I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 56: How Do You Fare?

It was late at night, and originally, Poison had wanted to sneak out of Frank’s aunt and uncle’s house that night to go back to the Killjoy house so he could get started on his plan to kidnap Frank, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk out the front door knowing he’d be leaving the twins sleeping upstairs alone. He didn’t know why that thought was preventing him from walking away for the night, since he’d be right back the following day, so it’s not like Frank would ever find out. Even then, he couldn’t seem to push himself away out of the house for some reason. Standing in the open doorway of the front door staring into the night dressed in a black leather jacket, tight black jeans, and a striped black and white shirt with his signature black combat boots, Gerard found himself retreating back into the house and closing the door behind him. He frowned to himself as he turned around and walked towards the living room. Before he lowered himself down to plop himself onto the couch, he suspiciously glanced up at the ceiling where the twins slept on the other side for minute. Once he took a seat, he made himself comfortable before he came to the conclusion that the babies being Frank’s niece and nephew had to be the reason as to why he couldn’t bring himself to leave them home alone. Even if he could get away with it, and he could, he didn’t want to risk the chance of upsetting Frank in any kind of way just in case it could affect his plan on kidnapping him in the future. Gerard would rather play it safe.

Letting out a sigh, Gerard lifted himself off the couch and was about to head back upstairs to undress when he heard the doorbell ring. His light brown eyes snapped in the direction of the front door down the hall, alert and suspicious. Gerard’s brain scrambled with the idea of who could be visiting at this time of night, and when the only for sure options that came up was Frank he instantly took off running for the door. Sadly when he yanked the door open, the smile on his face immediately fell. Standing on the front step was his brother Kobra, Sable and Pastel. Gerard’s eyes widened in surprised at Kobra’s blank expression, Sable’s smiling one and Pastel’s excited one. “What the…. Why the FUCK are you people here?”

The girls both jumped back in surprise at Gerard’s furious tone and looked to Kobra for guidance, but he only appeared to be nonchalant. “Why, we came to visit big brother, and see how he’s been faring away from home?” Kobra tilted his head to the side and glared at his older brother. “And how do you fare, dear Poison?”

“Fine.” Gerard gritted through his teeth as he glared right back at him. “Now fuck off, all of you.”

“You’re not gonna invite us in?” Sable asked him innocently, trying to peer over his shoulder to see inside the beautiful house they tracked him to.

“If not, we can just help ourselves in.” Kobra reminded him, flashing a knowing smile.

Gerard glared daggers of hatred at his little brother for a few minute before coming to a decision. He took a step forward onto the porch and closed the front door behind him, having already locked it from the other side. Turning around he pushed past them to the stolen car he was using to come and go as he pleased that was parked in the driveway. “Follow me.”


Poison was forced to drive his small Killjoy family members to the abandon house that he lived in in the housing community next to Frank’s aunt and uncle. He was currently sitting up in his ‘room’ on a dingy mattress working obsessively over perfecting the plan he was creating to kidnap Frank, all the while inhaling a shirt he stole from inside of Frank’s backpack when he wasn’t looking. He was hoping his stimulating scent that had seeped within the material would help get his brain cells rushing with full-proof ideas, and it did, but what he didn’t plan on happening as a side effect was a raging boner pushing against the zipper of his jeans. As much as Poison wanted to relieve the painful pressure between his legs, the juicy ideas were coming into too quick for him for him to look away and turn his attention elsewhere. His plan had to be perfect, and it wasn’t going to be if he wasted anymore time jacking himself off every time the thought of Frank gave him a hard-on.

A hand lightly knocked on his bedroom door, but Poison wasn’t about to answer, not with how fast the ideas were filling up the empty spaces he could find within his sketch book pages. He continued to scribble as he heard the doorknob turn and the door squeaking open, and then close. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was no longer alone. “Poison? Do you mind if I come in? I think Kobra is planning on having his way with Sable on your couch like he told us he would.”

Poison didn’t answer Pastel, and continued on scribbling, his long black hair hiding his face.

Pastel took his silence as a ‘yes’ and stepped further into the room, looking around. The place was completely empty except for the mattress on the floor, Poison’s leather jacket and his duffle bag in the corner. “Nice place you got here.” She didn’t wait for his response because she already knew she wasn’t going to get one. Poison wasn’t a talker, in fact she had never heard him utter much for a sentence.

