Status: Updates every Sunday or Monday depending on my work schedule

Heaven Knows


Cadence stared down at the small, swaddled three-month-old infant in her arms, still in awe and disbelief that she had managed to deliver a healthy baby boy, especially since safely carrying Wyatt to full-term while the brunette was running around with Kobra Kid and the other Killjoys was a huge task in itself. They were always on the run, causing problems for BL/ind, getting into laser fights with Draculoids and Korse alike. It was a miracle they had enough peace and quiet for the thirty-six hours she had been in labor. Cadence knew though, even if Kobra Kid and everyone else made it one of their top priorities to keep Wyatt safe, eventually staying with them and Grace, the people she called her family for the past couple years of the brunette's life would put her baby's life at risk.

Cadence chewed on her bottom lip and began sucking air between her teeth as she sat deep in thought, weighing her options yet again of giving Wyatt up to a family. The brunette loved her dark-haired, green-eyed son dearly and in his three months of life so far, she had become extremely attached to him, so the thought was quickly cast aside. After all, her son would be the safest with her or maybe his father but Cadence didn't plan on letting the father know he had a son. Zack had taken her family away and she had no qualms of keeping their son a secret as her revenge for him allowing her to become an orphan.

Cadence's thoughts were quickly muted as her son, Wyatt, began crying, startled out of his usual deep slumber as his super sensitive ears picked up pieces of dried desert brush snapping and breaking under the weight of heavy military grade boots. Kobra Kid, who had been on guard, quickly rushed to the brunette's side, handing her a purple spray painted laser gun before taking Wyatt from his mother and handing him over to Grace, a girl of only ten or eleven years old herself. Party Poison instructed Grace to take the baby, go with Jet Star and find a safe place to hide, everyone knowing if Grace and Wyatt stayed they'd end up being a possible causality or distraction if a fight broke out.

The plan of action was unfortunately cut short, however, as the front door of the hide-out exploded, splinters of wood and metal flying all over the room before Korse, the android bounty hunter for BL/ind and a handful of his Draculoid troops appeared from behind the dust and debris. Cadence's brown eyes widened as she saw the android pointing his weapon at Grace and her young infant son, quickly lifting her own weapon the brunette aimed and shot his laser out of his hand. Cadence watched as the rest of the Killjoys began shooting at and fist-fighting the Draculoids, using the chaos of the showdown as a way to rush over to Grace. She took Wyatt from the young girl, leading them both through the secret back exit of the hide-out to a cave Jet Star had shown her several months before, knowing both the young children would be safe there.

As the Killjoys were kept preoccupied with the Draculoid minions, Korse followed Adrenaline Monster. His direct orders from BL/ind management had been very clear, bring the Killjoy known as Adrenaline Monster to Destroya so the young woman might be used as an olive branch of peace between Bat Country and Battery City. Korse knew from the intel he had been given, the baby and the young girl were useless to his final mission objective, knowing either being exterminated wouldn't cause any political harm or backlash for Battery City.

Korse walked slowly, following Adrenaline Monster's footprints in the desert sand, knowing he was undetected; his ears picking up his target speaking to the young girl, Grace, hearing the brunette telling the girl to stay put. A dark and sinister chuckle left the android's lips, finally alerting Cadence to the his presence too little to late. With fast strides on long well built legs, Korse managed to rip Wyatt from Grace's arms, holding the infant mockingly out in front of his body.

"Destroya requests your presence Adrenaline Monster," he spoke monotonously. "Come peacefully or the baby is exterminated."

Cadence's eyes began to water, tears threatening to escape her eyes as she clenched her jaw. She handed Grace her laser, her hands trembling slightly in fear of what the android would do if she didn't comply with his demands. The brunette walked slowly towards Korse, hands at eye level as a sign of surrender. Her brown eyes watched Korse as she moved towards him, an inhuman scream of pain, betrayal and anguish escaping her lips as the android pressed the barrel of his weapon to her baby's temple and pulled the trigger. Cadence's knees collapsed out from under her, hysterical sobs falling from her lips as the brunette watched the monster in front of her toss her three month old infant son's body to the ground like it was garbage. The brunette let out an animalistic scream, eyes glossed over with tears of rage as she attempted to attack Korse with her fists. She swung hitting his face and chest several times but the android seemed to be completely unaffected. Korse restrained Cadence's wrists, injecting her with a BL/ind sleeping serum that made staying conscious impossible, sleep quickly consuming her tear stained face.

Grace watched as Korse carried the woman she saw as a mother figure away, panic and worry consuming her body. The girl knew she was helpless and that couldn't stop him so Grace did the best thing she could do. She ran. She ran and ran until the dark complected girl finally found Jet Star, tears streaming down her face as Grace told him everything that had happened since their small group had separated. The curly haired man frowned, listening and knowing two things at that very moment; Wyatt, an innocent child had been murdered and his mother, Adrenaline Monster, was in serious danger if someone like Destroya had demanded Korse to bring her in.

Slowly as the hours passed and the sun began to set, the rest of the Killjoys had finally managed to regrouped with Jet Star and Grace. Grace retold her account of what had happened, Kobra Kid demanding to see Wyatt's body since he had treated the baby like his own, when everyone including him knew otherwise. As the infant's body was retrieved from the small cave he had died in, the Killjoys decided to hold a small impromptu funeral service, burying the infant inside the cave and marked his grave with wild flowers. As they buried Wyatt they all vowed to keep the child's mother safe, something they had all wished they could have done better with the infant.
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Sorry it's been ages since I posted. I only had this chapter pre-written and I had to edit it. I hope you guys liked it even though this is a pretty depressing chapter.