I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 43: Ain't That Something?

Meanwhile, back at the Killjoys former residence, the family of dysfunctional violent murderers were moving boxes from their temporary house to a small U-Haul trailer hooked up to an old mommy van that was parked next to a Geo Prism in the front yard. Just like their leader Kobra had predicted, it was time for the Killjoys to get a move on and with the front door being propped open with a rock, the boxes were carried out in an orderly fashion. There were short conversations here and there while boxes were being carted off, but when exhaustion began to set in they were allowed to take a short break in front of the TV that had been switched to the news channel. Azure and Citrus were both taking a break at the time on the couch when a new developing story popped up on their local news station. The girls weren’t paying too much attention to it until a picture of the one and only deceased Black Opal flashed onto the screen, and had them nearly jumping out of their seats in fear.

The girls leaned forward as Azure turned up the volume on the remote. They listened in as the Newscaster reported that Frank Iero Jr., had been discovered alive in a cabin at some vacationing lake spot that looked oddly familiar to the girls. They each shared a look of pure shock as they listen in closer to the story that seemed to be on repeat. As they sat there on the couch as still as statues, Dash appeared from behind them carrying a few boxes stacked on top of each other from the kitchen. He slowed down in his steps as he noticed the girl’s behavior and began to wonder why they were staring at the TV so hauntingly. “What the hell is up with you two? Did you idiots see a ghost or something?”

When Dash looked past them to see what they were watching, he instantly dropped the three boxes onto the floor, resulting in a loud echoing crash within the cardboard. His jaw dropped as his eyes enlarged in mutual shock. “Wh-What the fuck is this?” He whispered as he stumbled around the couch to drop down next to Azure and Citrus, who felt the same sentiment as he did. The trio didn’t know how long they all sat there watching the segment until finally, Dash found his voice again and shouted throughout the house. “KOBRA! KOBRA YOU NEED TO GET UP HERE AND FUCKING SEE THIS, RIGHT NOW!”


Downstairs in the basement, Kobra and Sable had just finished having sex in the dim cold room. They both caught their breaths as they rested their foreheads together and savored the last remaining presence of their fading orgasms. The couple were a bit sweaty, but it was worth it. Kobra had put Sable in charge of boxing up the important items in the basement when he snuck down there to surprise her, making sure to lock the door behind him. He had plucked her up and placed her on top of the boxes that were stacked and ready to go against one of the walls, and then took her right then and there. Sable smiled to herself as she ran her fingers through his short silky hair. “I love you so much, Kobra, you know that right?”

Kobra opened his eyes and smiled at her before he leaned forward to capture her lips with his, his hands climbing up her body to capture her breasts in his hands. Sable gasp against his lips before she heard him mumble against her lips. “Again.”

“KOBRA! KOBRA YOU NEED TO GET UP HERE AND FUCKING SEE THIS, RIGHT NOW!” A voice interrupted from all the way upstairs.

Sable broke the kiss to glance up at the ceiling as Kobra let an irritated groan and buried his face between the valley of her breasts. “Noooooooo.”

Giggling, Sable ran her hands over his bare shoulders and admired the muscles there. “My poor baby, it looks like it’s back to work for you once again.”

Kobra sighed heavily before he lifted his head to take in her gorgeous features one more time. “Can’t I just go upstairs and shoot them all? It’ll only take a minute and by then I’ll be back and as hard as ever. Think about it, no more interruptions ever again.”

Sable laughed and pushed him away. “Oh no, mister! You need to go up there and handle business because none of us can’t seem to do it as well as you do. I’ll be up after you when I’m done getting dressed.”

“Whatever.” Kobra grumbled as he put his shirt on and button up his pant. He then trudged up the stairs, sexually frustrated. When he got to the living room, he searched for the owner of the voice and found him sitting on the couch watching TV with Azure and Citrus. Eyes narrowing with hatred, Kobra strode over to the side of the couch to demand to know what on earth was going on. “What the fuck do you want that can’t wait, Dash!?”

Dash didn’t reply at first, instead he pointed to the TV with a look of urgency and fear. “Look…”

Kobra sighed and glanced at the TV to see something that he didn’t expect to see. He had to blink a couple of times to make sure he wasn’t seeing things but the image didn’t change. Right smack dab in the center of the screen was a picture of Black Opal above huge captions that read ‘Missing Boy Found.’ Kobra knew it wasn’t a coincidence that the kid looked exactly like his brother’s Black Opal, and that it was, in fact, the same boy they kidnapped months ago. Eager to hear the rest of the story, Kobra shoved Citrus and Azure roughly aside so that he could sit down on the couch too and listened in.

