I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 55: Kidz Village

It was almost the end of the week when Aunt Edith and Uncle Peter were to return home, and Frank was hurrying up the path to their rented Victorian house after work to see his two favorite twins in the world. His boss at his first job at the food court in the mall was kind enough to allow him to get off early for his hard work. The first thing on Frank’s mind was to see his kids, like he did every day before and after work. He hadn’t had a chance to see them that morning because he got called in early but now he was rewarded with more time with his babies for the afternoon.

His babies.

There was a time that Frank would have sooner die than call the two children he brought into this world his. The day they were born was supposed to be the day he finally got rid of them once and for all, but that wasn’t what happened. Frank couldn’t explain how his mind had changed so fast with the twins, but it had, and from that day forward he couldn’t imagine a day without seeing them or being around them. In the beginning he tried not to make it obvious to his parents about how he needed to the twins, but pretty soon after he no longer cared about what either of his family members thought about his sudden change. He wanted to be with his son, and his daughter. Every minute he spent with them made every moment of fear and pain he had gone through when he was kidnapped so much more worth it. It probably wasn’t the healthiest way to feel for his children, but Frank wasn’t going to deny it or try and sugar coat it. Lorenzo, and Venetia are worth every moment he was imprisoned. They were now his purpose, the ONLY reason that prompted him to get his life back together and face his fears so that he could become the parental guardian they needed him to be when he finally takes them back from his Aunt Edith and Uncle Peter. True, they were now considered their ‘parents’ but that wasn’t going to stop Frank from winning them back no matter how long it takes.

Reaching into his pocket to fish out his set of keys, Frank searched for the one that his Uncle gave him. Even though technically his aunt and uncle were his children’s parents now, they were still kind enough to allow Frank full access into their house every hour of every day so that he could see the twins. At first, after the twins were born Frank became worried that they would take Lorenzo and Venetia out of New Jersey and drive off to Pennsylvania where they lived, but they hadn’t. Aunt Edith and Uncle Peter elongated their stay in New Jersey instead of going back to continue their lives. Frank didn’t question them why because he was too afraid to find out that they might have a later date planned to return to Pennsylvania, and so instead he savored every second he had with his babies. A smile came to Frank’s face when he found the familiar key, and he eagerly unlocked the front door and pushed it open. He listened for the sounds of laughter and babbling from Lorenzo or Venetia but only heard silence. “Hello? Is anybody home?”

A thud from up above was heard and then children’s laughter. A full blown grin stretched across Frank’s lips as he closed and locked the front door and then scurried up the stairs as quietly as he could to see what was going on. He followed the sounds of giggles until they led to Venetia’s bedroom. Frank leaned over and took a peek through her cracked bedroom door to see Gerard lying on his stomach on the floor next to Lorenzo with crayons surrounding them. A smile came to Frank’s lips as he watched the two bond over art. There was a wave of gratefulness for Gerard Way the babysitter, not only was he super attractive but he was also an angel with his children. He couldn’t have chosen a better babysitter himself, and he was going to hug the life out of his aunt and uncle for their incredible choice the minute they returned. Gerard was currently teaching Lorenzo how to color within the lines of his coloring book while Venetia was busy decorating his black hair with glittery hair ties, neon rainbow hair clips, and her….oh no! Frank burst into the room with wide and frantic eyes. “Venetia, no! Give me that right now!”

Gerard and Lorenzo’s head snapped in Frank’s direction in surprise. Venetia jumped back out of fear, stumbled, and fell onto her butt. She stared up at him with wide light brown eyes before bursting into tears. Frank rushed over and picked her up into his arms, shushing and kissing her cheeks to calm her down. “I’m sorry, my love, I’m sorry. But you can’t play with this, you know what Auntie Margo would say, right?” Gently, he tugged the tiny tiara from Venetia’s hand, held it away from her grasp and towards the babysitter instead. “Gerard, can you please take this and put it back in the box on the nightstand next to my aunt’s side of the bed? I’d appreciate it.”

Gerard jumped up to his feet with still a frown on his face. “Yeah, sure no problem.” He took the tiny tiara only to halt midway towards the door. “Uh, Frank…are these…diamonds? Like real diamonds?”

Frank blushed as he held a whimpering Venetia against his chest. “Yeah, kind of.”

Tilting his head to the side, Gerard pointed at Venetia’s tiny form. “But she’s only a year old.”

“Yeah, I know.” Frank awkwardly admitted before he let out a sigh of embarrassment as he quickly thought up a way to explain without mentioning that Venetia was actually his biological daughter. “Look, my mom has a thing for babies, and well…she always wanted a little girl of her own too and…well, she ordered Venetia a custom made diamond tiara after she was born. There was a professional photographing crew that went along with it and dozens of pictures taken too. I think in some way she sees Venetia as her own sometimes. My mom is kind of weird like that.”

