I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 32: An Outsider's Life

Frank’s last day alive was tomorrow, and Poison was getting more and more anxious, his stomach was starting to feel nauseous because of it. He had left the young boy passed out in bed to go outside while everyone else in the house was still awake so that they would get the impression that he was going on an innocent midnight stroll through the woods, when really it was much more sinister than that. The constant anxiety that kept him awake at night and haunted him throughout the day was finally taking a toll on him and was actually the reason he was pushed into making his current decision so abruptly and carelessly, which was totally unlike him to do.

Before he could get a few feet from the porch steps, someone else had exited the house right behind him, causing him to twirl around in place to see who it was. Sable stepped down the last few stairs and gave him a friendly wave with a sweet smile spread across her lips. “Good evening Poison, want some company?”

Poison ran his fingers through his bright red hair and let out an irritated sigh. “Not exactly.”

Sable’s smile dropped as she lifted a curious eyebrow at his dark demeanor. “What’s going on with you? Did something happen?”

“I’m doing what I have to do Sable, and I don’t need you or anyone around me right now, you got that?!” Poison warned her darkly with fire burning in his eyes.

Sable lowered her eyes in sympathy once she read the pain in his eyes. “It’s about Frank, isn’t it? I can tell by your eyes.”

Poison scoffed before walking away from her while mumbling beneath his breath. “Just leave it alone, Sable.”

But Sable didn’t leave it alone, in fact, she followed him. She didn’t bother to sneak around to make sure he didn’t know she was trailing him because she didn’t care whether or not if he knew. All she was concerned about at that moment was making sure that Poison was okay and that whatever he was planning on doing she was going to be there to help him. Poison ignore her as long as he could stand it before stopping in his track, still keeping his back to her.

“Sable, go home.” He warned her.

“Poison, I can tell that somethings wrong with you right now, okay? I just want to help you in any way I possibly can. What’s wrong with that?” Sable gently tried to assured him, while keeping a safe distance from him just in case he was about to become violent with her. He was known for his temper, after all.

“Let me guess, it’s because the boss told you to, right?” Poison estimated while still facing the opposite direction.

Sable shook her head. “NO, it’s nothing like that! Look, I know I’m in a relationship with your brother and yes I love the man like no other, but that isn’t why I’m out here with you right now. Look, I don’t feel obligated to care about you Poison just because you’re my lover’s brother. I DO sincerely care about you. You’re like family to me. If there is something wrong going on here, I only wish you would tell me so that I can help you.”

Poison turned his head to the side, taking in the sincerity and compassion in her voice. He wanted to believe her, but she was a Killjoy too. He would have to test her to see where her loyalty lied. “You want to help me?”

“Yes, of course. Whatever it is you need, you can trust me with it, I swear” Sable promised him.

Poison finally turned around to face her, his face blank of any of his previous emotions from earlier. “What if I need your help in taking a life to save another life?”

Sable was taken aback. “Taking a life? You mean…like an auction prize’s life?”

Poison shook his head. “No, an outsider’s life.”

“Why would you want to take an outsider’s life? You know the Killjoys don’t do that unless the protocol calls for it.” Sable reminded him.

“What if I were to tell you I don’t give a fuck, and that I’m leaving to go take an innocent’s life to save another.” Poison questioned her, keeping his emotions at bay so that she wouldn’t be able to read into him.

Sable looked back towards the house where the other Killjoys resided in, then back to Poison. “You’re talking about saving Frank’s life, aren’t you?”

Poison didn’t answer. He wanted her to figure it out herself if she was able to.

Sable let out a sigh and thought it over for a minute. As a Killjoy she would have to object to his plan, and be forced to prevent it from happening by killing him…but, if she were to put herself in his shoes and this was Kobra that they were talking about, then that would change everything that she has now been living by. “If I was in your place, and I had the choice of taking Michael’s life with my bare hands or…kill an innocent person in exchange, then I’d destroy as many men, women, and children I’d have to to save his life.”

Poison couldn’t help himself but smile at her response, and then mock her poor decision. “My goodness Sable, that goes against protocol. You could be killed by your Killjoy family if you were to ever go through with such an illicit plan.”

Sable let out a shaky sigh and placed a hand over her forehead. “I know right!? I can’t even believe I said that out loud, but I swear it’s the God honest truth, Poison. I’d do anything for your brother.”

“Yeah yeah I know. You don’t have to get soft on me. C’mon, we have to hurry, before the sun comes up.” Poison told her, gesturing for her to follow him more closely.

Sable smiled in relief that she had earned his trust, and sped up her step to catch up with him as they increased into a run through the woods together. She had no idea where they were going, but she figured it was somewhere important enough for them to be running around in an empty forest at night that wasn’t shielding away a single runaway prize.


“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Poison I can’t believe you fucking did this! You're gonna be in so much trouble if they find out! Jesus, they’re gonna fucking kill you, Poison!” Sable whispered in panic as she paced back and forth in a dark empty alleyway, while Poison was busy stuffing a small corpse into a dingy duffle bag they had found dragged over a dumpster along the way.

“I don’t give a flying fuck what they do to me at this point, Sable. I thought my actions just now were pretty much evidence to that.” Poison reminded her as he zipped the bag closed so that the body was hidden.

“Yeah but-“

“But nothing!” Poison interrupted her before hoisting the duffle bag onto his shoulder as if it weighted nothing, and then looked her dead in the eyes. “Look, this is going to end in two ways. You go home and forget all about what you just witness in this alley with me tonight, OR you go home and inform the rest of the family what I have done, but it better be ONLY after I have gotten rid of Black Opal! Take your pick on whichever fucking story, but you will not fuck this up for me, Sable, or I swear to god you won’t enjoy the kind of a shit storm I’m gonna be bringing to you when we get back.”

Sable let out a long defeated whine. “Oh I can’t believe you’re asking this of me, Poison! They’re gonna find out, and if it’s not through me than it’s gonna be because of that duffle bag you’re gonna carry into the house! We all know what it means when a Killjoy is carrying around a duffle bag, and they damn sure will know that there isn’t a prize in there because there were no runaways.”

Poison rolled his eyes at her stupidity. “I’m not fucking taking this back home, Sable. Do you really think I’m that stupid? I’m gonna stash it in the woods somewhere, and when the time comes, I’ll come back for it. The only thing you should be asking yourself is if you’re gonna tell them now or later?”

“Or at all.” Sable reminded him nonchalantly.

“Or at all.” Poison repeated.

Sable pushed her long black curls back from her face as she let out a defeated groan before looking back at Poison through dark glaring eyes. “You’re so fucking lucky your stupid ass has grown on me, you know that right?”

Poison smirked at her before grabbing the back of her neck to pull her close so that he could press a thankful kiss to her forehead. “Yeah, yeah I know.”