I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 211: Perfect Choice In Words

“I love you, Masika.” Michael panted into his fiance’s bountiful curls as he laid naked across her perspired nude body. They were both breathing heavily within their bed late at night. Masika’s defined curls were strewn past her pillow and across her face, obscuring the likely amorous smile stretching her luscious lips. Longing to see it, Michael lifted his head up and tenderly swept the curls off of her face to see her blissfully happy and her warm slumberous brown eyes. Leaning down to give her faintly pinkened cheeks a kiss, he whispered to her. “I love you.”

Nodding her head because that’s all she could do since she was out of breath, Masika waited on her stomach until she got her second wind back. Until then, she closed her eyes and savored the feeling of Michael still lodged deeply inside her from behind with a soft moan.

Not accepting her silent response in replacement of a vocalized one, Michael pushed himself up by his arms and dragged his cock halfway out of Masika as punishment. Her shrill whine and hands fisting the sheets beneath her made him grin before he closed his eyes and gave in to what would be Round 2. He began to push himself back in when the sound of one of their phones ringing cut him off.

“Goddamnit!” Michael cursed as he completely pulled out of his fiance and reached out for his illuminated phone sitting at his bedside table. Highly irritated at being interrupted so late at night, he rudely snapped at the unknown caller. “What do you want?!”

Taken aback by Gerard’s brother’s outraged greeting, Frank jerked his head back from the phone for a minute before returning to reply. “Excuse me?”

Taken aback, Michael’s head jerked in surprise. “Frank?”

“Yeah, it’s me.” Frank answered with a disfavored look on his face as he lowered the pen in his hand onto the kitchen table.

Sighing in annoyance towards himself now, Michael ordered him. “Hold on.”

Setting the phone aside, Michael rose from the unmade bed to hunt down his pants, boots, and his Kobra jacket. All his ruffling around made Masika moan in her sleep from where she’d doze off in wait for him to get off the phone and continue with another round of hot pounding sex. Pausing in retrieving his phone, Michael silently took hold of the comforter that had been kicked aside during their lovemaking and swept it over his fiance’s nude form instead. Satisfied that she was covered, he retrieved his phone and stepped out onto the balcony connected to their bedroom.

“Alright, I’m back.” Michael let Frank know as he stared out into the darkness within the woods.

Not knowing what to say now that he had Michael Way on the phone, Frank blurted out. “Hi.”

Rumbling through the reasons Frank would be calling him, Michael selected one out of the mix. “Is my brother okay?”

“Yeah, totally. He just went to bed early.” Frank told him, fighting against the nerves that were fluttering around in his belly. He had decided to make this call, and now he was regretting he ever did.

“No offense, Iero, but why did you call me if my brother isn’t in danger?” Michael inquired with an arched brow. He didn’t know how else to word the question to sound less rude especially when his brain was still mushy from having sex with his fiance.

“Well, it’s…I was calling to…to ask you…to ask you if…” Frank stuttered, unable to get ahold of his flighty words and pin them into a full complete sentence explaining why he was calling him so late at night from his slumbering abode.

Sensing that whatever reason Frank contacted him was troublesome for him to convey, Michael made himself comfortable on the balcony by hiking himself up onto the rail to sit, his legs dangling in the cold air. “Hey, hey! It’s okay, man. Take all the time you need to form your thoughts together. I got all night.”

Taking his advice, Frank quietly rehearsed his next response in his head. He didn’t stop until he felt confident that he had it down to the letters. Within the stillness of his home surrounded by daycare sign-up applications, Frank began with. “Gerard’s birthday is coming up here soon.”

Michael smiled at that reminder. Naturally he knew this, Gerard was his brother after all. Killjoy or not, they never forgot each other’s birthdays. “Yeah, I’m aware of that.”

Cursing himself for starting his request so stupidly, Frank proceeded onward anyway. “We’re planning on going to California to attend Comic-Con together. Without the kids of course.”

Grinning even wider than before, Michael shared his approval. “Really? Gerard will love the shit out of that! He’s obsessed with all those superheroes and comics. I mean, second to you, of course!”

Appreciating Michael’s understanding of where his relationship with his brother now stood, Frank readily extended the invitation. “Yeah, um…I called you tonight to ask you if you wanted to go to Comic-Con…with us?”

Struck speechless, Michael’s eyes gawked off into the night as Frank’s words echoed in his mind, slowly registering to him.

Getting nothing but silence back, Frank frowned with concern that he may have somehow rubbed the younger Way the wrong way by inviting him to hang out with them on his brother’s birthday. He had no clue how that could be taken offensively, but it may have. “Michael? Are you there?”

“Y-Yeah! Yeah, I’m here.” Michael stuttered back to life, rubbing a hand over his disbelieving face. “Wow, um…you want me to join you guys in California, huh? Do I hear that right?”

Frank nodded to himself as he plucked up the pen he had set aside earlier and began to nervously fiddle with it in his hands. “Yeah, you got that right.”

“Are you sure about this? I mean, about me being there with you guys.” Michael had to ask. It wouldn’t feel right to just take advantage of this opportunity if there were still lingering doubts Frank had of him. He didn't want the guy to be edgy the whole time. “Cause if you’re having even a pinch of second thoughts on this it might end up jeopardizing this badass trip you got planned for Gerard. We both might be on uncertain grounds when it comes to one another right now, but there is one thing I do know we can both come together on. Neither of us want to be the ones to ruin Gerard’s birthday.”

This was Frank’s chance to back out of this whole idea he’d come up with in the first place. Michael was giving him that. The mention of his husband, however, gave him the strength he needed earlier during this conversation to push onward. “I agree with you and appreciate your concerns, but I’ve made up my mind. Yes, I’m sure about inviting you to Gerard’s Comic-Con birthday.”

“I see…can I ask what changed your mind about me?” Michael inquired with a smirk at Frank’s sudden transition.

“Other than my husband’s love for you? I guess you can say it’s also the fact that you’ve had plenty of chances to kill me and my children since Gerard quit the Killjoys and you haven’t.” Frank shared, opening up his heart and his worst fears to him. “Michael, you know exactly where we live. We’re practically sitting ducks under this roof, the easiest of targets!”

“Perfect choice in words.” Michael conceded.

“Yet and still, you haven’t tried to kill us. Not once.” Frank pointed out to him.

“My brother loves you, Frank. And now, that makes us…” Michael wavered for a minute. “Brother-in-laws. To murder you right now would be like murdering my own brother. There’s no difference.”

“That’s why I’m agreeing to go through with this.” Frank told him. “But I have to remind myself you are still a Killjoy at the end of the day. So if you have concocted some plot to assassinate me at some point in the near future, then for your brother’s sake, please don’t do it there in California on your brother’s birthday trip.”

Michael rolled his eyes at Frank’s request. He really thought he’d do something so callous and suicidal as to murder his own brother’s husband. It was ludicrous! But Frank didn’t really know him. Not yet at least. “I have no such plans other than to ask you…what my brother is planning to wear at this Comic-Con?”