

Oh small wonder of this earth, how did you think your mind was worth anything at all? Did you hope that others teaching you knowledge would bring you good favour? Because those ones you question will soon destroy you

Scream at you. Even rip apart your resolve.

Because - how dare you learn!

I know now you don't care to do it, you've grown tired and weak in exhaustion. You're bled dry and suffer from ailments you wish would end.

To be accepted, don't follow the trend. Learning from anyone who went to a prestigious school will make the Angry Ones rip you to shreds. Because how dare you turn away from what their ancestors said!

They rip books out of your hand, they turn the world upside down, but don't you dare believe in anyone else. Don't you dare learn about that which they don't know. Don't gain insight on that that they fear, that disgusts them... Don't, because they will make your life hell.

Try to reach them, to turn them around. But they will fry you in oil and tell you to put honey on the burns. Yes, you know that it works, but they scream the cure at you. Everything from their mouths is like pouring boiling water... Nothing is serene, because apparently they're a martyr.

They are perfect and justified. Somehow the epitome of righteous. You are weak and disfigured, covered in evil eyes from sinners. You've lost your beauty now, they see you as disgraceful. When they've lost it too, but only from aging.

You may have heard a heartbeat, seen a smile that other day, but to be fooled sweet innocent one, would be just too evil.

So lay your mind to rest, and go away from this place. All that you will see is ignorance in places. Spaces that belonged to truth, are now covered in faded soot. They say they've learned from the best, yes, they still won't teach you anything new. They don't know it at all. They don't know what to say to you. Over the years, you've grown and changed. But your heart still bleeds when theirs' you see.

Crumbled and dishelved you will crawl away from here. Baggage on your hips, trying to make it all disappear. Roaches and centipedes crawling over your skin, as you try to crawl out. Just imagine.

Rodents and pests baring their teeth, as you make your way to the outside, you suddenly turn meek. Heartless eyes are behind you, ready to run you over. Words over yours. Loving others over you. Discipline for trying to learn while they chastise others and feel abused. They feel unheard. When you listened all along. So your heart sings out a goodbye and there's calls out like a siren. Unable to care. Unable to know that you've dropped out of despair.

You will be free sweet innocent one. Although they chain you to ignorance. I know you've developed your own mind, and they won't let you become whole. So hold on to the rope of God, he will pull you out of misery. Don't listen to the ignorant ones, He will set you free.

Soon you won't be fractured. Soon your heart will be whole. Soo the world will know your name - and they won't be anything at all.