I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 154: Ghastly Threat

Frank was feeling amazing for two reasons. One, his family was whole again with their new baby Milo joining his brothers and sister. Two, Frank was confident he was finally getting around to swaying Gerard to use condoms! It was a living miracle when the older male FINALLY slid the condom on the first time, albeit with a pout, it was something he could never be convinced to do before. Perhaps he could have gotten Gerard to do it sooner if he had only threatened to hold back sex from him unless he did. That had worked like a charm when he followed through with it. Gerard mutinied by trying to stay away from him for a night before giving in to his wishes.

Alas, his life couldn’t get any better...and that was the tragedy of it when Frank thought back to it, because this day took a turn for the worst when he went to check the mailbox outside. The twins pleaded to go with him because Milo was crying again and bothering them. Gerard was taking care of Milo and was being shadowed by Jovani who was still curious about the baby. Agreeing, Frank opened the front door and watched attentively as his twins took off for the mailbox. He caught up with them circling around it, giggling as they sped up to see which one of them would fail to keep up. With an amused shake of his head, Frank opened the mailbox to pluck the envelopes out. “Careful you don’t trip, you two.”

“OKAY!” The twins laughed at the same time, beginning to feel the effects of dizziness. Finally, they’re strengths will be properly tested!

Shutting the mailbox, Frank ended their entertainment. “Alright, we got the mail. Time to head back in.”

“OKAY!” The twins answered back again, but didn’t desist their spinning.

“I said now!” Frank cautioned them, beginning to walk away. “Don’t make me get your daddy out here.”

At the mention of their father finding out they were ignoring their mother’s decree, the twins quit and hurried to catch up with their mom...only to careen and crash onto the grass. Her hand landing on a pinecone, Venetia let out a piercing cry, her eyes beginning to swell with tears as she reared her hand back. “OWWWWW! MOMMY!”

“What is it?” Frank cooed, striding over to stoop beside her. He discovered the pinecone and picked it up to show her. “Is this what hurt you?”

Venetia nodded, tears already streaming down her cheeks, a red flag that the worst has yet to come. “Y-YES! IT HUR MEH!”

Launching the pinecone into the flowerbed against the house, Frank offered out his hand. “Here, let mommy see your hand, Princess.”

Extending her tiny hand to him, Venetia blubbered as she pointed to the mark on her palm that was red. “IT HUR MEH DARE!”

Over her shoulder, Lorenzo scrutinize the wound and frowned. “Dat’s it? You big baby, Netia!”

“NO, I’M NOT!” Venetia shrieked up at him, shattering into the sobs Frank had been working to bypass. Swiveling her head around, she howled up to her mother. “MOMMY! R-RENZO SAI-”

“I heard what he said!” Frank snapped, looking directly at his son who read the aggravation on his face and flinched back. “And he shouldn’t have said anything like that to his sister, am I right!?”

Lorenzo’s head lowered and he nodded. “Yes, mommy.”

“Go back inside with your daddy.” Frank ordered him, satisfied when he listened and scurried off to the cracked front door. Looking down at his overdramatic daughter weeping to the point she was beginning to gag, Frank righted her up onto her feet and installed his hands on her shoulders so she’d look at him. “Enough, Venetia! I know your hand hurts, but you need to calm down and breathe. Your daddy and I will have a talk with your brother about what he said, but I just need you to walk with me back to t-”

Venetia frantically shook her head, her voice beginning to hiccup. “N-No! C-Cawwy mee!”

“No, you can walk, Princess. Your feet weren’t hurt, it was your hand, right?” Frank reminded her, expecting her to want to be coddled. If she even got the slightest bit unnerved she always demanded hugs, kisses, and cookies. She expected constant attention from you until she was done and sauntered off. It was a routine they were trying to break as parents.

“N-Nooo, buuuuuut!” Venetia defended, extending her words into a drawn out whine.

“No, I don’t wanna hear anymore, buts.” Frank interrupted, before standing up on his feet and taking Venetia’s good hand in his. “C’mon, let’s walk together. We’ll take care of your hand once we’re inside.”

Unwillingly, Venetia took his hand and allowed him to escort her back towards the house.

They had just passed the threshold when Frank lost his grasp on the envelopes and they fluttered to the floor. “Great.” Huffing, he crouched down to pick them, instructing Venetia to head on inside without him instead of lingering to help. “It’s alright, Princess, I’ll take care of this. Go find your daddy and let him check your hand.”

“Okay.” Venetia whispered, hastening off to find dad and squeal on her brother.

Rounding the letters up, there was one in particular that stood out amongst them all. It was a black envelope in a puddle of white ones. Raising an inquisitive brow, Frank fished it out and noted that the front was missing an address and or any stamps. Wondering what was in it, he ripped it open and unfurled a white folded printer paper to reveal a letter made up of words cut out from magazines and glued to the paper. His hazel eyes skimmed the straightforward message and then fell back onto his behind due to the dread filling his stomach weighing him down. “W-What…?”

We’re coming for you. You, and your family floating face down in a dark red sea made of your own blood.

Frank had to swallow hard to keep the nausea down. Who the hell had sent this letter? Turning it back and forth, and upside down, he couldn’t decipher any sender or clue of who the owner had been. As his mind jostled to solve the mystery of who the culprit was, a ringing voice among them all shrieked only one name that stood out. The Killjoys.

Shaking his head, Frank closed his eyes and turned his head, not wanting to think of that group of murdering psychopaths. No, they were history in his books, and Gerard’s too. His lover had retired their little band and that was it! There was nothing more to be said...but then who else could have written this letter. It was devised in the same style as a ransom note from criminals that didn’t want to use their own signature to be identified. The Killjoys were a group of criminals too!

But that can’t be the only connection, could it? That wasn’t the only data he could go on? Which brings up the same question as before. Then who?

Calming his stampeding heart, Frank forced himself back up to his feet and retreated outside. Striding with a purpose he didn’t know he had left in him, he shredded the letter into pieces and tossed it into the garbage bin that had yet to be picked up. Slamming the lid back down, Frank whirled around and walked back to his house, his mind whizzing.

If that letter had indeed come from the Killjoy family, then that’s the last word they were gonna have. There was no way he was going to allow that ghastly threat to enter the home where his children slept and where his newly reformed man protected their family. Gerard was doing his best to change his way and be the family man he promised to become, if he were to see that letter God knew what the man would do next! The last time he encountered a Killjoy they ended up in a terrible brawl and...Frank couldn’t bear it if Gerard was harmed again. Tearing up the letter and throwing it out was the best choice he could make for them both. Nothing was going to destroy his family, nothing!

Upon entering the house, Frank straightened his clothes, and hair and took a deep breath before venturing further. He had no idea how he was going to play off the letter he had just read, but luckily, Gerard made it easy. Slowly meandering from the kitchen to the living room, Gerard had a blubbering Venetia in his arm, showering her with kisses and words of love. THIS HERE! This was the reason their daughter was such a spoiled princess! Throwing his arms up, Frank called out. “Gerard, are you serious right now? We just talked about this, man!”

“I can’t help it!” Gerard complained, coddling the little girl and kissing the top of her head. With puppy dog eyes, he looked to Frank. “She’s my little Princess.”