Glancing over at him, she admired him from afar. It wasn’t a secret to the other Killjoys that she was sleeping with Poison, in fact, everyone believed that they were actually an item. Pastel never intentionally led them to believe it, but she supposed her always being glued to his side had something to do with it. She couldn’t help herself, Poison was an interesting and attractive guy. She liked the tall handsome quiet types, and knowing that he was the inspiration behind the creation of the Killjoy family was truly remarkable and inspiring to her. Turning around to face him, she tilted her head to the side. “You’ve haven’t been around much lately. What’s been keeping you from home?”

Poison merely grunted in response, his attention elsewhere.

Pastel smiled at him as she walked over to the mattress and took a seat next to him, careful not to accidently hit his arm and mess up his work. She wasn’t too concerned on what he was working on, but she also didn’t want to piss him off because she knew he had a short temper. While he continued on scribbling, she openly stared at him, admiring the muscles in his arms. She could feel her body slowly began to heat up from becoming sexual aroused, but she continued to talk nonsense anyway. “So uh, have you heard about what’s going down tomorrow?”

She heard him grunt again in response and watched him lift an article of clothing to his nose and inhale deeply. Never having seen him do that before, Pastel opened her mouth to ask him what he was sniffing, but opt against it. Trying to mind her own business, she continued on with what she was saying. “Tomorrow is the hunt for the prizes for the next auction. Are you ready?”

“Not going.” Poison manage to mutter before he brought Frank’s shirt back to his nose to inhale like it like it was covered in cocaine.

Pastel pouted at the thought of him not joining in on their prize hunt. “Oh, you’re not? That’s sucks.” Leaning toward him, she rested her chin on his shoulders and snaked her arms around his waist. “It’s gonna be so boring without you there.”

While her arms were wrapping around him, her arm gently brushed over a lump that caused her eyes to drift down towards his lap out of curiosity. She found herself excited and immediately turned on when she saw that he was sporting a hard-on in his jeans. A smile spread across her face as her brown eyes flicked up to his seductively. To her, Poison didn’t seem to notice that he had an erection for her, and so to bring it to his attention she lowered her hand down to cup the engorged flesh.

Poison flinched and looked up towards the wall right across from him. He was broken from his many ideas by the woman he’s been sleeping with since she joined his Killjoy family. Her hands were small and delicate, but they were nothing compared to Frank...at least that’s what he imagined every time she touched him there. How many time was he going to sleep with her and imagine his precious Black Opal was the one underneath him, being ruthlessly fucked by him? Poison didn’t know, but he wouldn’t be surprised if this time it ended the same way. Lifting Frank’s shirt that he gripped tightly onto in his fist to his nose, he once again breathe his scent in, obsessively wishing he could suffocate himself with it. What a beautiful death that would be, he wondered to himself, dying from the scent of Frank.

“You’re hard, Poison.” Pastel seductively informed him in a soft whisper to his ear. “Did you miss me that badly?”

Poison slowly turned his head towards her, his eyes connecting with hers through the black strands of his long hair. His grip on Frank’s shirt tightened.

Pastel smiled up at him, her lips full and inviting to any man, but never to Poison. “It’s okay, baby. Mommy is here to take care of that for you now.”

Poison broke their gaze to stare back at the wall across from him again. He didn’t want her. He had never wanted her. Sexually or strictly platonic. The only reason he started sleeping with her was because he was forced to let his Black Opal go, or else he would have to watch him die by the hands of his Killjoy family. Black Opal had left him in need of a fix that only he can provide. Black Opal had become his drug, his cocaine, his meth and his heroin, and now that he was back in Poison’s life there was a chance to finally score him another hit before he’d end up strangling Pastel during one of their many sessions.

“What do you say, daddy?” Pastel softly coaxed him, reaching out to brush his hair aside and tuck it behind his ear.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Poison lifted the shirt back up to his face, and with both hands, buried his entire face within the material to breathe in deeply. Pastel sat herself back up to stare at him like he had deer antlers sprouting out of his head because of his odd behavior. When Poison finally pulled himself away from the shirt, panting heavily, he allowed the shirt to drop to the floor before turning towards Pastel and pushing her down onto his mattress. Pastel let out a surprised girlish giggle that sounded like nails on a chalkboard to him, and began to eagerly run her hands over his torso as he hovered over her. Poison quickly worked her clothes off, not taking his time to tenderly touching her skin or admired her pale slender body. He simply saw her as a piece of meat that he was intending to insert himself inside of. Within moments she was completely naked, and he was finally thrusting himself into her until the both of them were lying naked beside each other naked, one happy and satisfied, the other still sexually frustrated and falling apart at the seams.