I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 192: To Be Parents Again

The day Michael Way discovered that his brother was secretly a father and had never told him fell on a day of what was meant to be one of relaxation and bonding with his fiance, Masika, who accidentally let it slip.

Sitting in the tub soaking in warm bubbly water, Masika relished the cozy atmosphere of the majestic bathroom of some trillionaire they had hunted down. After the prey had been hogtied and dragged out of his palatial mansion, some of the other Killjoys had stuck around to revel in the ravishment the deluxe structure had to offer. Including Masika, who just about died when she saw the guy’s clean bathroom befitting royalty. Shedding her clothes, she helped herself to his extra large tub and made herself a bubble bath. But her mind kept drawing her back to reality…and the pregnancy stick sitting on the bathroom counter.

A used pregnancy stick.

Hers to be exact.

Okay, so maybe her justification for heading to the bathroom hadn’t been all about treating herself to a luxurious bath! Perhaps it had to do with nausea she almost took for a dizzy spell before recalling she was possibly pregnant. Again. Having been so caught up with being a Killjoy and being with Michael, she hardly had time to consider herself and that her body might be carrying another baby. But now that life seemed to finally have slowed down enough in this bathroom, she was able to reflect on what she knew. That pregnancy stick was positive that she was pregnant. For some reason, that confirmation made her extremely nervous which didn’t go well hand-in-hand with the nausea.

Why was she so damn anxious about being pregnant again?

Perhaps it’s because her relationship with Michael had done a complete 360 in reverse from what it was before when he had been reserved from her, unreadable and concise in their time together. These days he was completely transparent with her when it came to his feelings and was quick to express them whenever he felt it was appropriate. He no longer held anything at bay.

Everything Masika had once settled for forever being wishful fantasies had become a reality. Looking back now, it was hard for her to accept this new transformation in him wholeheartedly then. She kept expecting him to switch back to the old Kobra at every turn, only Michael never did. He was Michael Way now…a man she had thought died long ago before he became a man. He was full of tenderness, humanity, was easy to talk to, and super compassionate. Overnight he had mutated into someone else with less restraint and Masika loved it!

Masika’s life was a dream come true now. But that might all change that she’s pregnant again with their second child…and had no intention of going through an abortion this time. Her first abortion had been a mistake, something that she never wanted for herself but had yearned for Michael more. If an abortion was all it took to keep him forever at that point then it was well worth it. That was until she had undergone the procedure and realized when it was all over and done with that it had been the biggest mistake of her life. She’d taken lives before but aborting her own baby cut her much deeper.

If it turned out Michael couldn’t handle being a parent to their second baby…despite how often he talked about them having another one…Masika would have no choice but to leave him for good and raise this little one on her own. Squeezing her eyes shut, Masika let out a whimper at the thought and swathed her arms around herself. God, she couldn’t picture breaking up with Michael. She’d rather die first, but this baby had to come first this time. She already made the mistake of not letting their first baby matter, and had left heartbroken with her decision, even if it resulted in her and Michael reconciling in the end.

Jerked vigilant by the sound of one of the double doors to the master bedroom opening, Masika listened to the sound of Kobra’s combat boots march towards the bathroom doors and swing them both open to find her soaking in a bubble bath in the center of the room. A palpable smile instantly made its way across his face as he leaned against the doorway and wiped his bloody hands on a rag he kept hanging out of his back pocket. “And what are you doing here all by yourself, little lady?”

Grinning right back at him with her black bountiful curls piled high on her head away from the water, she told him. “Enjoying a bath.”

“But you’re alone.” Michael stated the obvious, his eyes poring over what little he could see of her naked body beneath the bubbly bath water. “You can’t enjoy a bath all by yourself.”

Masika wasn’t about to bicker with that as she savored him dispensing his own clothes as she scooted forward in the tub to make room for him to sit behind her. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Having removed only his shirt and kicked off his boots, Michael glanced at her before shaking his head and gesturing for her to move back to where she was before. “Bend your legs for me instead. I’d rather look at you than sit behind you. I missed seeing your face today.”

“Only my face?” Masika bantered as her cheeks flushed hot at his sweet words. She moved back to her spot and instead bent her legs to her chest to give him room. “I’m just kidding. I missed you too, Mikey.”

While in the process of removing his pants, something on the counter caught Michael’s eyes. His eyes lingered on it then honed in as he stepped closer to pick it up. The owner of this mansion was a single male who was a former playboy with commitment issues that recently gone celibate in the past months. There was no reason for there to be a pregnancy stick in his house unless… “Masika, what is this?”

Despite the water’s warm temperature, Masika felt her entire being go frozen as he held up the pregnancy stick she should have trashed after she saw the results. She didn’t need to tell him what it was because he already knew according to his face but she didn’t know what else to say. In a low voice, she told him. “It’s a pregnancy stick.”

Glancing back down at it, Michael read the pink plus sign and instantly knew what it meant. Yet and still, he needed to hear it from her. Staring incredulously at her, he asked. “Does this mean…what I think it means?”

“It is.” Masika nodded, giving him a smile on the outside while internally she was so anxious she wanted to black out. “I’m pregnant again. Well, we’re pregnant again.”

Now that he got the truth from her own lips, Michael was beside himself with a blitz of strong emotions. He didn’t know how to react to them as his eyes darted everywhere, and his body seemed to turn this way and that, in need of some assistance.

Seeing that he wasn’t freaking out like last time, Masika let out a laugh she didn’t know she was capable of at his silly reaction. Wishing to help the lost man, she opened her arms to him and welcomed him into her bubble bath. “Oh come in here already before the water gets cold!”

Almost doing just that, Michael dropped to his knees by the side of the tub and embraced his naked pregnant fiance amorously. He nuzzled his face into the warm wet crook of her neck while chanting to her. “Thank you thank you thank you! Thank you for giving me a second chance at being a dad!”

Masika embraced him right back as she grinned so hard her mouth began to hurt. “Oh, Mikey! Thank you for changing yourself for me. For us. I take it you’re happy we’re having another baby?”

“I’m 100% am!” Michael swore to her as he retreated back to look down at her with eyes glazed with tears of exhilaration. “I promise you, Masika, there’s not a lingering doubt in my mind that this is something I’m ready to jump into.”

“I’m glad.” Masika sighed blissfully, tears coming to her eyes too as her wet hands combed through his hair, making it damp. Her brown eyes took in Michael’s handsome features as his eyes did the same. After a while, she noticed he was sitting beside the tub on the cold tiles. “Are you gonna join me in here, or not, Michael Way?”

Laughing at her racy look, Michael straightened up to ditch the last of his clothes. Once naked as the day he was born, he stepped into the tub and adjusted with her to get comfortable. Letting out a sigh of relaxation, the couple stared at each other from across the tub with goofy grins on their faces and joy shimmering in their eyes. Slowly shaking his head in fascination after moments of reticence, Michael said. “Jesus Christ, I can’t believe this is seriously happening. We’re about to be parents again.”

“You better get used to it.” Masika ordered him affectionately as she lifted her hand out of the water to show off her diamond engagement ring with a wave of her hand. “You eventually wrapped your mind around this dazzler, didn’t you? I don’t imagine it’ll be too hard to accept that you’re about to be a daddy again and a husband in the near future too.”