That Stupid Dance



Part of hated fighting with Sam, she was my older sister and deep down I loved her very much. But after the death of our mom, our dad had somewhat grown to resent her and forced her to take me everywhere she went. I hated how our dad treated us. He treated me like a child and treated Sam like a slave. Deep down I hated how she had to put up with so many unjustified things.

“You okay?” I smiled at Amber and nodded, “Yeah… just kind of zoned out for a sec. What’s up?”

Amber smiled and said, “Just making sure since you were just standing here. Where’s your sister?” I lost my smile for a second. Everyone knew me as the girl who had her sister tag along at every event. Sighing I motioned at the parking lot, “You know how she can be, she stayed in the car.”

Amber nodded and then grabbed me by the arm. We began walking towards the gym where the dance was being held, “This is exciting, you might be the Princess of the dance. I’m sure a lot of people voted for you.”

I shrugged, “I’m just here to dance.”

As we reached the entrance a few of the other cheerleaders approached us, “Emily! Love the dress.”

“Thanks Kim, I love yours too. But girl, it’s so revealing!”

Kim laughed. Her thick blond hair was in a tight Dutch braid and her cheetah colored dress showed her large breasts and clung to her body like leather. It was mid-thigh and every provocative, “You know I thought about that but then said who cares?” She laughed again and went into the gym with a couple of other girls.

“A bit too much, right?” Brittany asked, she was one of the youngest members on the squad. The few other girls that had stayed behind muttered a few other things and Amber and I nodded.

Amber then added, “But you know how she can be I mean she literally shows up to practice in underwear.”

With all the excitement happening outside of the dance, I couldn’t wait to go inside and see what else happens. The five of us that remained out entered the gym and happily checked everything out. The gym had been arranged with so many colorful lights and flowers. By one side of the wall tables were full of drinks and food while in the center front stage, the DJ had his booth and speakers surrounding him.

It was amazing.

“Rob’s looking at you.”

I looked passed Amber and spotted Rob, he was the quarterback of the football team. He was tall, he was muscular, and he was fine.

I shifted my weight between both feet, I honestly hated wearing heels but I also knew beauty came with a price.

“You think he might ask me out?” I asked nervously.

Chloe who was beside me nodded and said, “If he doesn’t he’s crazy. Every girl in here is pretty but girl you take first prize… well you and your sister tie.”

Another low blow.

Since Sam and I spent a lot of time together, we were often compared. Everyone told us how much we looked alike and how beauty we were, I enjoyed the compliments but Sam shrugged them of. She was more of your everyday simple girl, she never even wore makeup.

“I think he might be making his move, on come Chloe. I’m hungry.” Amber smiled at me and dragged Chloe to the side tables were the food was. As they left Rob approached me, “Hey Em… you look great.”

“Thanks Rob, you look good too. Congrats on the win by the way. I know Montgomery has always been rivals with Olympic, winning another game back to back must be great.”

He nodded happily and looked around, oh no. I knew where this was going.

“Hey… random question…”

I stepped closer and asked, “What’s up?”

“Where’s Samantha? I was hoping she’d show to ask her out. I’m not a big fan of these school dances and I know she’s not either. It was one of the reasons I came to be honest.”

My face must have lost its color because he held out his hand, “Are you okay?”

I took a deep breath and nodded, “Yeah just a bit hot. She should be outside.”

With that I walked away towards Amber. Even when she didn’t try Sam got the attention I always wanted.