I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 121: My Pledge to You

Gerard's trial week was finally over, and yet his baby daddy had yet to approach him with his ultimate decision. To be honest, Frank was stalling because he didn't want to share how he felt about the whole situation yet. Even while he sat on the couch with a bowl of mixed fruits, made by Gerard himself, and scrutinized the older man seated on the floor who SOMEHOW was able to simultaneously play with all three of his kids, a power with which Frank himself regularly struggled to do on a daily basis.

With a pout on his face, the young man allowed his mind to traipse since he had nothing better to do what with Gerard urging him to detain his pregnant butt on the couch and relax all the damn time. The man was unreasonable! He wouldn't oblige Frank to do anything. Hell, Frank was amazed he was still even allowed to use to restroom by himself! In a way, he should have seen this coming to begin with. As the days passed during Gerard's trial week, Frank started to notice a development in the father of his children. He didn't recognize it at first until he was being directed to slow down and take things easy. A light bulb went off in his head last night while Frank strove to find sleep, Gerard was trying to regain domination over him again! In the beginning of the week he had been allowed to do whatever he wanted without investigation, but now the man was fixing up all the meals of the day, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, grocery shopping, yard work, AND raising their kids all on his own! Even now Frank had to clench his mouth shut to keep his jaw from dropping in admiration at his capability. Gerard was a natural at being a father unlike him! Hell, he was like superman at it! Nothing rattled him in the slightest whether it was all the demanding chores needing to be performed around the house, multiple kids hollering and wailing all at once, or Frank's constant vigilant eye. Gerard never showed a sign of tension. Not once!

How is that possible, Frank pondered to himself as he regarded Gerard blow against a giggling Jasiah's tummy, his little legs kicking in joy. Don't get him wrong, he cherished his children and his life more than anything, but even he got stressed occasionally. All the restraint of being a parent and an adult took a lot out of him at the end of the day, and yet it was a piece of cake for Gerard. Frank couldn't deny that he was envious that he wasn't a super mom for his family like their dad was...and it almost made him feel dreadful. Was he naturally suppose to be like Gerard? Was he suppose to be a super mom the moment his kids were born or was he one of the many parents out there that sucked at it? Perhaps leaving his family behind in Jersey wasn't a good idea after all...

“Hey, how are you feeling since I last checked?” Gerard's voice interrupted as he sat down on the floor beside the couch his former lover was sprawled on with their youngest in his arms. Jasiah clung to his dad's shirt with one hand and reached out with his other towards his mother.

“I'm fine.” Frank grumbled, refusing to maintain eye contact with Gerard as he reached out to offer a finger to Jasiah's outstretched hand.

“You sure?” Gerard interrogated a bit, his light brown eyes flicking to Jasiah's tiny hand curling around his mother's finger. He couldn't hold back a smile at that engaging gesture. “You didn't eat a lot this morning, so I thought I'd check in with you.”

“That's cause I wasn't hungry.” Frank shared begrudgingly, not seeing that choice as a huge deal. Their baby wasn't gonna perish or anything if he missed a meal. “That doesn't mean I'm avoiding food to prevent morning sickness or whatevers.”

Gerard gave him a shrug. “Well, I don't know! It's my first time going through a pregnancy. I have no idea how this stuff goes.”

“Trust me, Gee. I'm good.” Frank persuaded him before expanding his arms to take Jasiah who was now reaching for him with both hands. When Gerard rebuffed letting him go, Frank's eyebrows shot up fiercely. “Well, are you give me my son or what?”

“Our son.” Gerard prodded him, before gesturing to Frank's stomach. “Is it safe to put any weight on your stomach? Perhaps you should sit up instead.”

“Jesus Christ, Gerard, will you just give me OUR son!” Frank snapped vigorously. “I've done this all before, like you said. I know what to do and what not to do when you're expecting.”

Gerard quietly helped navigated Jasiah securely to Frank's hold who was ecstatic to see his mommy. Again, the red head failed to mask a smile as he studied the two holding each other with their eyes closed in peace. Peace...that was all that Gerard wanted in his life now that he had a family. He recalled promising Frank that their family was protected from his Killjoy family, and he meant it. He'd obliterate anyone that dare to jeopardize his family. But his brother, Mikey...well, he wanted to know what was going on the last time they met up and Gerard vowed he'd figure out something to let him in on his life. Frank would 100% object to the concept of Mikey meeting his niece and nephews but...Gerard didn't think he could keep them from him. Yes, Mikey was the leader of a murderous gang but he was still his brother. He would treasure his little niece and nephews, Gerard would wager his life on that, but he wasn't sure how he would ever get Frank's permission to allow them to meet. The mother of his children had every right to dismiss the meeting and Gerard wasn't planning on arranging a secret meeting behind Frank's back. Lowering his voice, Gerard mumbled. “My brother is on to me.”

Frank's hazel eyes snapped open before locating Gerard's face behind a curtain of red hair. His entire body chilled at the mention of his brother's name. He felt himself becoming distraught but couldn't allow it to display because his youngest child was currently snoozing on his chest. Forcing himself to lower his tone, Frank replied. “Your brother?”

Gerard nodded, his eyes locked on Jasiah's tiny foot dressed in a dinosaur sock. It was easier not to stare at Frank while he was coming clean. “You never asked about how my meeting with my brother went and so I'm telling you.”

“Yeah, but that's because you never said anything about it. I had no indication whatsoever that there was anything to worry about.” Frank resisted softly when all he wanted to do was yell. “And why tell me now? Why didn't you mention anything before.”

“Because at first I was going to lie to you. I was give him what he wanted because I know how my brother works and granting his wish would fall into my advantage.” Gerard conceded with a sigh before finding himself seeking those hazel orbs out for himself because he missed peering into them. “But then I remembered my pledge to you, that I would be nothing but honest with you from here on out. It was a miracle you even gave me this chance and I wasn't about to screw it up by lying to you, so I didn't say anything until I could figure out a way to convince you to see things my way...”

“Well?” Frank pressed, bracing himself because he needed to know what went down at this meeting with his brother and what he was going to try to persuade him to do. “What's your case then?”

“There is no case.” Gerard confided lamely. “I genuinely couldn't think of any way I could get you to see things my way and for good reasons, because what my brother wants from us is...too much to ask of you after all you've been put through.”

Impatiently, Frank delicately sat himself up now that he knew Jasiah was asleep. He needed to be perceptive for this conversation and lying on the couch was too relaxing. Fortunately for him, his son was knocked out just in time for his afternoon nap. “Wait, go back for a minute. What exactly did you two talk about that night you left?”

Like I said, my brother is on to me.” Gerard rehashed as he got up from the floor and took a seat on the couch next to his love. He tilted his back and relaxed his body against the cushioned furniture. “He wants to know whats going on with me. Why I left the Killjoy, why I took all money out of our grandmother's account when I swore never to touch it after she died, and where I've been hiding.”

Frank knew the answers to all those questions unlike Michael. “Because of me.” He breathed in a secluded voice, his heart plummeting into his stomach as tears began to fill his eyes. “It's all because of me.”

Gerard heard to quiver in his voice and instantly sat up to soothe the man. Reaching out, he seized Frank's chin in his hand and guided it towards him so he'd observe him. “Hey, everything is gonna be okay, you hear me? I won't let anything happen to you, or our family.”

“B-But how can you be sure?” Frank asked him in a broken voice, his glistening hazel eyes rising to Gerard. Lifting a hand, he clutched the older man's wrist in grief. “How can you protect us from them?”

Gerard gave him a reassuring smile, his thumb caressing the silky skin of Frank's cheek. “Believe me, I can and I will.”