Status: updates are frequent

Everything Has Changed

Chapter 7


“Okay, so you have everything?” Gerard asks

“Yup.” Alice and Dante say simultaneously.




“Yup, daddy can we go now??”

“Yes, we’re running late anyway, we might miss our flight.” I say, loading our stuff into the truck. We’re meeting the guys at the airport. We speed there and everyone is there before us.

“What took you so long??” Ray says.

“When you have 2 kids, you’ll know what took us so long.” Gerard says for me. We breeze through security and onto the plane in no time.


“Bobby! Play Go Fish with me pplleeaassee, Dante fell asleep.”


“Please..” I say, poking out my bottom lip.

“Okay, Alice, just one game.”

12 games later Mikey begins to stir. I throw my jacket at him.

“Unicorns!” he yelps, waking up in a panic.

“Alice wants to play Go Fish, and I’m tired, play with your niece.”

“ the cards, Alice.” he says, half asleep, rubbing his eyes.

~ ~ ~

“This our last song and it’s called Our Lady of Sorrows!!!” I scream into the mic “C’mon, Paris, I want a mosh pit started right here!!” a small mosh pit forms as Frankie screams his heart out with me. Surprisingly, London had the biggest mosh pits and crowds.

“Just because my hands around your throat!!” I sing, before thanking the crowd and walking off stage.

“You guys did great!” Brian says.

“Yeah, Daddies you were awesome and Uncle Mikey and Uncle Ray and Uncle Bobby too.” oh the kids have now considered the band members to be their uncles. They have come to almost every show. It’s nearing the end of the tour and we make our way back to the bus.

We have one more show in Amsterdam before we head back. It’s been really fun but so fucking tiring. When we it down, Brian sits across from us and leans forward like he has something really important to say. Oh god.

“Guys, this tour has been amazing. I knew you we’re the band that I would invest everything in and I think it’s working out, but, we need to get you into a recording studio. You have something really special. Warner Bros wants you and I think you should go and record a record with them. I’ll still be your tour manager.”

“Wow, really? Warner Bros?? Um..fuck yeah!”
We planned to go into the studio 2 months after getting back, to make sure we have everything and have a bit of a break. We finished up the tour with a bang and Dante and Alice went back to school the following Monday to give them 3 days to get over their jet-lag. Today’s the day they go back to school and hoping it goes okay.


I walk behind Alice getting on the bus. I wish I had her confidence, she’s standing up tall while I wish I would just disappear. When we got there Ms. Green asked for all our homework and we handed her the giant folder.

“I’ll go through it and grade it and have it back to you as soon as possible, welcome back.” she says. I go tentatively to my seat. I sit next to Tommy and I doubt he’s changed in a month.

“Psst..Dan..keep your head up, it’ll be okay.” Alice whispers

“How was your little emo tour, fag?”

“A lot more fun than your month has been.” I say, trying to keep my head up high like Alice said. Tommy is turning red from anger and I just turn my head toward Ms. Green and she starts to read from the book we’re reading. I already read past this point but I just don’t wanna deal with stupid Thomas Jett right now. We read 2 chapters and went over some math before recess.

“Alice, may I speak with you?” Ms. Green asks.

“Sure, Dante I’ll meet you out there.” she says, walking away. I nod and head to the far corner of the playground by the trees. I’m suddenly pushed onto my knees and I try to catch myself but I feel my face being scraped on the pavement.

“Ow!!” I yelp but no one hears.

“Baby gonna cry?” Johnny says. I feel tears coming and I go to wipe them but Tommy stomps on my wrist and I feel a crack.

“OW!” I cry, going to hold my probably broken wrist with my other hand. I hear them walk away and I just lay there, in pain, trying to stop crying. I soon hear Alice run up to me.

“Dante what happened?! You’re bleeding! Your face! Did someone do this to you?! I’m gonna kill them!” she says, already fuming. I thought about it for a moment.

“N-no, no. I tripped running and was just getting up.”

“Are you sure?”

“I would know if someone beat me up, Ali.”


“Please don’t tell Daddy Gee or Daddy Frank.”


