I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 165: He Just Needs To Know

Marching the halls right outside the office of their leader, Kobra, took for himself, Pastel had a deep seeded secret she’d been holding onto for so long that would soon be announced. Before Poison had marooned them, they’d been sleeping together. When he left the house and never came back, rumors started to swirl that he had become a deserter. Kobra shut those rumors down and then threatened that if anyone were to go after Poison, they’d have to deal with him first. Pastel didn't know what to believe, but that soon became the least of her worries.

Pastel found out she was pregnant. Terrified beyond belief that she was to become a mother for the first time in her life, Pastel kept the secret to herself until she figured out what she should do about it. That very night she had decided to tell Poison the news, and ONLY Poison, but he never came home. As the days went on, her biggest dilemma was no longer whether she was going to keep the baby, but when he would return so she could tell him they were going to be a family.

Undergoing an abortion had been a short-lived option that was immediately thwarted because she wanted to talk to Poison first, but since he took so long to return she began to fall in love with idea of being a mother. They would have to get married as soon as possible of course! She didn’t want their baby to be a bastard, she wanted it to have Poison’s last name. Smiling at her looming happy ending, Pastel quit marching to hover by the doors much like the other Killjoys were doing.

As soon as Kobra opened the door for him, Poison stepped out into the hall. He wasn’t surprised to see his former team members lolling in the hall. Their eyes snapped to him, awaiting his next move. When the door shut behind him, Poison checked each face in silence before making his announcement. “In case you all haven’t heard, I’m quitting the Killjoys.”

Basil and Azure gasped in shock, not wanting to believe the rumors. Appalled, Canary’s eyes widened as she and Rouge traded mutual glances. The other males appeared aloof, their glowering gazes never leaving him as they waited for him to make his escape.

Pastel opened and closed her mouth, not able to interpret his admission and what it meant for their baby. Around her, the team’s ire began to boil over, but she didn’t notice. She was focused on Poison as she took a timid step forward and reached out a hand to him. “B-But Poison…we’re your famil-”

Poison didn’t stick around to hear anyone out before he departed to where he was positive he’d find his belongings. Upstairs at the end of the hall were two bedrooms across from each other. Peeking through the cracked door of one of them, he recognized Pastel’s belongings. Opening the door across from it, he found his room. Kobra made sure there was a place for him even after everything he’s done. Not wasting anytime, Poison began to stow a few of his things in a black backpack he’d found in the closet. He didn’t have a lot of items that were special to him, nothing an average person would have that is. Everything that was special was thoroughly wrapped and tucked in his bag. Those items were his weapons.

Pastel flung the cracked bedroom door across from hers open and was stunned to see what Poison had uttered to the group was indeed true. He was packing his belongings up. He was really quitting the Killjoys! It took several minutes of Poison ignoring her for her to finally find her voice again. “Are you serious right now, Poison! You’re really quitting the family and walking away!? Just like that!?”

“I am.” Poison answered, not resting in his task to even acknowledge her presence. He should have expected her to follow him like she had, since day one she stalked him like a fangirl, but he hadn’t. He was too focused on getting his things packed before commencing the fight for his life that would either get him out of here or end his life for good.

Zipping around the bed so she stood on the other side of the bed facing him, Pastel implored with eyes filling with tears for him to reconsider. “But you can’t leave us, Poison! We’re your family and you are ours! You’re the whole reason we’ve been brought together like this!”

“I could care less about that. I’m leaving.” Poison replied, his voice sounding so nonchalant as he wrapped a pair of twin daggers in a random shirt from one of his drawers and placed it gently in his bag. The tremor in her voice nor the tears in her eyes threatening to spill were working on him. He truly didn’t care about Pastel even when they started sleeping together. At the time he needed something that was there that would satiate the flesh-eating desire he had for Frank so he wouldn’t go running after him like an idiot and jeopardize everything for him. Pastel was more than willing. She’d practically been throwing herself at him every chance she could since she was enlisted and was an even easier lay. No matter how many times he sought her out to scratch that itch Frank cursed him with, she could never graze the surface. Since then, she has become the biggest pain in his backside.

