If I Lose.


The sound of thunder rolled through the clouds, the lighting struck across the sky and the winds picked up. I sat with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders watching the on coming storm, it was beautiful. It was as if Thor was fighting in the skies, who knows it could have been. Resting my head against the window sill I sighed, to be honest I missed everyone.

Even though I was mad at Steve and Tony, I still missed them. I still wanted to hug them, cuddle with Steve and tell him how much I have learned. But I wasn't ready to go back, I wasn't ready to face them, face Tony. With my anger still high, I would probably punch my brother in the face once more and do some major damage this time.

The rain started to fall, tapping on the window as if it was trying to get in. Bucky's figure came through the darkness quickly as he tried to get into the cabin, it was funny watching him run through the rain and not fall. Though it would have been hilarious if he landed on his face, a smile came to my lips at the thought.

Bucky falling on his face.

That would be the day, I think he would hit something if that was to happen. The door burst open and Bucky walked in, water dripping from every inch of his body; his hair stuck to his face. His clothing stuck to his body, and an annoyed expression on his face. He didnt like the rain.

"You're wet." I spoke softly as he tugged his boots off, then his socks. He gave me a soft glare as he yanked his coat off and then his shirt, standing I grabbed a towel and tossed it to him as he yanked his pants off.

I had gotten used to his random stripping, there were times where we would train and he would strip before he showered. Thus seeking him naked plenty of times, Steve would have a heart attack if he found out.

"This storm is going to be bad, stay away from the window." He rubbed the towel over his body before he sat in front of the fire, his right hand trying to warm up. I had forgotten about his metal arm, it was as if he didn't have it. As if he was born with it. Slowly I took a seat next to him and looked at his arm, reaching out I ran my fingers down the metal. It was soft and cold, his head turned in my direction and I pulled away quickly.

"Sorry." I muttered as I looked towards the fire. "I didnt mean to over step."

My eyes glanced over to him and he was staring at the fire, "Its an arm, just metal. Theres nerves in it, I feel everything." His voice was low as I saw him make his hand in to a fist and then release it. Nodding I took his metal hand in my own, he didnt looked at me but kept his eyes on the fire.

"Thank you Bucky, for everything." I spoke softly with out looking at him. "You're like, my new best friend." I said with a smirk as I looked over to him, he had a look on his face but I couldn't pin what emotion it was. Then he closed his eyes with a soft sigh and shook his head.

"You are what they call a... Cheese ball." The words flowing from his lips caused me to bust into a fit of laughter, it was funny when Bucky tried to make a joke- which made it ten times funnier. I could see him staring at me confused as I laughed, wondering what was so funny.

But it all stopped when the door slammed open and Bucky was standing with a gun aimed at the person, his eyes glazed over with a murderous look and ready to take a shot.
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No, seriously, if you have ideas let me know. I need some inspiration, I'm getting a block here. I want to get her back to Steve but bring Bucky along, so I'm in need of some help.

Check out my other two stories.
From the ashes.