Surviving the Apocalypse


The dim light of candles flickered as I sat quietly on the floor playing with Mr. Wiggles; a wooden snake that slithered across the ground when I pulled a string, as well as a small key chain sized care-bear that the snake threaten to eat.

My older brother, Evan; sat next to me, holding a small toy soldier, fighting the wicked snake to save the care-bear. This was a game we often played when the lights would go out, it helped me forget about the monsters under my bed and in my closet.

Our parents where in the kitchen arguing, as they always do, Evan had told me that something was wrong with the world and that the news said bad men where doing bad things to people everywhere, but I didn't understand so I ignoring them.

I looked to Evan, "When do we get to eat?" I asked. Evan had a look of pain written on his face as he looked from me to the kitchen.

"We don't eat today." He said as he put down his toy and stood up. He stretched his hand out towards me and I took it, dropping my toys as well. Evan was only three years older than I was; he was already so tall. I always tried to walk on my tippy toes so I could be just like him.

"Again?" I asked as I felt the pain of hungry grow. This was the third day with out food.

Evan lead me into my bedroom and tucked me into bed. He pulled the covers over me as he did every night.

"Don't leave!" I cried out as I pulled on his arm. "I'm scared." I whispered.

"I know." He bent down and kissed my four-head. "Tomorrow will be your sixth birthday, I have to help mom set up!" He smiled with excitement. I nodded as I watched him get up and leave. Evan left the door cracked open just the way I liked it, letting the faint glow of the candles fill my room.

I heard Evan walk to the kitchen as he talked to mother and father, before I knew it I was fast asleep, Only to be pulled out of bed by violent hands.

I was thrown to the floor, as I screamed out in pain and shock of what just happen. I wiped my sleepy eyes as I saw a black figure looming over me that much reminded me of my own father. He held what looked to be a long knife in his right hand. I heard Evan's foot steps reach the bedroom door as my attacker raised his knife towards me.

"The monsters are real!" I yelled out as I tried to run to Evan only to have my hair pulled as the man pulled me to his feet. Tears filled my vision as I cried out in pain. I tried to scratch the hands of the man but it was no use.

Evan threw himself onto the man's back and he tried to reach his face. By this time my mother was at the door crying. Telling the man to stop, these where her babies, that there was other ways.

However he never stopped, he brought his knife up and tried to stab my chest. Evan wouldn't have that. He let go of the mans back and grabbed the attackers hand before he could get a hit on me.

"N-!" His scream had been muffled as he bit down on the mans hand making him drop the knife. Being as small as he was he was able to pick it up before the man could and roll away.

"Let her go!" Evan yelled as he teared up. I tried to bite the mans leg or scratch his hip but nothing was working.

"Mom, help! Dad!" I sobbed as the man gripped my hair tighter at the word dad.

"Son, give me the knife." The man said, shocked I looked up to his face, It was my Father.

"Evan I'm scared!" I cried out. I didn't know what was going on.

"Son, we need to eat, there is no food left." My Father said as he out stretched his arm for the knife. Evan didn't hesitate, he slashed at Fathers hand, cutting a finger or two off.

"Eat that!" Evan cried at his father as he ran towards him, Father stumbled back and threw me aside as Evan collide with him. There was some muffled sounds, as father fell to the side. Mother stared in horror at the door and sunk to her knees, Evan crawled out from under the bleeding man. Pulled the knife with him, he stabbed him again and again. Blood covered the walls and filled the floor as I watched in horror... Evan cut off some of Fathers flesh and handed it to me.

"Eat, we have food now."