I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 118: Maybe Another Time

It was later on the day as the sun was slowly setting that Gerard chose to pull out his old sketchbook that Frank didn't know he even had from where he stealthily tucked it between the arm rest of the chair and the cushion beneath him in the lone arm chair. He seized a pencil sitting on a side table beside his chair and flipped to a clean page to start sketching. His long red hair fell over his face, shielding his concentrated expression from sight. The pencil danced over the page as it began to form into the scene that motivated him.

Curled up on the couch beneath a blanket was Frank with Venetia bouncing on the end by his feet in excitement at the “Chicken Little' film her mother had put on. It was almost time for bed, and dinner had already been ingested. With her twin at her side, she had begged if they could regard one last movie before bedtime, and was overjoyed when their mother agreed. Presently, the heroic tiny chicken and his friends were scrambling to get the baby alien back to it's parents in the spaceship. But all Venetia could acknowledge was how peculiar the ugly duckling, Abby, was behaving ever since she received a smooch from Chicken Little himself. “DA DUCK IS FUNNY!”

Lorenzo had formerly taken the loveseat solely by himself but was now standing beside the couch with his hand clasping his mother's in equal excitement. Runt, the pig, was currently driving a firetruck through the town of Oakey Oaks in a startling mania. All around them were aliens invading the homes and zapping their fellows neighbors into nothing. “LOO, PIG DWRIVE, MOMMY! HE BEG IN DA TWRUCK!”

“He is, isn't he?” Frank administered a tired giggle, finding himself too cozy to put much attempt into anything else. He beamed as Lorenzo shook his head in accord as Venetia pointed to the large TV screen grandpa had insisted on buying for them, both laughing with glee. Their joy was all Frank ever wanted, and even the small gurgling giggles coming from Jasiah in the baby swing seat set up right in front of him melted his heart. Now, what he didn't want to disclose however was that the entire time he felt like his family had been perfect...there had always been a portion missing...and that damned portion was resting in the arm chair by himself, sketching. Frank found it difficult to consider at Gerard after all that's happened...all the deceptions, kidnappings, and even more evasions. But now, he wants to be a part of not only Frank's life, but his children too? Frank didn't know if that was a risk he should be taking right now. Gerard and Poison have both shown to be letdowns in his life and the last thing he wanted for his children was for their father to be the same way. If Gerard wanted he could shatter his heart every single day for the rest of his life...but never his children's.

“I LIKE DA FEESHY!” Venetia issued aloud as she threw herself back against the couch to hold her belly while she giggled. The fish character in the film called Fish didn't speak like the rest of them since he was a fish and so he had to find other means of interacting with the rest of the cast which the kids founds amusing.

“I do too. He might just be my favorite.” Frank admitted though he found all the main characters to be utterly likable. Chicken Little was adorable in size, Runt was humongous but dorky, Fish was charming and Abby was the stereotypical young female that depended on magazines to solve life's obstacles.

Gerard raised his light brown eyes to glance through his red strands at his engrossed family before lowering them back down onto his sketchpad. He was pretty lackadaisical when it came to the background of the sketch but with his family he was putting more details into them. Drawing was one of his many capabilities and something he did a lot on his free time as a Killjoy before he met Frank. After their momentous meeting his life became all about Frank and almost everything else dissolved into the background. But so much has shifted since then. Right now he was on a trial run to verify he could be a stable reliable figure in his family's life. Gerard's viewpoint wasn't all that optimistic nor was he pessimistic toward this particular situation. He wasn't sure if he'd fail or succeed in the end. If he does fail though, he was going to need to chronicle memories such as these occasions for his desolate future with the Killjoys and thus why he found himself becoming preoccupied with sketching his family anytime they were too distracted to notice him like now. If his destiny was to lose Frank and be a Killjoy forever he'll at least have his sketchbook to commemorate the good times.

“WHOA, DID YOU SEE DAT!?” Lorenzo jumped in place, indicating to how Chicken Little got all the way up to the top of the building with the three eyed orange baby alien by using his red comb on the top of his head.

“Wow, I wish I had one of those.” Frank leisurely drawled, not paying that much mind to the film since he's seen it a billion times thanks to the kids.

Soon enough the film was done and the kids knew it was time for bed. Lorenzo stretched and yawned. “Dat good movie. Bester dan a Pwincess kill a dwagon.”

Venetia narrowed her eyes at him, catching his sly remark. “AN I DID!”

“NA UH, YOU CHEAT!” Lorenzo hurled back, scowling at her.

“Eh, you both better not start this again!” Frank prompted them as he sat himself up on the couch. Placing both hands out to ward the twins from getting to close to each other or else they might get physical, Frank notified them that the day was over now. “It's time for bed.”

“BUT SHE CHEAT, MOMMY!” Lorenzo quarreled, stomping his foot. “SHE CHEATS!”

“NA UH, YOU POO!” Venetia reciprocated but with an affront.

“Venetia!” Frank warned, but before he could finish Gerard's voice cut in.

“ENOUGH!” Gerard discontinued, his head still laboriously bowed over his sketchbook. “Listen to your mother, or else I'll give you two something else to cry about, and it won't be pretty.”

Everyone went mute. The twins were staring at him with wide eyes much like their mother was doing. Gerard's mannerism wasn't the least bit frightening, but there was something in his voice that registered itself within the children's brains that he wasn't someone they wanted to aggravate. Frank opened his mouth. “Wha-”

“Godnight mommy!” The twins exclaimed to Frank at the same time before compliantly whisking up to their room and without a single taunt to each other hissed below their breath.

“What the fuck...?” Frank said to himself in bewilderment the minute the twins were gone. Jasiah was slowly passing out next to him in his swing seat when Frank turned his head in Gerard's direction. “What the hell was that about?”

Gerard lifted his head and ran a hand through his cherry red hair to comb it back out of his face. “Hmm?”

Frank gestured towards the stairs with an open hand, his voice mistrustful. “What was that!? You just send the kids upstairs without an ounce of fight left in them!”

Glancing towards the stairs and back to Frank in puzzlement, Gerard gave him a slow shrug. “I'm...sorry? I just thought you needed some help.”

“Well, if I need help I'll handle it myself!” Frank snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't welcome Gerard's intervention...even though his method produced much quicker results. “I didn't need you before and I sure as hell don't need your help now, you hear me?”

“Yes, sir.” Gerard responded with an obedient nod, his eyes locked on his lover's sexy endeavor to being the boss.

“Good.” Frank replied unsurely, not used to getting the upper hand in their disagreements. These days his baby daddy was...unusually passive. Getting up from the couch, he straightened his tight shirt and disbanded his wariness from his mind. “I'm gonna get the kids ready for bed.”

“May I come with you?” Gerard spouted out, unexpectedly standing up from his seat, his eyes wide with prospect. He had knocked his precious sketchpad off of his lap and onto the floor without any consideration. “To assist?”

Frank paused in responding as he gently navigated Jasiah out of his baby swing and into his arms. “Um...p-perhaps not tonight. Maybe another time.”

“Oh...” Gerard mumbled in defeat, deterring his eyes to his shoes so his dismay wouldn't be seen. Even thought Frank granted him a chance to prove himself to him and their family, he still kept him at arm's length with a lot of things, including his body. “Maybe another time...”

“Yeah, maybe another time.” Frank echoed in an agreement before heading up the stairs to his awaiting children, leaving their father behind.