Status: updates are frequent

Everything Has Changed

Chapter 6

My Chem has been doing great. Playing shows all the time and we made a record. It’s doing better then Pencey ever had and just feels right. We met a guy, Brian, who wants to take us on a big tour. We’re all for it, we just don’t know how to deal with Dante and Alice. I don’t want to leave them but..what about school? It’s a 3 1/2 week tour, plus traveling, so they’d be out of school like a month. We just put them to bed for school tomorrow and I decide to bring the matter up to Gee.

“Hey, Gerard?”

“Yeah, babe?”

“I’ve been thinking about that tour Brian mentioned and..Alice is doing really good in school and Dante could handle missing a few weeks and..I just really feel like this is an opportunity I don’t want to miss.”

“Are you sure..? I was thinking about it too I just..I wanna do what’s best for our kids.”

Our kids.

I have a daughter. Sorta. I mean..she calls me Daddy.

“I think this is what’s best. And the tour is starting next week, we have to decide quick.”

“Then..I think we should do it.” he says. I smile and kiss him.


“So we’re really going on tour?? In Europe??” Alice says

“Yeah, we’re leaving in 5 days, I have to go into your school to tell your teacher on Monday.”

“This is so awesome!!!” Dante yells

“We’re going after school today to speak with your teacher.”

“We’re gonna miss a month of school!!!!” Dante says

“Well, you’re going to still have to do some school work, you know that right?”

“Aw..” he says, looking down now.

“Perk up, buddy, we’re going to Europe. How many kids can say they saw their dads perform on stage in London?”


“Now get your little asses out there, the bus will be here any time now.” I say and they grab their backpacks and run outside, barely catching the bus.


I sat down next to Alice on the bus and we discuss everything we want to do in Europe. I mean..that’s Europe. That’s awesome! And they’re going to be touring with some other band so we’ll meet like..famous rockstars.

Wait..are our dads famous rockstars..?

Oh my god..I’m the son of a famous rockstar.

We arrive and of coarse we have to sit through bull crap and it’s annoying but Tommy starts kicking my leg.

“Stop it.”

“No, faggot.”

“I’m not a faggot.”

“Well your dad is.”

“Well my daddy is way better than yours, he’s a rockstar and I’m going on tour with him next week. In Europe.”


“Am not! Just ask my sister.”

“Oh so now you have two faggot dads? That just makes you more of a faggot.”


“Dante, language!” Ms. Green corrects me.

“Tommy called me one first! And a liar!”

“Thomas, don’t do it again. Dante, watch your language.”

“Tommy, just shut up already.” Alice steps in.

“No, dyke.” he says. I’ve never heard the word ‘dyke’ but I’m assuming it’s bad.

“Don’t call my sister a dyke!”

“I’ll call her whatever I want, faggot!”

“TOMMY JUST SHUT UP!” Alice says, getting fed up.

“That’s it! I’m sick of this! Alice Way, Dante Iero, and Thomas Jett, to the principal’s now!”



“Fine.” we got our stuff and went to the principal’s. On our way Tommy got mad.

“This is all your fault.” he says, shoving me down on the ground. I hit my head against the wall causing things to go blurry for a second. I felt a bit of blood in my hair. Ah crap. Alice steps in and slaps his face. Hard.

“Don’t lay a hand on my brother!”

“You hit me!” he shrieks.

“You bully my family, you get hit. Got it?” she snaps


'Exterminate the whole human race!' my phone rang. I grab it and see that it’s the school and let out a sigh.

“Who is it babe?”

“The school.”

“Grreeaattt.” Frank says, sarcastically.

I press the green button. “Hello?”

“Mr. Way?”

“This is him.”

“You’re daughter is in the principals office for some ruckus caused in class and we need you to come in.”

“Okay, I can be there in 10.”

“Okay, see you then.” *click*


'The world is a vampire, sent to drain.' Frank’s phone rang.

“Oh great.” he says. He picks up the phone. “Hello?...yeah...okay...I can be there in 10 minutes...okay bye.”

“Dante was involved in a “ruckus””

“Same with Alice.”

“We’re good parents, right? Why are they always getting into trouble?” Frank asks

“I bet you $10 it’s not their fault and that some kid did something.”

“Probably.” he says, as we get in the car. We walk in holding hands, even though we were getting looks from staff. When we enter the office I see Alice sitting looking unharmed, a boy with short blonde hair with a red mark and a scowl on his face and..Dante holding a bloody tissue on his head!

“Dante, what happened?” I rush to him.

“Tommy shoved me down against the corner of the wall, Daddy Gerard.”

“Daddy Gerard?? So your faggot ‘daddy’ has a weirdo name too. So that’s why you’re so weird.” that Tommy kid says. I can see Frank getting mad.

“Hey, kid, don’t say a word about my kids, or my boyfriend.” he says, sternly.

“Mr. Iero, if you would back away from Mr. Jett.”

“He just insulted my family are you going to do anything??” I say. He turns to the kid.

“That was intolerable and earned you another day of suspension and your parents will hear about it as soon as they get here.” he says, sounding bored. A very tall man walks through the door -who I’m guessing is Tommy’s father- and sits down.

“Sorry my wife couldn’t make it.”

“ that we’re all here. Story is, they were arguing, the words ‘faggot’, ‘liar’, and ‘dyke’ got exchanged. Then the arguing continued when Thomas shoved Dante, who cut his head. Then Alice got angry and slapped him. They’re all suspended. I don’t want to see you back here until Monday.

“Why is Thomas suspended, it’s free speech, and they’re fags.”

“You’re son did crack open another students head, though, Mr. Jett.”

“But he’s just a son of a fag, he doesn’t matter!!”

“Oh like we matter less?! Well let me tell you-” Frank starts, and then everyone starts yelling.


“Okay, actually, you won’t be seeing us for a good month because our band is touring in Europe and we’re taking the kids with us so, thought you should know.” I say. I heard Dante say ‘told you I wasn’t lying’ quietly.

“Okay need to talk with Ms. Green and get the homework.”

“Okay.” we say as we clear his office. We wait until lunch and go into the classroom.

“Hey, Ms. Green?”

“Yes? Please make it quick, I’m very busy.”

“Well, we’re going on tour for a few weeks and Dante and Alice won’t be in school, so do you have any work to give them?”

“Oh..well..I can just tell you where to work to in the work to in the work book and you could help them but..I strongly advise that they stay in school.”

“Well, they’re not.”

“It’s just that..Alice is doing great..but Dante is just doing..okay.”

“Okay as in B? C? F?”

“Like C-, D work.”

“Dante, why didn’t you tell us you were struggling?” Dante just shrugs. “Well..I guess we’ll discuss this later.” Dante nods. Ms. Green tells us what to do and in about 15 minutes we’re walking out to the car. In the car I turn to Dante.

“Dante, why didn’t tell us you were having trouble in school?” he just shrugs again. “I know you’re a smart kid, somethings going on.” he just looks down.

“...all the kids are mean to’s’s stressful..I can’t focus..”

This is all my fault.

“..well..they’re just jerks. And you’re gonna get a break from them and hopefully you can get your grades back up. I wasn’t the smartest kid in school so I’m not really mad, I just want you to succeed.”
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