I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 206: Talked Things Out

Gerard was just returning to the small table he was scheduled to have his lunch break with his brother at the Cafe when something sent his heart plummeting in his stomach and postponing his steps. Where he had last seen his brother was only a vacant chair now. Across from that was his husband in the flesh, looking despondently down at the coffee cup on the cafe table. In Gerard’s heart and soul he knew that Frank had crossed paths with his brother while he’d been occupied. The last time they had spoken had been on the phone probably two hours ago and his husband had been in much brighter spirits compared to now.

Fearing the worst, Gerard strode over to the little cafe table with his hands fisted at his sides and his steps rapid with purpose. His light brown eyes were already blazing with bitterness towards his little brother for distressing his husband when he parked himself right behind his brother’s chair and demanded with a growl. “What is it, Frankie? What’s wrong?”

Startled by his husband’s sudden and unremembered arrival, Frank’s wide hazel eyes shot up to take in Gerard’s face. Relaxing in the presence of the love of his life, the younger of the two managed a soft smile considering what he had weathered, and greeted him. “Hello, hubster. How was your day?”

Not planning to beat about the bush when it came to his husband’s hardships, Gerard rounded the table to lower himself into a crouch beside Frank’s chair. With serious eyes starting hard at him, the older male carefully reiterated. “Frank. What’s wrong? Why do you look upset?”

Not wishing to go there just yet, Frank elected to glaze right over his query. Returning his hazel eyes to the cold coffee in front of him, he thoughtfully notified his husband of his missing brother. “Michael told me to tell you he had to run, and that he’ll catch you later.”

Becoming impatient by Frank’s attempt at deflecting, Gerard rose to his feet to help himself to his brother’s chair. Reaching across the table, he took Frank’s hand in his and tried again to get some answers from his forlorn lover. “What did Michael say to you, Frank?” His husband tried to deter his eyes but Gerard steadfastly veered his body in their direction. “Did he hurt you? What happened?”

Seeing that Gerard wasn’t gonna back off unless he gave him something, Frank squeezed his larger hand reassuringly and shushed his worries away. “Calm down, Gee. Your brother didn’t hurt me. We just…talked things out.”

“Talk what out?” Gerard spurred on, yearning for word-for-word details.

“Like those threatening letters that were sent to our house. He told me he and his little murdering gang had nothing to do with it. That his fiancee is pregnant and he’s thinking about making a change of his own too like you did for our family.” Frank listed to him with a shrug, trying to remember all the topics they’d cover in their talk together. “That he doesn’t hate that we’re together like I feared he did nor does he hate me for you renouncing your Killjoy ways. Oh, and he gave me his number in case I want to work on having a relationship with him that isn’t built around hatred.”

Frank didn’t catch the relief washing over Gerard’s face that their talk actually went much better than he had originally feared. Hearing his brother hadn’t harmed or threatened his husband was the biggest alleviation of all because that meant he wouldn’t have to kill him for it. Resisting the urge to shout ‘hallelujah’ to the ceiling in front of everyone in his workplace, Gerard studied his husband closely.

Though his brother hadn’t caused his husband any physical harm, Frank still seemed…off. He wasn’t himself. Stroking his thumb over the back of his husband’s hand, Gerard inquired tenderly as he leaned forward in his chair. “Baby, are you…okay? There’s something else you haven’t told me, isn’t there?”

“I’m alright, Gee. I promise.” Frank assured his husband in a voice that sounded too far away to his own ears. Physically, he was telling the truth. Mentally, he was absolutely lost in confusion.

What the hell was he supposed to do now that both the Way brothers wanted world peace but he was too stuck in his fears to take a risk like that?

What Gerard and Frank were able to miraculously create together was too beautiful to jeopardize. So much hung in the balance in this decision!

“So…are you gonna call him one day?” Gerard tentatively asked as his eyes bored into husband’s deadpanned face, seeking even a flicker of emotion to reveal itself at any moment. Frank was so unpredictable right now, he wasn’t used to this lack of emotion.

“I…I don’t know if I will.” Frank confided in total honesty, his eyes locked on their linked hands resting on the table top. “I’m not sure what to think about Michael, the Killjoys, or anything anymore. My mind is just one big jumbled mess right now.”

“I’m speculating it’s because you’re hungry.” Gerard surmised after glancing at the clock behind his husband and seeing the time. Rising from his chair, he extended a hand out to his husband. “Come on, I’ll buy you some lunch to help ease both our minds and empty stomachs.”

Welcoming the distraction, Frank took his hand and let him help him rise from his chair. “You know, I seem to remember that I came here to surprise you for lunch in the first place. I think you should be the one letting me do all the buying instead.”

Relinquishing all control with a grin, Gerard squeezed his hand and told him proudly. “I love you.”

“And I love you too.” Frank told him with love in his smile as they walked out of the bookstore side by side. At the mere mention of food, it would seem the conversation between the two of them had been shelved. But Frank wanted that to be so. He was starting to think this was a conversation that should be handled without his husband’s aid. Gerard already picked his side and it was with his brother.

No, Frank had to figure this out solely on his own.

Appreciating Gerard’s initial distraction even more, Frank leaned his head on his husband’s arm as they walked down the sidewalk’s busy street. They hadn’t gotten far when Gerard began to slow his steps, his eyes snapping across the street to an identical structure that housed more small businesses. Following his eyes, Frank inquired. “What is it, Gee?”

“I’ve just remembered I was meaning to tell you something that I forgot about until now.” Gerard began, gesturing with his free hand to a business directly across the street. “You see that building right there, the one that has all those cartoons painted on the big window out front?”

Frank nodded, seeing it loud and clear with its vibrant color choices. It was hard to miss compared to the others surrounding it opting for soft and neutral colors. “Yeah, I see it.”

“That’s a daycare.” Gerard informed him with a smile on his face.

“And?” Frank trailed off, not seeing where he was going here. “Is that supposed to mean something to us?”

“I’ve been thinking we could set both Jovani and Milo up at that daycare.” Gerard proposed, glancing down at his husband who’s eyebrows shot up in understanding. “With them across the street, I can drop them off and pick them up every day, and check up on them in between breaks. Maybe even take them out to lunch. And when our babies are older, we can enlist them there too if I’m still working here.”

Frank was highly impressed with his husband. With the twins in preschool, he had to care for the twins while looking after both Jovani and Milo at the same time. His parents couldn't always be there because they had their own career and lives to live, and there was no way he was gonna hire a babysitter to watch his kids while he was away. Smacking his hand lightly on his husband’s arms, Frank congratulated him. “Gee! That's a splendid idea!”

“Yeah, I know.” Gerard bragged with a shrug.

Ignoring his cockiness, Frank made another suggestion. “You know, there’s been rumors that my job is opening up a small daycare program at our building. If you do decide to get a job elsewhere we can sign the kids up there so I’ll be able to keep an eye on them too.”

“Seriously? That would be helpful!” Gerard said, thrilled by how much Frank’s job seems to care so much about their employees AND their families. “I wish my job was that welcoming.”

“You’re such a good daddy. One, I think, deserves a blowjob in the front seat of our car, wouldn’t you say?” Frank proposed seductively in his husband's ear. Giggling at the excitement on Gerard’s face, Frank then let out a squeal when he was suddenly lifted off of his feet and carried in the direction of their car.