Status: One shot

Morning Bliss

Never Change

The chimes of the coffee pot and toaster should of woken her up. Or even the commotion of her friends trying to wake up while waking dead on their feet. Instead it was the little wiggling chihuahua licking her face. Really there could of been better ways to wake up. But a dog showering you with affection works to. Unless his papa didn`t let him out already to go pee. Then it was just annoying.

Isabel yawned, sat up and rubbed at her eyes in an attempt to fully wake up. Another yawn escaped her lips as she placed the dog on the ground and got out of bed. She stretched, letting out a satisfied groan when her back popped and slowly made her way out of her room, not bothering to put on shorts since her shirt almost came down to her knees. Oh the benefits of stealing shirts from a tall drummer. And she had stolen a lot. At least half of her sleep shirts belonged to Kai. The other half belonged to Aoi. But she stole his for an entirely different reason.

She slowly made her way down stairs with dog in tow. As soon as she reached the kitchen she gently sat him on the ground and he made a beeline for Ruki. Isabel smiled a little as she glanced around the kitchen. Some things never change.

Just like every morning no one was fully awake as they made coffee and breakfast. Except for Kai or Aoi. And that was only when the drummer had coffee and the guitar player had food in his belly. But even then neither was completely awake yet.

Ruki stood off to the side, fully dressed with sunglasses on to hide his drooping lids. But the struggle to keep his coffee cup from falling to his side gave away just how tired he was. At some point he would lean against a wall, doze off and spill all the coffee in his cup on the floor. And only when he fully wakes up hours later will he clean it up.

Reita sat at the counter trying to eat last nights left overs for breakfast. But this time he only succeeded in opening to container and placing it on the counter before he started to doze off. Aoi sat beside him trying to sneak bites of the food without wakening his friend, despite his own breakfast sitting in front of him. It always amazed Isabel how easily he woke up when it involved food.

Kai sat at the end of the counter against the wall, sipping at his coffee while a sleeping Uruha leaned against his shoulder. Kai had shot the younger man a look before letting out a sigh and deciding to let him be. He spent the whole night in their recording studio in the basement.

Isabel slowly made her way over to the two. "Studio again?"

Kai nodded, "All night. I don`t think he got any sleep."

She nodded and gently pried the guitar from Uruha`s grasp and carefully leaned it against the wall. After putting him in a chair so he wouldn`t fall over she took the guitar to his room and went back to the kitchen to make coffee.

She observed her friends with a small smile as she drank her coffee. No matter how big they got as The Gazette she would always be thankful for the little things that never seemed to change. Even something as silly as breakfast.

Isabel gave Kai and Aoi a kiss on the cheek before making another cup of coffee and went to take a shower. And as always Kai had to grab Aoi by his shirt to stop him from following her. She spent most of her time with all of them and needed time to herself. One shower by herself wouldn`t hurt a thing.

Two hours later Isabel emerged from the bathroom wearing a cute sun dress that always made Aoi stutter. She made her way down to the kitchen and was mildly surprised to see everyone awake and sitting at the counter. Even Uruha was up.

"How did our 'pretty ass' sleep?" Aoi asked Uruha with a grin.

He was flipped off and answered with, "Good morning, asshole."

Ruki pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose with a groan and tried to drink his coffee while his dog tried to get his attention. He had already let him outside, play time could wait until after coffee.

Reita continued to tell Kai jokes as the drummer tried not to fall out of his chair from laughing so hard.

Isabel found herself grinning as she watched her friends for a moment before going over to them. She ruffled Ruki`s hair, receiving a little shriek for it. She gave Reita a kiss on the nose since he wasn`t wearing his nose band, Kai got a kiss on the cheek, Aoi got a tap on the shoulder and when he turned around he barely stuttered out a 'good morning' while the others snickered and Uruha got a little back rub.

After recovering a little, Aoi managed to whistle at her while she made her way over to the fridge. She flipped him off and Uruha slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Good morning boys."

"What`s for breakfast?" Reita asked.

"I don`t know about you guy, but I`m having pancakes," Isabel replied with a grin that quickly turned into a smirk as the boys started whining about being hungry.

"Please make us breakfast?" Reita asked.

"We`ll be good," Ruki quickly added.

Isabel gave a dramatic sigh and nodded. "Fine. I`ll make you all breakfast. But only if Uruha goes back to bed."

"Why does he get to go back to sleep?" Ruki shrieked.

"Because he was in the studio all night and didn`t get any sleep," She replied, glaring whole time.

"Thank`s Isabel," Uruha said with a grin.

"You`re welcome. I`ll make extra pancakes for when you get up."
♠ ♠ ♠
I`m not completely happy with how this came out but it`s not too bad for something written in a few hours.