I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 6: Untainted Flesh

“W-Where are my f-friends? Are t-they ok?” Frank asked so quietly Poison would could barely hear him.

“They’re fine. They were dumped at a family park in the next town. You don’t have to worry about them anymore, the authority already have them. As we speak, they’re back in their rooms right now, dreaming away in their beds.” Poison assured Frank, watching him exhale in relief.

“My turn, how old are you?” Poison asked, tilting his head as he continued to study Frank, trying to memorize his motions and reactions so he’d be able to read him better, just in case.

Frank licked his lips and sniffled. “Uh, I-I turned 15 on the 31st. Why did you take me away from my friends? Why me and nobody else?”

Poison hesitated, before deciding to change his answer at the very last second. “I…wanted you.”

“For what!?” Frank cried, shaking his head; completely scared by his kidnapper’s confession. What the hell does he mean by ‘he wants me’, Frank protested mentally, feeling sick to his stomach. This disgusting pervert better not be thinking of touching me in any way, shape, or form.

“Hey, watch it! It’s not your turn.” Poison warned, silencing Frank with a tone that was just as sharp as his Bowie hunting knife.

“Tell me, what is your sexual orientation?” Poison asked Frank, watching him blush red at his invasive question.

“I uh, I don’t…I think…I’ve been...” Frank stumbled over his words, not quite sure how to answer him. To be honest, he’s never really thought about it until recently. Frank had always been the type of kid that was oblivious to relationships and intimacy, until he met Ville. Ville was a pretty sexually open person who always told his friends about his sexual exploits. Frank never really cared to listen until a month ago, and the more stories he heard the more it began to peek his interest. It also didn’t help always be hanging around Vic and Kellin who constantly dry hump each other everywhere they went. Their sounds of pleasure would replay over and over in Frank’s mind late at night, making him question his own sexual preference.

Poison’s brows furrowed as he tilted his head to the side in amusement. Did Frank even know his sexual preference, he wondered? “Let me ask more specifically. What are your past intimate experiences with the opposite sex?” Poison asked, waiting for his reply.

“H-Hugging and hand h-holding.” Frank stammered, deciding not to call Poison out on breaking the rules of the game. He’s the kidnapper with a huge knife, so it was not a good idea to try and piss him off.

“What are your past intimate experiences with the same sex?” Poison asked, expecting to hear loads of sexual adventures.

“Hugging a-and…hand holding.” Frank repeated and lowered his head, oddly feeling embarrassed.

Meanwhile Poison was staring at Frank in disbelief. Poison had seen the hazel eyes and delicate features on Frank, they were practically tattooed behind Poison eyelids as clear as day. Frank was a remarkable beauty, something Poison had never seen walk this earth. There was no way Frank went through his 16 years of life without so much as a horde of kids drowning him in kisses. Poison didn’t want to believe that Frank was telling him that he was a virgin, but for now Poison decided to humor him.

“I take it that means you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend waiting for you back home?” Poison mumbled softly, thinking to himself about how lucky he would be if Frank was actually a virgin. Getting to be the first to sample his untainted flesh would be everything and more to Poison.

Frank shook his head before a chill ran over his naked flesh. He was still wrapped in his towel which was damp from the bath water on his skin. Poison noticed this and got off the bed immediately, wishing he could place his hands and mouth on Frank instead. “I’ll get you some clothes.”

Frank waited patiently, before remembering that both of his wrists were cuffed to the bed. How was he supposed to dress himself? Oh no, that better not mean he has to dress me, Frank cried out mentally before praying to the heavens for help. He didn’t want his kidnapper’s hands on his naked body.

Poison slowly came over and looked Frank up and down like he was a hot supermodel laying naked on his bed. Poison preferred not to push Frank and make him uncomfortable by touching him, but he also couldn’t help but want to treat himself with the first feel of Frank’s virgin flesh. Reaching out, Poison trailed his rough fingertips over Frank’s naked collarbone, making him gasp and shrink away from his touch in disgust. Clearly, Frank wasn’t ready to receive any physical contact from him. Poison sighed impatiently and decided against touching him. He uncuffed Frank and escorting him to the bathroom so he could dress himself in privacy. Frank didn’t even try to escape, but when he heard the bathroom door closed, he knew he was alone again. Frank ripped the blindfold off and saw nothing but the familiar bathroom and some folded clothes on the counter. Without hesitation, Frank yanked on a thin blue sweater with some holes and some grey sweatpants. Luckily, his kidnapper left him some long socks to keep his feet warm which could help him if he succeeds on his second attempt at escaping.

