Status: Active

What Am I to You?

Alessandra and Catherine met when they were around 15 years old and became best friends right away.
They were inseparable, until Alessa had to go to South Korea.
Catherine remained in Portugal to finish her studies, but once she finished she flew to South Korea to live with Alessandra.
Now they finally had accomplished some of their goals, but there's still so much more to accomplish.

Their life won't be easy thanks to a very important aspect on Alessandra's life and Catherine's new life.
They will both face drama, deal with obsession and violence, and try to cope with it at all cost.

Warning: This takes place in 2012

An au world where everyone has their designated partner or "mate".
The mates are both marked with some sort of tattoo.

A mark/tattoo can appear in the following ways:

-Birth (like a birth mark)
-By touching or looking at the destined mate

The apparition of the mark causes a burning/tingling sensation.

We do not own the people/bands in this story, except for the two original characters.

We will add tags, such as characters and plot related warnings, as the story evolves.