I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 158: Forte

Gerard got out of a taxi in the dead of night and started to a shadowy park that was encompassed by a broad forest. Fences were put up to keep little kids from straggling into those woods and getting lost. Now for an adult like him, hopping the fence was an easy task, and he did it with ease. Stowing his hands back into his black leather jacket, he traipsed through the forest in silence, lost in his own thoughts.

The secret that Frank had been keeping from him had finally been brought to light a few nights ago. The Killjoys had been dispatching threatening letters through the mail to his family, and his lover had shouldered the strain of them alone. At first, Gerard didn’t understand why. Did his Frankie trust him so little? Was it because he had kidnapped him and made him his against his will years ago? Was it because he wouldn’t give him up and move on with his life?

He had been outraged with all of those questions churning through his mind the following day. Frank was still feeling under the weather so after obtaining the mail he was bedridden for the rest of the day. Gerard looked after the kids on his own and was relieved for it. Seeing Frank would only cause a confrontation that would end in a fight. As frantic as Gerard was to find answers, bickering with the man he loved wasn’t the way he wanted to go about it. And so since Frank wasn’t an option, there was the only other person he could go to.

Halting in his steps, Gerard coldly greeted the man he had set up to meet tonight. “Little brother.”

“Big brother.” Mikey saluted him with a nod from where he sat on the immense trunk of a fallen tree. “You wanted to see me?”

“You’re damn right I do.” Gerard spat, charging forward so he could try and put his hands on him until the sight of another shifted out of the corner of his eyes. Swiveling his gaze, he identified Masika coming out from behind a tree dressed in black like him and his brother. “Masika? What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean ‘what are you doing here?’ I’m always with your brother, you know that.” Masika reminded him, jerking a thumb in Mikey’s direction.

“She’s my fiance. Where I go, she goes.” Mikey remarked, one arm rested on his bent knee as he inspected his brother’s rigorous stance and tempered air. Arching a brow, he asked. “You’re angry with me again. What for this time?”

Brought back to the imperative issue, Gerard directed his attention and rage on his little brother as he seethed. “You little fucking asshole, you know exactly what the fuck you’ve been doing to me and my Frankie! I oughta kill you with my bare hands right fucking now!”

“Wait a minute!” Masika interjected, hurling herself to stand between the two men to thwart Gerard’s murderous rampage. She held up both hands towards his chest to keep him at bay. “Hold it right there, Poison!”

“Step away from her!” Mikey bellowed at him, leaping from his spot to wrench Masika by her arm away from his brother so they now stood toe-to-toe. “If you touch her, your disfigured corpse will be found by a kid lost in these woods weeks from now. Don’t test me, big brother. You won’t like it.”

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t going to hack her limb from limb. I’m saving that specialty all for you!” Gerard guaranteed him in a perverse whisper with barely controlled rage.

“Enough you two! Can’t we all just sit and talk like normal people for once?!” Masika inserted herself again, slotting her hands between them to propel them back. She felt Mikey move freely for her sake, but Gerard resided like a concrete wall, immovable. Letting that be, she navigated her hands to his upper arm and interrogated him lightly. “Gee, what the hell is going on? What do you think your brother did?”

“You know exactly what he’s been up to, Masika! You’re around him all the time like you said! You’re probably in on it too!” Gerard ranted, throwing his hands up in resentment. “What the fuck I don’t get is why you think I was going to let all these threatening letter continue? Did you really think I’ve gone that soft already?”

“Threatening letters?” Mikey echoed, perplexed. “What fucking letters?”

“We never sent you threatening letters!” Masika disputed, insulted that he would believe such a thing. “Why the fuck would we do that in the first place? I don’t know about you, Gee, but sending threatening letters to you and Frank isn’t my idea of amusement.”

“Yeah, that’s like something I would do if I was a 12 years old Killjoy, man.” Mikey added with a deploring shake of his head. “If I wanted to frighten you or your Black Opal I wouldn’t send you little scary love letters, now would I?”

Gerard detested to admit it, but his brother was 100% right. Threatening letters weren’t Mikey's or Masika’s forte. If they were going to terrorize his family it was going to be by doing something more considerable than pasting letters onto construction paper...like setting a bomb off in their car in their driveway, or simply holding them hostage in their home and torturing them for days. But if it wasn’t them then who? Frowning to himself, Gerard shook his head in confusion. “If neither one of you sent those letters to us then who did?”

“I don’t know.” Mikey shrugged. “Did you bring any of these letters with you for show and tell?”

“No.” Gerard shook his head. “Frank had been disposing them before I ever found out. I only discovered them last night.”

“Well, if you can get your hands on one of them for us, maybe we can help you find out who is doing this or at least if they’re one of us.” Masika instructed him.

Exhaling a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, Gerard closed his eyes with relief. The culprit wasn’t his little brother, or his good friend Masika. If it had been and he was forced to kill them, his heart would never fully restore from it. “Thank you...so much for this, you guys. I, uh, I know I don’t deserve it after, you know, wanting to kill you and all.”

Mikey waved his atonement off. “It ain’t nothing. It’s how we are. I don’t take it personally anymore.”

“When did you guys start receiving these letters?” Masika delved into, wanting to hear more about these baffling letters hounding Gerard and his lover.

“I don't really know.” Gerard rubbed his hands over his tired face. “I’ll have to find out from Frankie. He discovered them first and has been hiding their existence behind my back.”

“Probably because he knew you’d react like this.” Mikey surmised.

Gerard only had time to shoot him a glare when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Fishing it out, he read it was Frank. “Shit, I gotta get back. Frankie is awake.”

Mikey rolled his eyes. “Yeah, we know. Frankie this, Frankie that.”

Masika nudged him with her elbow to stop and smiled at Gerard. “We’ll be in touch.”

Gerard gave them a nod and retraced his steps back out of the woods. He called a taxi that drove him straight back to his dark house. Upon entering, he almost made it to the hallway leading to the stairs when the lights flicked on. Blinking against the brightness, Gerard lifted a hand over his eyes until they adjusted. Then he could see Frankie bundled in his robe, hazel eyes rimmed red like he had been crying not too long ago. Brows furrowing, Gerard whispered. “Baby, what’s going on? What’s the matter?”

“G-Gee.” Frank whimpered out, trying to hold himself together. “I need you.”

“I’m here.” Gerard went to him, placing his hands on his shoulders as he looked him over. “What do you need? Aspirin? Water? Do you want me to make you a snack?”

Frank shook his head as he locked his hands around Gerard’s wrists. “No, baby, I don’t need that. I just need you.”

“I’m here.” Gerard restated, drawing Frank into the warm security of his arms. Lowering his chin, he rested it on the top of his lover’s head and closed his eyes, his hands rubbing the shorter man’s back. “I’m here, love, I’m here.”

“I’m glad you are.” Frank murmured against his chest as his hand snaked down to cup over Gerard’s dick through his jeans. “Because I need you, Gee. I need you.”