“You won’t survive out there, Poison! You’re a killer, just like the rest of us!” Pastel reminded him, trying to utilize anything she could find out of her arsenal to get him to change his mind. There was more at stake than just the Killjoy family here. There was an unborn baby...an unknown unborn baby. She would have to figure out how to get to that during this conversation, because right now just didn’t seem like the right time. Everything horrendous was happening all at once! “Those people aren’t like us therefore they won’t understand you like we do! You’ll be alone in their world, forced to be something that you’re not, that you’ve never been able to be!”

“I survived in their world before the Killjoy was ever created.” Poison reminded her, rummaging through his dresser for any remaining comic books he hadn’t ruined during his last rampage. “I can do it again.”

“B-But what about us!?” Pastel went on hysterically, her fingers tearing at her platinum blond strands in anguish. “What about your family!? How do you expect us to get on without you!?”

“You’ll be fine.” Poison sighed as he slid in his only remaining comic into his backpack before zipping it up. “Calm down.”

“Poison, you can’t!” Pastel sobbed, not able to hold back her tears as he adjusted his backpack on and strode to his bedroom door. “Gee, wait!”

But Poison wasn’t going to listen to her. He didn’t care to. He didn’t care about her. Throughout their relationship, he never showed her any romantic sentiments that should have her caring about him this much. He never wanted to. Pastel wasn’t the person he wanted to be with. It had always been Frank that had his heart thundering with just a glance. It was always Frank who had his heart pining over him. Pastel couldn’t make him FEEL anything in or out of bed, no one ever had except for Frank.

Poison had a damn good chance out there in the real world. How? It was because he had Frank. That boy made him feel more human than he ever had before. He could be a normal person that worked an honest job to make a modest paycheck and stay out of trouble. He could provide for his family without having to put them at risk in order to do so. He didn’t have to be on edge from the moment he woke up to when he went to bed in order to stay alive. He didn’t have to threaten anyone, kidnap anyone, torture anyone or slay anyone. All he had to do was love Frank the way he wanted to be loved, and be the father his children needed him to be. And Gerard can do that. He didn’t have to force himself to brush up on how to be human again, it was a natural transformation in the making. He just had to go with the flow, and that was what he was doing. Starting first by quitting his former life.

“GERARD!” Pastel shrieked loudly, her hands fisted at her side as she pursued him. Not receiving an answer from him, she became frantic. When he reached the doorway, she blurted out. “GERARD, I”M PREGNANT!” Pastel clamped her hands over her mouth and gasped, her eyes magnified in size as she gaped at him. She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe what she just let slip! This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. This wasn’t how she envisioned it unfolding!

Halting in his tracks, Poison exhaled loudly through his nose. Just being in her presence made the Gerard’s inside him shrivel up like a worm, and the killer inside him more prominent, and that killer’s immediate reaction was to slice her stomach open and play Doctor to find out for himself. Ultimately, it was a fatal game that would end in her death, but that was the point. Glancing over his shoulder, Poison glared hard at the woman he used for sex and felt nothing for. Pregnant or not, he still wanted nothing to do with her. Grabbing the knob on the door, he responded back with. “Good luck with that.”

Pastel stood there in silence as the man she loved exited the room and shut the door. Her brain was short circuiting as it fought to understand what had transpired. The more seconds that ticked by, the sooner she was to having a breakdown. When she finally did crack from the emotions, she was conquered by the agonizing pain of her heartbreaking. Was she dying? It sure did feel like it. Right now, she would welcome it for being a single mother just like the rest of the women in her family were cursed to be was something she didn’t want to become. She couldn’t be a single mother! To hold onto the last of her sanity, Pastel collapsed into a ball on the floor and whispered to herself a story needing to be rewritten. The story was about her beloved Poison, fully unaware that she was pregnant with their first child, and walking out the door not knowing that there was something worth remaining for. If he only knew about the baby, he’d stay and help her raise it together. Yes, that’s it! That’s what happened! He didn’t leave her! He simply doesn’t know! He just needs to know! He just needs to know.