All the Colors of the Rainbow


My mother was the one to find me.

She was also the one to push me here, but that story's for later.

I was lying in the bathtub (do you need a reminder already?) my life slipping down the drain and away from me.. well, what was left of it at least. The rest had died so long ago. It had poured out of me like water. My soul. My will. My fight.

She had knocked on the door, once, twice, three times before she became agitated.
"Rome?" A pause. "Roman Marie open this door right now!" Her tone wasn't concerned, it was flustered. Angered that she couldn't have access to a scene she didn't even know existed.

I had tilted my head just enough to look at the door.. then I rolled back to my fixed gaze on the wall paper.

It was ugly.

Like me.

I didn't know why mom didn't get rid of it.

Like me.

She didn't like it.

Like me.