I'm the Last One That You'll Ever Remember

Chapter 93: Give Me Something To Work With

Deciding to give Poison what he wants so he’d finally leave him alone, Frank eagerly answered his kiss back. He told himself the eagerness within himself was just there, so he could try and appear more convincing for his kidnapper but there was more to it than that that he would never admit to aloud to anyone! Secretly, deep down inside, Frank reveled in Poison’s intimate attentions, he’s always had from the beginning. This fact alone was something he tried his damn hardest to argue against for such a long time, but every time his kidnapper would lay his hands on him again, Frank’s entire body would sing like an instrument. Physically he adored moments like this, mentally he continued to remain in denial over them.

Poison eventually broke the kiss to sweep Frank’s shirt over his head, who sat up too to impatiently help with that, before the older man then ripped his own buttoned-up shirt open, exposing his pale muscular chest. He pulled his now useless shirt off and tossed both his and Frank’s aside before lowering himself back down to smash their lips back together in a mess of tongue, lips and teeth. Frank was greedy for more and wrapped his arms around Poison’s neck, too lost in their passion to realize just how adamant he was behaving towards him.

Together they both fought off each other’s clothes, not caring at all of who they were to each other, the difference of what they are or where they came from. They just needed each other, and that’s all that mattered to them set the moment. Despite the intensity of their need, Poison had to admit he was a little surprise that Frank was all of a sudden willing to have sex with him after so a year and five months apart. The young man had been pleading for Poison not to touch him not too long ago, and now he’s groping on him with the same amount of hunger and urgency as his own. “I knew you’d want this…”

Frank was delirious with lust so potent his legs were now wrapping themselves around Poison’s waist to pull him closer so that he could grind his own erection against Poison’s. His skin felt hot and a bit damp with the beginnings of sexual perspiration. His breathing was coming in in heavy pants as his hands ran up and down Poison’s back with appreciation of the pleasure he was receiving from him. “P-Please…need more…give me more!” Frank whined against Poison’s lips before the older man broke away to begin raining open mouth kisses down the side of his neck and chest.

Tilting his head back, Frank let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes, his fingers diving into Poison’s cherry red hair. He didn’t think twice about who this man really was to him, how he had come to even know him, or how easy it would be to unmask him right now with his hands tangled in his cherry tresses. All he could feel, see, and taste was the pleasure that was consuming all of his senses at once. In the darkest parts of Frank’s mind was a calendar that had been counting off the days until he could feel this way again with Poison or Gerard.

Come to think of it, they both almost felt the same, and the pleasure they could radiate throughout his body was practically identical. Perhaps it would be like this with every partner he takes up with in the future? Either way, as long as he can have more kisses like this in the future, he’ll be fine. He was an obsesser of good kisses he wasn’t sure why exactly. Hell, he loved it all when it came to sex, the licking, kissing, sucking, and the nibbling. It was everything Frank wanted and more.

But naturally, the moment had to be disrupted by the sound of the something lightly falling upstairs. It wasn’t the kind of sound anyone would pick up on unless they had been purposely listening for something, and a hormonal Frank was. He was listening for any sound coming from the second floor and he finally heard it.

Frank’s eyes snapped open as he realizes it had to have been one of his children sleeping upstairs. The very same children that were spilled into his body by the man on top of him…who was unknowingly about to plant more! “NO!” Frank screamed as he struggled beneath Poison who sat up to gaze down at him wordlessly. He was panting in panic now beneath Poison’s magnificent form with huge eyes glazed with tears before raising them to the eyes of the father of his children. “N-No, I…I can’t do this.”

Frank knew nothing about this man other than the fact he wasn’t 15 years old a full damn day before he was kidnapped by him and then a second time when he was only 16. Poison had raped him multiple times and impregnated him with three kids twice, two of them being twins. That was all Frank knew of him. He didn’t know what the man behind the mask did for a living when he wasn’t out kidnapping or murdering people. He didn’t know if he had a family, kids, worked as a teacher or went to church on Sundays. This man above him was unknown to him and had been since he was 15.

