Status: Just Starting

A Stark Love


The rain came down by the gallon as Demetri rapped his fingers across the keys of his laptop. The weekend was always a time he spent working out and situating himself for the commanding tasks of the following week. However, after Sonja left in such a hurry, his mind wouldn’t allow him to do much besides reading a few pages here, sending out orders there, and staring at the pestering blank screen of his e-mail as he fought to find words. His mind hounded him as he began to type out the bare bones of the e-mail to her.

From: Demetri Grey
Subject: (No Subject)
To: Sonja Stark
Sunny –
Please don’t hate me.
I’m sorry.
I miss you.

Demetri exhaled, his breath coming out as a hiss, as he pounded the back space key multiple times. He put his head in his hands as he rested against the desk trying to decipher exactly what words would best assist this situation. The last moments of their night together haunted him. After those elevator doors closed, all he wanted to do was open them back up and follow after her – but he didn’t. He just walked back to the couch and sat down trying to figure out where to go from here. Demetri sat back into his desk chair, fingers stretched over the keys as he began to tap away.

From: Demetri Grey
Subject: (No Subject)
To: Sonja Stark

I’m sorry dinner didn’t flow as nicely as I’d hoped. I thought maybe we could just sit down and talk about it more. If you would stop being stubborn and allow me the opportun

Demetri exhaled angrily, slamming the back space button once more. This was going to be impossible. He tried to reach her by phone but she was declining his calls and wouldn’t respond to any text messages. It was becoming impossible for him to speak to her, but then again, he was uncertain on where to even begin. What would he even say? There were so many things ailing his mind that he couldn’t decipher which step to take first. His chest rose and fell in frustration, hand angrily raking through his hair as he sat at the taunting screen. Demetri took in a slow deep breath to calm him, fingers resting against the keys again, as the tapping started up for a final attempt.

From: Demetri Grey
Subject: I’m Sorry
To: Sonja Stark
I don’t know what else to say.
Demetri Grey
CEO, Grey House Inc.

Demetri didn’t allow his mind to venture into much more thought and quickly hit “SEND”. He sat back in anticipation wishing that he could at least hear her voice, speak to her for a moment, and just know that she is okay. That night was a whirlwind of different emotions and they needed to discuss it.

Buzz Buzz

Demetri snatched his phone off the table showing, “Vincent calling…” He sighed harshly as he slid the phone to “Accept”, picking himself up out of his seat, and sauntering away from the antagonizing glow of his laptop.


Sonja wrapped the fleece blanket tightly around her body as she nestled into the couch, a marathon of The Office playing on her TV, as she scrolled through pages of clothing websites on her computer. Mindless shopping could take away some of the hurt and confusion, right? That’s what girls do? Shop until you drop dead and forget all the horror and confusion some asshole decides to unleash on you? Yeah, sounds about right.


Her eyes darted at the tabs on her browser, seeing the flashing of her e-mail tab alerting her of yet another new e-mail. She had twelve already and decided it was time to delete them. They were all from the clothing websites she signed up to, out of boredom, and was tired of seeing and hearing that yet another “Confirmation” came through. She clicked the tab with a quick glide of her fingers on the touch pad and froze. Even seeing the man’s name on her screen could make her heart stop.
She pushed herself to sit upright as the laptop rested on her lap, the e-mail “I’m Sorry”, piercing through her heart. Her finger waivered over the touch pad for a moment as she tried to regain some composure. Sonja shook her head, forcing herself to get a grip, and tapped the touch pad to unveil the e-mail. Her eyebrow furrowed, confused and a little angry, as she read the simple phrase on the screen. Nothing more, nothing less.

I’m Sorry

Her hands flexed and unflexed into a tight fist as she exhaled sharply.

I don’t know what else to say.

Sonja shut her laptop with a loud snap and pushed the device away from her. This was a very typical move for Demetri. She slumped into the seat of the couch, nestling the blanket tightly around her, as she angrily scrolled through the clothing selections of a site. Anytime Demetri was put into a corner where he did something wrong, he committed to one of two things:

1. Angrily describe how he isn’t at fault and that you “misunderstood” while running off from you.
2. Giving a half-ass apology and hoping for the best.

Sonja slid her laptop away from her, resting on the tops of her thighs, as her head fell back onto the armrest. She studied the lines in her ceiling and tried to gain some sense of what was happening.

