I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 234: The End Of The Killjoys?

Sometime after their expeditious sprinting escape from the present Killjoy headquarters decreased into a reticent walk in the pitch black forest devoid of any other human life, Poison softly spoke up to state the obvious. “We’re not being followed...”

“I’m aware.” Kobra replied, having already taken notice ten minutes ago. After so many years of being master Killjoys, the Way brothers' senses have become hyper sensitive to their surroundings, the people around them and the animals alike. They knew the second they were being tailed by the Killjoys into the forest, and when and what direction they scattered to inorder to close in around the Way brothers. They even knew when the Killjoy began to fall back two at a time until there was no one left tracking them.

“Why aren’t they?” Poison curiously asked him, keeping his light brown eyes forward as they made their way to the main road where they would then make the trek to where he parked his car. “It’s not the Killjoy way to allow their targets to escape without putting any effort into apprehending them first.”

Kobra nodded along, remembering the very rules he put into place like the back of his own hand. Poison was correct that the way these new Killjoys were operating was very un-Killjoy-like, it was a fact that wouldn’t leave Kobra’s thoughts as he updated his brother on the not so subtle alterations he’d been seeing. “Things have changed. Both right before my distracted eyes and within the shadows behind my own fucking back.”

Stopping in his tracks, Poison turned to face his brother as he too halted in his stroll. This historic change in the Killjoys was pestering him like a shard of glass stuck under his skin. He couldn’t shake it off nor brush it aside for a later date or even the next hour! He had to get this off of his chest! As his brother turned to face him too, Poison shook his head at him. “How the fuck is that possible, Kobra? For as long as I’ve known you as the Killjoy leader, NOTHING, and I mean, NOTHING has ever made it past you!”

“HEY! Need I remind you I’M gonna be a father now too with my very pregnant fiance!” Kobra snapped furiously at Poison, pointing a finger in his face. “From the moment I found out she was carrying my son or daughter, it changed everything for me, okay? EVERYTHING! One would think you’d understand that!”

Ashamed he opened his mouth without thinking, Poison averted his eyes. As a father, he could fully understand where his brother was coming from. He had gone through the same metamorphosis when he met his husband, Frank, and got him pregnant. How can he stand here and blame Kobra for everything falling apart on his watch when he would’ve done the exact same thing in his shoes…likely much more worse and much MUCH sooner?

Silently, the brother simultaneously turned to continue their retreat out of the forest. Their minds were going back and forth from their loved ones, to the Killjoys. Upon recalling the war they’d just had versus the Killjoys, Poison remembered the state he found his brother to be in. It was better than being dead, but wounded all the same. Glancing over, he eyed the deep cut on his brother’s stomach that had stopped bleeding but had bled all the way down to the front of his groin. “How are you feeling?”

Kobra nodded that he was okay before pulling open the left side of his jacket so his brother could get the full view of the damage wrought upon him by the hands of Dash. “Just a bunch of bloody cuts that’ll heal and likely leave a horde of scars behind as a reminder of these dark times of ours. Lucky for me, your unexpected arrival prevented any more serious damage.”

“I did promise I would be there for you when the time came.” Poison reminded him as his eyes browsed the wounds as thoroughly as he was able to before his brother dropped his jacket closed again. “I wasn’t about to break that promise no matter how last minute it was.”

“I appreciate that.” Kobra thanked him in his own laid-back way.

Poison couldn’t help himself, he had to ask. “You said things have changed with the Killjoys. How so?”

Kobra arched his brows though his brother couldn’t see them. “Other than them watching me constantly like a hawk does to a plump juicy mouse?”

Curling his fist at his side at the notion of the Killjoys behaving like such barbaric psychos towards his little brother, Poison could only nod in response, not trusting his mouth to not go off into a tirade.

“Well, I guess the most noticeable and ground breaking part to start at is on the new recruits that I never fucking enlisted into the Killjoys to begin with.” Kobra listed the first leading issue with their once merry band of murderous sociopaths.

Stalling in his tracks yet again, Poison fought down a surge of irritation as he repeated incredulously. “New recruits you never fucking enlisted into the Killjoys!?”

Kobra nodded, understanding his brother’s growing fury with the updated news of Killjoys. Everything was going to hell with the group they configured together and protected all these years. It wasn’t easy to watch. “Not only have I not ever recruited those people, I’ve also never seen them before in my life! Your first introductions with the ones you met tonight were my first introduction as well.”

Poison couldn’t take this information. It was too much to accept all at once! Shaking his head in disbelief that this was happening to the Killjoys, that they were decaying from the inside out, Poison growled. “Jesus Christ, this isn’t possible! It can’t be! That would only mean…”

“That things have changed and it’s not at all for the better for the Killjoys.” Kobra softly finished for him. On the outside he was taking the evolution of the Killjoys fine, but on the inside, he was all twisted up about it. The Killjoys was technically Kobra’s first child, he nursed and raised the group to where it had been at its most successful. Nothing else mattered to him back in those days.

But when Masika got pregnant the first time, that baby became Kobra’s first and only child even after she aborted it. Now he had the second chance at being a father again and that little fetus Masika was nurturing in her body right now was his only priority in life, it was his second child. The Killjoys were a thing of the past, a once obsessive project that had been swept aside for his future family.

“These ‘Killjoys’ or whatever you want to call them are sloppy and reckless, Kobra. They aren’t like us at all, in fact they’re the opposite!” Poison shared his observation from his collective run-ins with these weirdo copycats. Turning his head towards his brother, he also shared his concerns with them since they were now alone. “They will be found out, and plastered all over the news if we let them live. Their discovery could lead back to us if we decide to walk away and wash our hands of them now forever.”

Kobra was one step ahead of him already. “Precisely, which is why you and I need to nip this infestation in the bud before it has time to spread out into the population.”

“And how do we do that? What’s your plan?” Poison demanded to know, impatiently wanting to get this new scheme into motion immediately so he could get back to his life of being a doting father and loving husband.

“We exterminate the Killjoys.” Kobra announced, glancing at his brother.

“The end of the Killjoys?” Poison whispered incredulously, not expecting this grave and final turn.

“Yes. A full extermination.” Kobra summarized with a nod, crossing his arms over his wounded chest, suppressing a hiss from the shots of pain as a result. “No life left unscathed or it’ll mean the destruction of not only our newfound lives, but also our families.”

Poison already knew the Killjoy would stop at nothing to terminate their families in retribution too, which only made him wanna turn right back around and slaughter them all with his bare hands if need be. Stabbing a finger in that very same direction, Poison growled with a thirst for blood. “Then let's go back there and end them tonight, RIGHT NOW!”

Raising a palm to halt his murder-hungry brother, Kobra firmly pressed. “Not. Now.”

“When then?!” Poison snapped, his impatience showing as he began to pace in place like a wolf. “They might try to get away if we walk away now, or send someone to follow us right back to my house!”

“Oh, they won’t do that. And the extermination will begin soon enough. We just need to do one thing first. We have to say goodbye to our families.” Kobra instructed him softly. At Poison’s confused look, he expounded. “Just in case the worst case scenario does happen and we go down in the fight.”

“That won’t happen.” Poison promised not only his brother, but himself too. “I won’t let it.”

“Do so anyway. That’s an order from your old retired leader and little brother.” Kobra commanded with a smile. At his brother’s weak smile in agreement, the two continued their walk towards the main road.