All the Colors of the Rainbow


You would think that walking in on your dying child would spark some form of urgency.


My mother had pulled out her cell phone and dialed the police. I wanted to protest but I could barely keep my eyes open.. I was.. so .. sleep..

"Hello? This is Norma Martinez. I have an emergency. My daughter attempted suicide. Yes. Yes." A glance at me. "Looks like razor cuts."
Another glance.
A pause.
"Thank you."
Seconds or maybe minutes passed by and I felt myself fall.. deeper..sleep..

A noise. Yelling.

I opened my eyes surrounded by people I didn't know.
A man pulled me from the tub. I tried to protest but I couldn't.
As he carried me to a stretcher there was bustling and more yelling.
"What's her blood type ma'am?" A EMT asked my mother.
My head rolled to the side and I could see her, her eyes panicked, but just a little.
"I don't.. I."
"O." I answered, quietly.. feebly.

"She's lost a lot of blood." One said.

No shit.