The other Killjoys that were walking by carrying boxes in and out of the house noticed the small crowd watching TV and how tense the air around them was. It didn’t take a genius for them to realize that something was wrong. Placing their boxes down, the group of psychopathic killers gathered around the couch to see what was causing the four such discomfort. They were shocked to find out it was the newscaster story of the night, and were immediately pulled into it. The last Killjoy to join them was a fully dressed Sable that had to push her petite self through the crowd to see what was going on. When her eyes caught a glimpsed of the story being covered about Frank’s reappearance, she immediately began to retrace her steps back out of the crowd. No one took notice of her until the segment switched to Global Warming and their planet dying because of all the pollution. Sable didn’t have a chance to escape the room in search for Poison, because everyone had turned their heads to look at her with a look of betrayal. Sable steps slowed as panic began to cause her to start shaking, and then it was only fear that she felt when Kobra pushed his way through the crowd to stand before her with a gun in his hand. Sable wasn’t at all worried about the gun in his hand, but rather the look of anger, betrayal, and a tiny hint of heartbreak on his lover’s face. She could tell he was trying to keep himself from looking like the weak love-struck fool that he truly was whenever they were alone together, even now that he suspected her of betraying not only the family, but himself as well. Sable didn’t care about what the others might think of her, and allowed her tears to start pouring down her cheeks the moment his thundering voice broke the silence to question her while he pointed towards the TV. “What the FUCK is going on, Sable?”

Sable opened her mouth to explain, but nothing came out. She had no idea what she was supposed to say at this point. She had finally took Poison’s advice a few days ago to stop worrying about the consequences of their actions and let him handle everything, and now here she was, finally caught and without an alibi. Kobra stepped forward so that he was now towering over her quite menacingly with an equally intimidating glare in his eyes. When the other Killjoys made a move to step forward with the plan to surround her before they attacked Sable, the now traitor, their leader lifted up his hand to order them to stand down and let him handle it. “I asked you a question, and I expect you to answer it!”

Kobra tried not to be moved by her silent tears falling down the beautiful face he was madly in love with. He waited for her response, but all she could muster when she looked up into his eyes with heartache was a sweet plea. “Baby, p-please I-”

“DON’T…call me that.” Kobra shouted down at her, causing her to flinch back and stare down at the floor in dispair. “Now, tell me what the fuck that reporter was talking about when that little shit should already be dead and buried in the fucking woods! Start talking, Sable!”

“Well, I can you right now he’s obviously not dead.” A voice spoken up from the stairwell. The Killjoys all turned their heads to see Poison leaning against the side of the stairs with his arms crossed over his chest. He had crept down the stairs when he heard his brother shouting, and saw that he was taking his frustration out on the woman he loved, Sable. As much as Poison didn’t give a damn about the Killjoy family, as his past actions clearly support that, Sable was one out of the two people that he could say mattered to him in the group. He wasn’t about to let her take the fall for his decisions, even if it ended up with him getting his throat cut in the end.

Kobra steps away from Sable to confront his brother, but she quickly grabbed onto his arm to pull him back to her with a soft whisper. “Michael…” But he didn’t care to look at her anymore, and yanked his arms right out of her hold, nearly knocking her over.

When the two brothers were close enough, the youngest one was the first to speak in a room full of prepared psychopathic killers waiting for the orders of termination from their leader. “What the FUCK did you do, Poison?”

Looking down at his little brother, Poison couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of pride for Kobra for being the man he could never be; a rightful leader to the Killjoys. After all Kobra has done for him for all those years, making sacrifices after sacrifices, he deserved nothing less but the truth. “What I had to do, little brother.”

“No, that was not what the fuck you were supposed to do you fucking idiot! You were supposed to kill that little shit, not let him go! That was your order, Poison, so I don’t wanna hear otherwise from you!” Kobra yelled at him, reminding him of his assignment in the past that he knew his big brother hadn’t forgotten so carelessly.

Poison simply shrugged. “But I didn’t do it, Kobra.”

Kobra couldn’t believe was he was hearing. He was hoping for an entirely didn’t answer from his big brother who knew the Killjoys rules by heart. He expected his reason was to maybe be like he was suffering from some kind of mental disorder that messed with his memory or his way of thinking, or maybe that his precious Frank was part of the X-Men and almost killed him while he was making his escape. Unfortunately, neither of those choices were it, and that only helped to put the pieces together quickly. Poison knew exactly what he was doing before and after Frank’s escape. Calming his fuming mind down, Kobra looked his big brother over before giving him a nod of understanding. “No, of course you didn’t.”

Looking at the other Killjoys over his shoulder, Kobra flashed them a celebratory grin. “HE DIDN’T DO IT YOU GUYS! Ain’t that something?”