Gerard slowly nodded, before he left the room to return the tiny diamond back to where it belong. Frank had finally calmed Venetia down when he heard some loud babbling by his foot. Looking down, Frank saw Lorenzo standing by his leg and with crinkled papers clutched in each of his tiny fists. “Oh, did you make me something, handsome? Let me see.”

Adjusting Venetia more securely, Frank reached down to take the picture and lift it up to examine it. Naturally he couldn’t make out the first picture, but the second one was much easier to identify as picture of what looked to be both Gerard and Frank facing each other wearing black suits with blood on their faces. It looked like the two were close enough to share a rather…intimate kiss, and the sensual display made Frank’s cheek turn bright red and his heart rate quicken. Why was Gerard drawing something like this? Oh my god, does he have some kind of feelings for me, Frank wondered to himself in surprise.

“What are you looking at?” A voice softly called to him from the doorway. Frank jumped a bit in fright and spotted Gerard leaning against the door way with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face.

“Huh? O-Oh nothing.” Frank spoke too quickly while Lorenzo parted from him and began waddled over to Gerard who bent down to pick him up.

“Nothing, huh?” Gerard asked him before reaching down to pick Lorenzo up. “Did you give him the picture I drew?”

Lorenzo began to babble away as he reached out to pat his open palm against Gerard’s cheek, who merely laughed at him. “Yeah whatever, talk gibberish all you want, you can’t get a lie pass me, little man.”

Frank couldn’t help but laugh at the two of them bonding, but it was cut short when Gerard closed the distance between them. He was struggling to form some kind of sentence as Gerard looked down to confirm that he had indeed been looking at the picture he drew of him and Frank. His lips stretched into a small smile as lifted his eyes to Frank’s wide and fearful hazel eyes. “So, you didn’t look, huh?”

Frank’s entire body erupted into flames of desire because of how close Gerard stood in front of him. His mouth open and closed while his eyes darted everywhere, but on Gerard. He struggled to form a complete sentence. “N-No I uh…I-I didn’t look.”

Gerard slowly nodded as he looked Frank over with interest. “I’ve been thinking…maybe we should take the kids out to this place out of town called Kidz Village.”

Frank blinked a couple of times, but couldn’t tear his eyes from Gerard’s. “What uh…kids what?”

Chuckling at Frank’s sudden memory loss, Gerard flashed him a heart stopping smile. “Kidz Village. I was looking for a place this morning that the kids could play at that was safely indoors from the bad weather and found one. I was hoping you’d come by to talk about it this morning, but I guess you were caught up with work or something and couldn’t show up.”

Frank nodded with regret in his eyes. “Yeah, actually I got called in. I’m sorry about that. Fortunately, my boss let me off early so I could come on by.” He bit his lip, suddenly feeling shy. “So tell me about this Kidz place?”

“It’s an indoor play center for kids 10 and under. It’s practically a playground of a whole bunch of things like arcades, a giant castle, obstacle courses, and just everything really. They also teach kids different types of skills and stuff if that’s what you want to focus on, and they even have a restaurant when the kids get hungry later in the day.” Gerard explained as he avoided Lorenzo’s hands from grabbing ahold of his nose.

Frank couldn’t help but grin with excitement. “This place sounds amazing! Can we go right now?!”

Gerard nodded. “Yeah, let’s go. I’ll get the diapers packed and everything, and you can get them dressed.”

“Oh my god, they’re gonna love it!” Frank gushed as he stepped forward to grab ahold of Lorenzo from Gerard. When he securely had his arm around, he tried to pull Lorenzo away from Gerard, but he couldn’t. Frank frowned and tried to pull him again, but realized that Gerard wasn’t letting him go. Slowly, his eyes lifted to connect with Gerard’s who was much closer than he was before. Frank’s eyes widened as his cheeks once again flushed a red shade that made Gerard smirk. Leaning down an inch, Gerard intended to capture Frank’s lip into a deep kiss, but hesitated. It wasn’t right…the timing wasn’t right. Reluctantly pulling back, Gerard released Lorenzo to Frank and left to pack the twin’s diaper bags in silence.

Gerard wanted Frank more than anything at this point. It was like there was a werewolf of sexual frustration trying to claw it’s way out of him, but he couldn’t let it get out or else he’d ruin every chance he had with Frank.

He didn’t want Gerard Way to kiss Frank, no, he wanted Poison to have that kiss. After all, that’s who Frank knew him to be, Poison, not Gerard Way the babysitter.