There wasn’t much time left before his kidnapper would come check on Frank, so in a frantic panic, Frank searched high and low for a weapon he could use to overpower him. Searching every nook and cranny of the bathroom, all Frank could come up with was a toilet plunger. Frank stared at it in disgust before hearing the door knob turn before the door cracked open, revealing Poison. With a gasp and a tight grip, Frank charged at his kidnapper, swinging the plunger like it was a samurai sword as he screamed. Poison easily dodge the swings with very little efforts on his end, and was kind of amused, until Frank chucked the disgusting weapon at him. Poison cursed, before he moved out of the way, and landed on his behind in front of his closet door. Frank took the opportunity to find another weapon in the room, and miraculously found a small pocket knife on Poison’s dresser. Frank jumped for it, and managed to pull the small blade out before Poison unsheathed his knife and threw it in Frank’s direction, knocking the pocket knife out of Frank’s hand with amazing expertise. Frank was too occupied with jumping back at the passing blur of Poison’s knife almost cutting off his hand that he didn’t see Poison coming for him. Frank fought Poison off as best he could before Poison brought them both down onto the bed, his large frame laying across Frank’s tiny one.

Frank gasped and flailed beneath his kidnapper’s heavy form, which only elicited groans from Poison’s lips from their nether regions brushing together. Frank didn’t catch on as quick, until Poison grabbed a tight hold on each of Frank’s wrist and pinned them to the bed. Frank couldn’t see his attacker’s face since it was buried in the crook of Frank’s neck. In fact, Frank never actually took the time to get a good look at his captor the entire time he was swinging at him with a plunger. All Frank could remembers was that he had pale skin, vibrant red hair and a bright yellow mask. It was that man that pushed him into that shallow river in the woods on Frank’s birthday. The man with the red hair and the yellow mask was his kidnapper! Frank continued to put up a struggle; now having an idea of his kidnapper’s identity.

Suddenly, Frank froze. What made him suddenly stop struggling wasn’t the muffled groans coming from his kidnapper against Frank’s neck. Stupidly, Frank thought those groans were from his kidnapper’s attempt to keep Frank down and secured. No, what halted his struggled was the fact that his kidnapper was sporting a hard on and it was pressing against Frank’s inner thigh.

Frank had let out a small gasp before his body went dead still. He stared up at the ceiling with wide eyes and listened to his heart beat so loud he was surprised that not one patrol car heard it from the next town. Frank had no idea what Poison was going to do now that Frank had accidently sexually aroused him, so Frank decided to lay still so Poison’s hard on could deflate sooner rather than later. Oh my god, what have I done, Frank cried mentally to himself, cursing himself for being such an IDIOT.

Poison kept his head buried in Frank’s neck, breathing hot air against Frank’s pale skin. His green eyes were closed the minutes Frank’s hips had rubbed up against his, unintentionally of course. The feelings that Frank inflicted on Poison were almost too much for him to fight back. More than anything, Poison wanted to rip his clothes off and fucked the young boy beneath him right then and there in that exact moment…but above everything else, Poison wanted Frank to WANT him just as much as he did. Yes, Poison was a killer, and yes he ended the life of many people that he felt deserved it. However, one level he would never stepped down to was rape. The people he lived with, and the people he killed with could rape whomever they want whenever they pleased, but Poison wasn’t like that. He never wanted to rape ANYONE; it just wasn’t built in him. Frank was the only person Poison has ever seen that stirred his loins without having done anything.

Poison let out a sigh before allowing himself to take a teeny weeny innocent taste of Frank, by pressing his lips against the side of Frank’s throat, making him gasp in surprise. Poison gently licked and suckled the tender skin there, keeping himself reined back from devouring more of Frank’s exposed skin. Frank’s face blushed red and his chest arched up a bit against Poison as he let out a whimper. Poison focused and listened to Frank’s response, trying to determine how long Frank’s resistant will last. By the way Frank was breathing, and arching; Poison knew that he was affecting Frank, which pleased him.

Still, Frank wasn’t fully ready for him just yet, but that didn’t mean Poison would have to wait that long. Poison knew he’d have to be patient and intuitive to Frank’s reactions or else he’d have to start back over with making Frank comfortable with him again. If Poison does things right, Frank will open up to him, and when he does, Poison will be his first, and only.

Poison produced another blindfold and tied it tightly over Frank’s eyes. The young boy began to scream and lash out from beneath Poison, completely caught off guard. That action only told Poison that Frank must have had his eyes closed while Poison was latched onto his neck for him to be unaware that he was about to be blindfolded. As much as he wanted to smirk, Frank still needed to be secured. Poison roughly dragged Frank up the bed and chained his wrists down before grabbing a handful of Frank’s hair.

“You don’t want to play nice? That’s fine by me.” Poison whispered in Frank’s ear, his fingers in the silky confinement of Frank’s dark hair. Frank began to heavily cry when Poison let him go; falling onto his side on the bed to let the sheets soak in his tears. Poison watched him from his couch by the dresser, constantly running his tongue over his lips so he could relieve the taste of Frank on his taste buds.