

You know, sometimes life doesn’t exactly go as you had planned it to. No matter how hard you wish and hope and work for it to go how you want, sometimes it just works in the complete opposite way. All the effort you put forth to get to where you want to just doesn’t work out and you have to start from the beginning. Do it all over again.

It’s the sad truth, but that’s life. It’s trial and error. It’s making mistakes and living and learning from them – grow from them.

There’s nothing you can do to change that.

However, every now and then, life has a silly way of working out in ways you never expected or ever intended. It works in mysterious ways and honestly catches you by utter surprise – sometimes for the better.

I never considered myself incredibly lucky. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of things in my life that I was very appreciative of and that were very meaningful to me, but I mean aside from all of that... I never had much luck with relationships; I didn’t have many friends – maybe a handful, if even that – and I had a pretty rough childhood.

Things just never really seemed to go my way.

Instead of moping around and complaining about it, I worked as hard as I could to change it. No, I wasn’t exactly ecstatic with how things were going, but just sitting around sure as hell wasn’t going to solve any of my problems.

Good things do not come to those who wait.

Good things come to those who work their ass off for it, and that’s exactly what I was going to do.