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Scars Don't Heal When You Keep Cutting

Chapter Twenty Six

A few minutes before the final bell rings, I get a text from Logan telling me that she can't have anyone over until after six so Ben can't go home with her today and that she told him to come home with me today but he can go over later if he wants.

As I walk up to Ben's locker, I catch DJ trying to approach Ben, but he quickly turns around and walks the other way when he sees me. I snicker at that. Fucking punk ass bitch is scared of me.

Ben's leaning against his locker and doing something on his phone when I approach him. I assume that he snatched it off the teacher's desk before leaving, then. I sneak up behind the unexpecting teen and look over his shoulder to see that he's texting James. I lean closer to read the conversation, but Ben notices me and quickly locks the screen before turning to me.

"Awe, why can't I know what you guys are talking about?" I whine. He rolls is eyes at me, which I chuckle at.

"I don't like it when people read over my shoulder," he states, shoving his phone in his back pocket.

"Okay, sorry. What were you guys talking about?"

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. Logan says that you're taking me to your house for a few hours?"

He sigh defeatedly before nodding. He smiles at me and grabs my hand, guiding me to my own house.


We eventually step onto the porch, still hand in hand, and I dig through my pocket for the house key. I pull it out and just as I’m about to stick it in the keyhole, the door opens from the other side to reveal my surprised father. And, of course, his gaze goes straight down to our interlocked fingers before our eyes meet.

How the fuck is he gonna react?

Just literally fuck my life…

“Good afternoon, boys,” is all he says though, and I let out the breath I didn’t even know I had sucked in. I can only assume that he either didn’t pay our hand holding any mind or doesn’t really care.

“Morning, Dad,” I say, Ben nodding his response shyly. Then he steps past us, and we enter the house.

“So your dad’s probably okay with this?” Ben says, I shrug.

“Not necessarily. Like, maybe he just didn’t really put the pieces together or something.”

“True, but still,” Ben shrugs himself. “Maybe you could tell him? Your dad seems cool.”

“Never judge a book by its cover, Benji,” I smile at him playfully, petting his hair with my free hand. Ben giggles and steps out of my reach.

“Why are you petting me? I’m not a dog,” Ben laughs, sitting on the couch, kicking his shoes off and leaving them by his feet. I plop down next to him, not bothering my shoes as I pull Ben into a cuddle.

“You’re cuddly and affectionate like a dog,” I tell him just as he fits his head into the crook of my neck.

“One of my ex’s had a dog but she was a mean little bitch,” Ben states. I can’t help but laugh at him.