With a final shake of his head, Frank carefully pulled himself out from beneath Poison and cautiously got up from the couch. He stood by it as he wrapped his arms around his bare chest and…legs? When had Poison removed his pants? Frank could feel Poison watching his every move closely like a hawk as he finally lifted his hazels eyes to the light brown ones behind the mask. “W-What’s your name?”

Poison knew which of his names Frank was referring too and refused to answer. It wasn’t the kind of question he planned on ever replying to in their lifetime. The danger Frank would face just by knowing his name would be fatal, and Poison couldn’t have that…not when he still needed him. And so, Poison shifted on the couch to face him with his feet now firmly planted on the floor. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together, his light brown eyes never leaving Frank.

It was clear by this movement, Poison was standing his ground, and it only infuriated Frank more because for the past 3 years this man has been a stranger to him. He didn’t think he could take this anymore being out of the loop on this man’s identity and personal life outside of his psychotic family he was a part of that was the Killjoys. “Damnit, won’t you just tell me who you are already!?”

When Poison continued his stubborn silence, Frank’s dropped his arms to his sides and curled his hands into fists as he switched to demanding answers that he hoped wouldn’t remain unanswered any longer. “Who the hell are you, and why won’t you just leave the fuck alone?!”

Poison caught the sound of Frank’s voice breaking at the end, and it cause his heart to lurch, then ache with guilt. Frank’s pain pulled him to his feet and led him towards his precious Black Opal. With softening eyes, Poison reached out to cup Frank’s face in his hands and stroke his soft pink cheeks with his thumbs. How could he tell him his true name when his life was still in danger so long as the Killjoys were alive? But more importantly, how could he ever find the courage within himself to tell Frank that he just realized, after seeing the grown 17-year-old man that he has become with his own eyes that he had fallen dangerously, obsessively, deeply in love with him? When he himself looked back, it was a long time coming for him to get to this point, but it was always meant to be. A part of him already knew that. The moment he touched Frank for the first time it had sealed his fate and the young boy’s simultaneously forever. This was meant to happen! Poison was meant to fall in love with Frank Iero! His romantic proclamation was literally dangling at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t allow it to spill forth into verbal words. How ridiculous would that sound to this 17-year-old young man, especially knowing their history? Frank would never believe him.

“I know there is more to you than being this…this Killjoy!” Frank said desperately, his eyes filled with both frustration for not knowing the full truth yet and from desperation for needing to know the truth as he stared up at him with hazel eyes. He could tell he had Poison’s undivided attention because his eyes were glued to his face.

Frank continued, trying to keep his voice steady as he whispered to him. “I-I don’t know why I know this but…I can’t make myself believe you are the monster everyone I know makes you out to be when you touch me so…gently like this.” He curled his fingers around Poison’s wrists carefully, watching his face for signs that what he was doing wasn’t welcomed. “If you were a monster you would have taken one of those many chances to kill me when I most deserved it.”

Not realizing how desperate his pleading was becoming, Frank paused to give Poison time to answer. He could tell Poison wanted to say something, and it was only when he got his lips to part did he push on. “Please…at least tell me your name if showing me your face is too much for me to ask of you.”

“I will.” Poison whispers back so softly Frank almost didn’t hear it. “I will tell you my name…soon.”

“Soon?” Frank repeated, dumbfounded.

Poison sighed and stroked his cheek one more time. “Yes, soon…but not until you’re ready to see.”

“I am ready!” Frank implored him, clenching tightly on his wrists. “I swear to god I’ve never been readier, Poison. Please, tell me! Show me your face! Give me something to work with here!”

Poison parted his lips to tell him he couldn’t, but Frank cut him off with an outburst. “I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS WITH YOU ANYMORE, POISON! I JUST FUCKING CAN’T!”

Confused, Poison’s brows furrowed in wonder as to what he was referring to because he knew sex wasn’t part of the problem here. That physical activity was something both of them couldn’t stop doing together even if the world tried to keep them apart. Poison opens his mouth to speak, but a shrill cry upstairs cuts him off. He and Frank simultaneously looked up towards the ceiling, him out of confusion, and Frank out of panic.

“Oh no…” Frank breathes before pulling both of Poison’s hands off of his face and running off towards the stairs in only his briefs.

Poison watched him go in such a panic blur it struck deep concern in him. Not questioning what the hell was going on, Poison lunged on after him.