“Because it’s not a big deal and they’ll get mad at me for running with my shoes untied.”

“...fine..but your face is gonna give it away. It’s all scraped up, as well as your hands.”

“I’ll think of something.”


The kids came through the door right on time and Dante ran up to his room. Must of had a rough day.

“Should I go get Dante? He looked upset.”

“No I’l get him.” Frankie says.


I hide on my bed, luckily only half of my face is scraped and it’s the side facing the wall so if I look straight ahead no one can see it. And if I pull my sleeves down you can see my hands. My wrist hurts like heck but I’m not gonna tell anyone. It’ll heal right? But what if it’s really broken? The bone is kinda sticking out and it’s swollen and I’m screwed. I hear a knock on the door and sigh. Dang it. Daddy Frank comes in and I keep my head straight so he won’t see my scrapes.

“Rough day?” he asks.

“Nah, it was okay. I’m just tired.”

“Look, I know it can be hard with kids and I’m sorry that you have to deal with that and-”

“I’M FINE NOTHING HAPPENED OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE!!” I snap. I’m just so angry I couldn’t help it. I realize that I moved my head so he can see my scrapes and I stopped holding my sleeves down so he can probably see those too.


“Dante..what happened to your face??”

“I..I was running with my shoelaces untied..I tripped and fell.”

“Let me guess, everyone laughed at you?”




“Let’s get you cleaned up.” he says, taking me to the bathroom. He takes one look at my wrist and his eyes widen.

“That’s really swollen, you need to go to the doctors.” I sigh and say okay. It was a quick ride to the doctors and not a too long wait. I told Dr. Phillips what I told my dad and he just nodded and did some X-Rays. When he asked to speak to me alone I got really worried. My dad awkwardly left the room.

“So you wanna tell me what really happened?”

“I already told you, I tripped.”

“Listen Dante. I looked at your X-Rays. You broke your wrist in 2 places. And in places that just don’t make sense with your story. You need to tell me what really happened.”

“I..I-I..I was going out for recess when..some boys shoved me down. When I tried to get up one of them stomped on my wrist, making me fall on my belly.” I say, looking down. Dr. Phillips sighs.

“I have to tell your dad about’s policy..I’m sorry..but thank you for telling me.”

“NO! You can’t tell him!”


“Because they’re beating me up because of him!”

“I don’t follow.”

“I have 2 dads.”

“ sister is gay and she had to go through some stuff. People aren’t always accepting but I really need to tell your fathers. It’s policy. I’m sorry. I’m going to go get them.” he says walking out of the room. I start to cry. Moments later everyone crowds in the room.

“Why are crying? Are you okay?” Daddy Gerard asks. I just sob.

“I’ve got some news. First..Dante has 2 broken bones. He will be in a cast for about 10 weeks but they should heal properly and he will have a full recovery.”

“At least he’ll be okay.” Daddy Gee says. “And no more running with untied shoes.”

“That’s the other part..Dante didn’t trip on shoe laces..Dante do you wanna tell them?” Dr Phillips asks. I shake my head no. “Well..he told me that he was out on the playground when he got shoved down. He scraped his face and hands. And when he tried to get up, some boys stomped on his wrist.” I heard gasps.

“Is that true Dante?” Daddy Frank asks. I nod slowly, more tears falling.

“Alice where were you when this happened?” Daddy Gerard asks.

“Ms. Green wanted to talk to me so Dante went out first. I thought he’d be okay for a minute or two.” Alice says

“That’s it, you’re being home-schooled full time. You too Alice.” Daddy Frank says. I feel a bit of relief knowing I don’t have to ever go back there.

“Okay Dante, let’s go to the casting room. What color do you want your cast?”

“ please.”

“We only have pink, blue, green, and white.”

“Pink.” I decide. So what if it’s a girly color? I like it.

“Okay, pink it is, let’s go.” he says, leading me to another room. He wraps it up in white first then puts the pink on. After that we get to go home. My wrist really hurts so Daddy gives me Tylenol and it feels a bit better. I kinda just wanna be alone so I go to my room and listen to Billy Talent and drift to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
What's this? Another update?!
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