The reality of it all was that things were moving too fast. She lied herself into believing she was ready to go on that dinner after so long. It should have been a stepping stone of many stones they took to reach that point. Sonja shut her eyes as she exhaled slowly. Her mind badgered her about listening to logic and reality instead of what “could be”.

She pushed her hands into the couch, sitting up straight, and bringing her head forward so she could examine the e-mail again. She opened her laptop and tapped its keys to summon it awake once more. The bright white screen came on quickly with his words burning into her. Her eyes stared at his words, finger hovering on the touchpad over the word REPLY. “Fuck it.” She said simply, letting her finger tap against the touchpad forcefully.


Monday was a day full of chaos when it came to the company. It was the day that Demetri went over the weekly tasks with Lizette, organized meetings, and began the thrilling adventure of paperwork.

“Make sure Farrows knows that if that account is lost – it’s his ass. I’m tired of excuses. Oh, and make sure to call into Elgin’s office and reschedule that 9 o’clock tomorrow to 10:30 on Thursday.” Demetri said absentmindedly as he strode through the halls toward his office with Lizette close behind scribbling away on a notepad. “Anything else, Mr. Grey?” Lizette asked, making sure to freeze at the very edge of his office door – close to toppling over. Demetri kept walking towards his desk, turning his face to catch her swaying back and forth to steady herself, “No. Have you received any calls for me?” Demetri unbuttoned his suit jacket, quickly peeling it from his body as he draped it over a chair. He turned to face her completely as he swiftly sat in his desk chair, brow raised for her answer.

Lizette scrambled through her notebook and nodded, “Uh, Yes – yes, Sir. There were a few calls from a representative at Albright and Welles, along with an additional call from Mrs. Welles personally. There is also –“ Demetri exhaled roughly as he tapped the keys of his computer swiftly, unlocking it, “That’ll be all, Lizette. Thank you.” The tapping of his computer was the only sound heard in the room as Lizette nodded slowly, excusing herself as she closed the door. Demetri opened his e-mail and scanned for the familiar words once more.

Find Them…

He clicked on the e-mail from Sonja, sitting back to stare at her words once again. It had to be the millionth time he analyzed it, and yet, he still could not figure out what to say.

From: Sonja Stark
Subject: Find Them…
To: Demetri Grey
If you don’t know the words then search for them.
Figure out what you want.
Then we can talk.
Sonja Stark
Little Fox Art

The way she wrote everything made it seem like it was the simplest thing to do, when it was exactly the opposite. Demetri exhaled roughly once more, angrily clicking the “X” on the tab to release him from the hold the message brought to him. It wasn’t as if the request she made with this question was simply outlandish or ridiculous to try to provide. It was the realization that at the heart of everything, despite the six years, he really wasn’t certain of the answer.

There were very few things that were made clear to Demetri: One major component, that took precedent over all, was knowing that Sonja was a big part of his life. Reconnecting, or at the attempt of it, was a hard pill to swallow but it cleared up a lot for him. The second being that he wanted to be involved in her life in some way, but the titles were where he faltered. Relationships were not something he was keen to. He had other relationships during the very sporadic nature between Sonja and himself – all of which prove his point.

Figure out what you want.

Demetri’s hand slammed the laptop shut as he stood swiftly, snatching his coat from the chair, and moving in long strides towards the door. The door groaned under his forceful pull as he walked past Lizette’s desk. Lizette’s eyes were wide as she scrambled to get up and match his swift pace. “Um, Mr. Grey?!” Lizette said surprised, “Is there something that you need? I would be happy to make arrang-“ Demetri stopped at the elevator, pressing the button to hail it, “Not necessary, Lizette. Actually…” He turned his body to face her as the elevator sang it’s arrival, the doors separating for him slowly, “I need you to contact Mrs. Welles and let her know that I will address any of her concerns in a video conference call. Let anyone else know that they can reach me by e-mail. I’ll be leaving for a few days – but I will be back Thursday for the closing meeting.” Demetri nodded to himself, assured, and stepped into the elevator.

Lizette scratched vigorously at her notepad and looked up at him confused and a bit frantic, “What about your meetings today?” Demetri pressed a button in the elevator, tossing a look at her, “Cancel them.” The elevator doors closed together leaving distraught Lizette in its wake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Long time no post. :)