I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 17: Accept Your Fate

From inside the house, Kobra was smoking a cigarette while trying to ignore the clanging of metal on metal outside, followed by the hollerings of the Killjoys fighting each other. Kobra was only 22 years old, but he had never felt like it. He more felt like he was in his late 30s, or early 40s babysitting a house full of ten psychotic deviants that had a taste for murder. God, how did I get here, Kobra thought to himself, before stubbing out his cigarette, slipping on his dark sunglasses and grabbing ahold of both his rifle and shotgun. He looked towards the group of quivering prisoners that were meant to be sold during the auction, and came up with a better idea than he originally had before.

Kobra freed four women and three of the teenagers on sale before urging them out the front door with a jab from the tip of his rifle. The frightened prisoners made their escape and spilled out of the house and ran straight for the woods. Unfortunately, they managed to get away unseen by the rest of the Killjoys that were fighting Poison and Sable. This ruined Kobra’s flawless planned and pissed him off even more. Lifting his rifle up and into the air, Kobra let off one loud shot, scattering all the Killjoys at once and receiving their attention. Kobra pointed one finger to the woods where the last of prisoners had just disappeared into. “Prisoners escaped. Bring them back, dead or alive, your choices. NOW GO!”

The Killjoys went running like a pack of hungry wolves towards the woods, disappearing between the towering evergreens. Dash was the only one that stayed behind with Poison and Sable. He was still determined to get his hands on Black Opal, when his boss looked over his shoulder at him. Kobra raised a stern eyebrow at him. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go get them, Dash!”

Dash let out a defeated growled and picked up his knives from the long grass, before taking off into the woods after the others. Sable wiped the blood from her nose as she headed over to Kobra’s awaiting arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his neck. “Smart move, my love.”

Kobra smiled down at her. “I know. That kind of fast-thinking deserves a reward of some kind, don’t you think?”

Sable let out a sexy giggle as she got the idea of what he was suggesting. “Of course, sexy. Right after you give me a rewarding kiss for protecting your brother from harm.”

Poison rolled his eyes at their ooey gooey make out session and headed for the other side of the woods to find his missing Frank. “Hey, Poison!”

Poison turned around to look at his brother, who was giving him a steely look. “Your Black Opal is becoming too much trouble around here. You need to do something about it, and fast.”

Poison didn’t respond to his brother. He simply stood there looking back at him. Kobra was the only one that understood what Poison was going through. His big brother was too ashamed to admit that he had made another mistake with Frank, and he couldn’t deny that Kobra was telling him the truth about Frank. With that being said, Kobra pulled Sable along with him back towards the house.

“Sable.” Poison called, watching her turn her head around to look at him. “Thank you.”

Sable flashed him a beautiful smile before she headed up the front steps behind Kobra and into the house. Poison let out a heavy sigh before heading into the woods to find his troublemaking prize. Frank managed to crawl a surprising far distant but had slowed down by the time Poison caught up with him. Frank eventually collapsed from exhaustion and let out an anguished cry in the dirt. He was so close. He was so close…but he HAD to sprain an ankle! Of course, perfect timing, Frank thought to himself as he curled himself into a ball to protect himself from any unsuspecting dangers in the woods. Poison watched him from his seat at the base of a tree. He found himself wishing that things were different. He wished he was normal, and had met Frank in a world where he was a human rather than a monster. Maybe then…

Heavy rain began to pour, soaking Frank to the bone since he wasn’t protected by any trees. Poison took off his red sweater, revealing a black tank top and rippling muscles underneath. He walked over to Frank and forced him to sit himself up so that he could prevent him from getting sick by wearing his sweater. Frank let out a cry as a rock connected with his foot, causing pain to vibrate through his ankle. Poison looked down at the foot and carefully pulled up Frank’s pants legs to see that the little ankle was swollen. Poison dismissed it for now and shoved Frank in his sweater, before lifting him up bridal style in his arms. Frank sniffled against his chest as the rain poured down on him and Poison. He knew that he was in big trouble for trying to escape, but he also felt that he could live through another four weeks in the dark room, which is where he believed he would be thrown in again. After Frank served his four weeks, he’ll make another attempt to escape again. What Frank didn’t take into consideration was that Poison already suspected that.

After a few minutes, Poison entered the house with Frank and headed up the stairs without a word to anyone. Frank peeked out from beneath the huge sweater to see them entering the hallway. He expected Poison to carry him further down the hall to their bedroom, but instead he took an immediate turn to the dark room. Frank originally thought he’d be able to handle it, but the faster they were heading towards the door the quicker Frank was filled with an old familiar fear. His eyes instantly started to tear up as he began to struggle in his kidnapper’s hold.


But Poison wasn’t listening as he stepped into his former room. He dropped Frank down in the same spot he did before and chained up each of his wrists. Frank began to hyperventilate and cry. Poison didn’t pay any attention to it, and walked back to the door without a single word.

“POISON PLEASE!!” Frank screamed to the top of his lung, trying to reach out to him as if to beg for his protection.

“SHUT UP!” Poison screamed back, silencing Frank like a slap to the face. Frank crawled back in fear and covered his face with his arms while bring his knees up to his chest. Poison didn’t show any remorse as he slam the door behind him and locked Frank inside.


Frank had no choice but to wait out his torture for another few weeks, but that didn’t mean he was happy about it. Frank spent the next four days screaming and sobbing until his voice was raw. He stopped talking to everyone that came into his room for his buckets. He expected Poison to come back, and feed him something, but he never saw him after the first day. The only person that took care of him now was Poison’s roommates and Sable. She was the only one that came in to make sure he was fed and given water. She would bring in two plates and sit with him to eat. She never spoke to him, or looked at him, she would just eat her food, and then leave when they were both finished. After a week of silence, Frank decided that maybe she was kinder than the rest of the others that constantly called him names and threaten to kill him whenever they had to change his disgusting buckets. He couldn’t blame them for wanting him dead.

“P-Please let m-me go.” Frank hoarsely pleaded to Sable one day as they ate pasta together.

She didn’t look at him but she did respond. “No. Ask me again and you won’t get to eat for the next few days.”

Frank looked down at his food in despair, before looking back at her again in hopes that she could at least talk to him. “Am I going to die in here? Or will he come for me?”

Sable shrugged while she chewed on some creamy pasta. “I don’t think he’ll let you die in here. I’m sure he’ll come when he thinks you’re ready to accept your fate.”

Frank frowned at her, trying to keep his words polite so that she wouldn’t abruptly leave.” My fate? What’s my fate?”

“To stop messing around and accept that you belong with us now. With him.” Sable explained, taking a few gulps of her fruit punch drink.

“No, I belong at home, with my family. I don’t belong here, none of those people that were in that metal room with me in the beginning belonged here either.” Frank argued, losing his patience.

Sable snorted. “Well, they sure as hell don’t belong out there killing innocent people, now do they?”

“I don’t belong here.” Frank stubbornly repeated, ignoring her remark as he watched her look at him through her gold and silver mask. She swallowed the last of her pasta and placed her fork on her plate.

“Yes, you do. I know it doesn’t seem that way, but you’ll get it soon or later. Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes.”

Frank’s eyes widen in shock and disbelief. “Wait….a-are you saying-“

Sable nodded. “I was a prisoner too once, but I’m not anymore.”

Frank shook his head. “I don’t understand, why are you still here?”

Sable smiled softly in thought. “Well, I fell in love with my kidnapper.”