Status: I really hope you like this story! you can aso find it on wattpad


Chapter Four

*Shane's POV*
I've been walking down this long ass road for a while now...I don't know really why I'm here or what I'm doing, but it feels important. As I'm walking I hear "Shane!" Out in the distance followed by a "please help me!" I start running just as fast as my short legs can carry me until I end up in front of the Iero, household. I ran inside and There I saw Frank, covered in blood. "Frankie?.." I say in a quiet and scared voice. It looked like he was almost gone and I stood just a few feet away from his motionless body. I turn around and I see everyone at his funeral they're saying stuff like "he's in a better place" and "it's not your fault" Yet all of them are sitting in pews and none are getting up and coming to me an him. Then I turn back around and once again I see Frank but not the same. He stands there blood running down him from head to toe and he smiles at me. "It's not your fault..." he says in a fake tone cocking his head whilst smiling. "It's not your fault Shane" then he places his newly tattooed hands on my shoulders and says it a again but this time more aggressively. He starts laughing like a mad man and screams "ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!" Then his hands move to my neck and start squeezing. I tried to talk but I couldn't, I tried to breath but I couldn't. "Who the fuck are they kidding! It's all your fucking fault Shane! You stupid fucking whore!" His eyes aren't their usual color they are completely black and he still smiles. I tried to stop him but it didn't work.
I sat up so quick I got light headed, doctors are all around me holding me down. "Ms. Ortiz!" (Shane's last name) one of the doctors yell. "We need you to calm down it was a dream. Everything's okay!" I looked at the doctor for a moment studying his features. He has a jersey accent, black hair, hazel eyes and he's kinda pail. (Oooohhhh I wonder who it is? *note the sarcasm*) "I'm, doctor Way" he says then he looks at me and says "you took a pretty hard fall, and I think you may have a concussion so you need to stay calm and rest your head. I looked at him like he was Crazy "no doctor I know what I saw and why I passed out." I said determined before I told him what happened. "Ms. Ortiz you were also dehydrated the things you saw were all probably just hallucinations. I highly doubt anything else" he walked out of the room after telling me to get some sleep.
-a few hours later-
I woke up to a aggravating beeping noise ringing in my ears. I finally got the strength to open up my eyes. A nurse comes in to check on me I'm guessing... "oh, good your awake!" She says in a 'sweet-even-thought-I-dont-really-give-fuck' voice. In all honesty I'd do the same voice if I had her job. So I can't say I blame her. "your free to go home whenever you like she says to me" with a smile.
~on the way home~
I was in my car driving back to my apartment, and I had the radio on. a song came through the speakers I haven't heard sense Frank died...
"Am I more than you bargained for yet
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum
I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song
(A notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)..."
I had to turn off the radio before I broke down in tears...
"To the shit-mobile!" Frank yells like he's a superhero, then starts running to his crappy car. Frank's car was I swear held together with duck-tape and Frank's prayers. We got in the car and I turned on the radio and we heard the lyrics "Am I more than you bargained for yet
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum
I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song
(A notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)..." After about a week of getting to know the lyrics to the song the AC in his car stopped working so we'd ride around with the windows down singing 'sugar were going down' at the top of our lungs.
~end of flashback~
I didn't realize I was caught up in my thoughts, until the car behind me honked because. I had been sitting at the green light without going.