitchen had two entrances. After all these years of wanting to know what his baby daddy looked like behind the mask, Frank was surprised to find himself frightful and hesitant to find out. His heart was racing too loud for him to hear anything else around him, and so stealing one last glance at the yellow mask abandoned on his kitchen table, Frank slowly rose up from his chair and crept towards the living room.

Frank found Poison sitting in the living room on the edge of the couch with his back to him. He was hunched over staring at the carpet, his elbows resting on his knees and his vibrant cherry red hair hung long over his face. Taking a step closer, Frank couldn’t believe that the identity of his children’s father was that close from him now after all these years, and yet the fear was setting into his bones and making a chill run up his spine. As attainable as it was now, it almost felt like a trap.

“I can’t possibly be the father of those three kids upstairs…” Poison mumbled from where he sat on the couch, staring a hole into Frank’s expensive carpet. The last inch of doubt was speaking for him as it dangle off the edge for it’s life. If Frank told him now that he was, his little doubt would let go and tumble down into the abyss. He would be free from any further questioning. “I just can’t be…right? Tell me I’m not…”

“I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but…it’s true. You are their father.” Frank defended, a frown forming on his face. The man made it seem like it was the worse possible thing that could happen to him right now, and frankly, he found it offensive. His children were good kids and any parents that raise them would be the luckiest parents in the world. “I don’t know how else I can convince you otherwise. You’ve seen all the evidence that prove that this is so!”

From the couch, Poison’s head turned a slight bit to his right where Frank stood behind in the kitchen, but his long hair kept his face shielded from sight. “Why did you never mention this to me before? That you could get pregnant or had been before with my children?”

Frank began to nervously wring his fingers at that question, uncertain of how to answer it. With his anger gone and replaced with apprehension again, he nervously looked down at his feet. He had his reasons for keeping such information from him, but he wasn’t sure that when Poison heard it if he’ll understand. “I was trying to protect them, Poison. At the time I had no idea what you were capable of or where your limitations were when it came to violence and murder. If I had told you what I was, what I could do, you could have saw me as some freak and change your mind about keeping me alive. Yeah okay, maybe then I didn’t know if I was even going to survive my first kidnapping but still I wasn't going to lower my value by confessing that I’m some weirdo that can be impregnated! God knows what you would have done to me all those time then!” He trailed off to his second reason and the most important one. “And when the twins came around I…I couldn’t nor wouldn’t tell you about them because like I said before I didn’t know what you were capable of. You might have grown disgusted at the knowledge of them and sought out to end their lives because they’re existence defines society norms of what’s acceptable. I couldn’t risk it!”

Poison sat there listening in awe that Frank would think him capable of murdering INNOCENT children! But then again, he had to remember that was all Frank knew him to be when they first met, a kidnapper, then a murderer. What kind of human being would trust their beloved children with a person they knew was capable of doing those things? No one, that’s who.

“P-Poison…” Frank stammered to point out. “Your mask…you left it on the kitchen table.”

“I know, baby…I know.” Poison closed his eyes. This was it. Frank was finally gonna see him for who he truly was. He was going to see his identity and therefore be able to identify him to a sketch artist the next time he called the cops. He was throwing his life on the line here, but its been a long time coming anyway.

Ignoring the fluttering of his heart at being called Poison’s baby, Frank nervously licked his lips as he stepped closer to his kidnapper and baby daddy. “Does this mean…does this mean you’re gonna let me see your face now?”

Poison gave his young lover a nod before slowly rising from the comfy cushions of the couch. He felt like he had the hangman’s noose already tied around his neck and was now waiting for the trap door to give out below his feet. To say his heart was hammering was an understatement, it was practically having a full on attack. A cold sweat was seeping from his pores as he allowed himself one last deep breath.

His senses filling with terror, Frank quickly leaned himself against the nearest wall in need of support. He couldn’t do this alone right now, but unfortunately, he was all he had. What he wouldn’t give to have Gerard back in his life again and holding his hand right now through this reveal.

Poison slowly turned himself around to face Frank, the light in the kitchen illuminating his blank face and revealing it clearly for his lover to see.

With eyes widening in horror, Frank stood there frozen to the spot in a mix of both shock and heartbreak. The tears that had remained unshed began to finally pour down his cheeks to make up for their late arrival as his whole body shook in violent sobs that burst forth from his lips and tore through the house.

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The identity of his kidnapper, his rapist, his baby daddy was the very person who had been entrusted to watch his children from the start, had been left alone in the house with them, fed them and cleaned them! The identity of his kidnapper was the only other person after his friends turned up missing he could call a companion, who soon became his first crush, and then his first boyfriend.

Poison of the murderous Killjoy family wore the same face as the man he was wishing were here to hold his hand not two seconds. Poison all along had been the fiery red hair version of the raven-haired Gerard Way. To put it more bluntly, Poison and Gerard Way were the same goddamn person!