I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 133: A Walking Phenomenon

“Oh my god, Poison!” Sable wept before covering her face again, only this time to hide the tears that breached through her eyelids and now flowed down her cheeks. His proclamation that his beloved Black Opal was the reasoning for him converting from an inhuman murderer to a human being capable of mercy overwhelmed her. Long ago she believed such a wish was lost on Gerard for he had been warped by evil for so long, but here she was today seeing a rehabilitation of the man everyone else gave up hope for, including his little brother. This man before her would sooner rescue a bunch of children from an incinerating school rather than be the one to ignite it in the first place. He was a walking phenomenon, and confirmation that a Killjoy could be stabilized and rehabilitated back into society again instead of depleting their lives butchering lives forever. Pride, not resentment, absorbed her as she sobbed behind her hands for her close friend having found genuine prosperity, something that no longer seemed possible for her anymore. “I-I'm so fucking happy for you, man!”

Gerard rolled his eyes at her, a confident smile on his face. “Yeah yeah, I know. Now come here you blubbering hot mess!” Pulling her back in against him, he gave her a idling hug that he believed transmitted his feelings for her. Out of everyone in the Killjoy family, Sable was always accepting and friendly. He never had to worry about her stabbing him in the back. Over the years, she'd come to feel like a sister to him, not because she was screwing his brother all the time, but because he'd learned to count on someone outside of his own bloodline for the first time in his life, and it felt amazing. “Thank you for being happy for me, Masika. It means a lot.”

“Don't get mushy on me either!” Sable quipped in the hug, her wet cheek pressed against his chest as she sniffled. She forced herself to smile through her pain, the pain of her baby daddy, Kobra, not willing to welcome their future child. “Someone's got to keep it together here.”

“Don't worry, I will.” Gerard assured her with a smile. His mind went to the appalling news that she was pregnant with his brother's baby, and his future niece or nephew. He was going to be an uncle now, and his brother a father. Those two had always been so wary when it came to protection and now look, they were gonna be parents! “Also, I'm very happy to hear that I'm gonna be an uncle to niece or nephew in the near future.”

“Seriously?” Sable pulled back to stare up at his face in astonishment. “You're not...uncomfortable with the idea of being an uncle to this baby?”

“No, why would I be?” Gerard demanded, arching a dark brow suspiciously. “What the hell did my little brother tell you now!?”

“W-Whatever do you mean?” Sable sputtered, her eyes avoiding his. “Kobra didn't say anything to me.”

“Bullshit!” Gerard griped, not believing her. His brother definitely said something by how awkward she seemed. “What did he say?”

Sable casually sighed as if what she had to say was of little importance. “Nothing, he just told me about that one time when you two were at school heading for your bus, you...wanted to set a classmate's newborn sister on fire in her stroller to hear her screams, that's all.”

“Oh please, I was...” Gerard deliberated, his eyes rising to the dark night sky and twinkling stars above them. “Actually, I don't remember how old I was...but I was young enough! I'm not that same person.”

“So, are you saying you don't want to burn babies alive in their strollers in front of their family?” Sable inquired with uncertainty written on her face.

“...not as often as I used to.” Gerard resisted, plucking his arms off of her to shove his hands in his pajamas pockets. Scowling, he gave her a shrug and looked away. “That's gotta count for something.”

Sable laughed at his grouchy demeanor. “Dude, it don't matter to me, I was just playing. If I didn't think my kid would be safe around you I'd have never broke into your lover's house to tell you about it.”

Gerard nodded in understanding even though he was still determined to assure her otherwise. “I really wouldn't hurt them, you know? I really have changed. Those unnecessary desires have been completely erased and replaced with...”

“Him.” Sable answered, not wanting to hear all the tiny detail of how exactly Black Opal ousted one of Poison's greatest delights. “And I believe you. You've already convinced me during this short visit of ours, but now I better get to heading back to the family before your brother starts tracking for my location too.”

“That fucking kid is tenacious.” Gerard crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. “Either that or entitled to know everything that's going on with everyone.”

“How about both?” Sable teased as she turned around to scale up the play set that was manufactured close enough to the fence and an overhanging tree that assisted in her surprise arrival. Readying herself to dive off the top of the tower and over the fence, she glanced over her shoulder down at Gerard's vigilant stance nearby. “Afraid I'm gonna fall or something?”

“You're gonna need someone to catch you just in case.” Gerard responded from where he stood observing her. “My brother isn't here, is he? And even if he was I'm sure he still wouldn't know that you're pregnant.”

“He's not the easiest guy to talk to sometimes. You of all people would know that.” Sable reminded him. “I know I have to tell him about it...it's just...not smooth every time I imagine it. It always ends with him dumping me or making me...get rid of it.”

“He better not.” Gerard growled, not liking the idea of her getting an abortion out of pressure from his brother who might not want to be a father. “He's either going to accept this baby, or man up and get over it!”

“We can't make him accept responsibility for this baby, Poison.” Sable pointed out. “He has a right to ignore it and me completely and move on with his life.”

“But he won't do that.” Gerard stubbornly insisted, not willing to acknowledge any other outcome.

“Oh yeah?” Sable drove him on. “And why not? Cause you'll break his legs if he does?”

“That too.” Gerard concurred. “But also because he loves you. He won't turn his back on you or his baby. He'd be fucking idiot to do so, and he knows it.”

Just hearing that Kobra loved her was enough to make her eyes fill up again. Blinking back to tears, Sable looked away towards the woods where she'd come from. It aggravated her to be told the man she loved loved her too when he's never declared any romantic interest other than sex and lackadaisical displays of affection that always seemed so...forced. “Your brother still wants access into your life...and your new home here. He wants to know what's going on with you.”

“I know.” Gerard sighed, his hands tightening into fists at his side. One way or another, his brother was gonna come for him. It was up to Gerard how he'd end up doing it.

“He's getting very impatient with you these days.” Sable warned him, recalling his brother's irate outbursts every now and then. The two Ways had always been together since birth and now they weren't. Kobra was having a hard time grasping that.

“I'm aware of that too.” Gerard nodded.

“So then what's your plan?” Sable asked him, glancing down at him only when she was sure the tears were gone.

“Somehow figure out a way to convince Black Opal to let him in.” Gerard shrugged dispiritedly. “But I don't see that ever happening.”

“I wouldn't blame him.” Sable granted. “Call me if you need anything.”

“You too.” Gerard urged her the minute before she leapt over the back fence and disappeared into the night.