Crashed _Joe Jonas_

Like OMG!

Part 2
“Wait you work here?!” Joe’s voice rang out, breaking up my conversation with Mike. Before I could answer Mike chimed in.
“Work here? She owns the place! Did you not see the name on the sign?” It was true. My mom had bought the hospital and I got control of it when she died because none of my other siblings wanted it. Joe looked from me to Mike and then back again. He looked apologetic as he slowly looked down at his bed side.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to talk to you like that its just that when some asshole tries to run me and my brothers down I tend to get a little pissed. Any way that doesn’t excuse my behavior I-” I couldn’t take his apology anymore. He was making me feel worse than I already felt.
“Look its no big deal. Forget it.” I turned to Mike.
“Just get a guy from the cleaning crew to fix it or something and don’t worry you’re not fired.” He thanked me profusely as he backed out of the room. Poor guy. Just as I turned back to Joe I noticed extra pairs of eyes on me. Not only was Joe looking at me but Kevin Nick and Frankie were too.
“Um….hi?” Nick seemed to snap out of his daze and got up to shake my hand. He walked up to me but I could she he was limping a bit. God I really hate my father right now.
“Hi. I’m Nick. That is Kevin, the little one in the corner is Frankie and I guess you already know Joe.”
“Yeah I know. Hi I’m Arianna but call me Arya.”
“Oh so are you a fan?”
“Not exactly. But my sister loves you guys so I know your music.”
We all talked for about two or so hours and I got to know them really well. It turned out that they would be in San Diego for the next year to get some down time. They were actually going to be living across the street from my house. Freaky right. The more I got to know them, the worse I felt. I wanted so badly to break down and cry. I wanted to tell them that I was sorry that my father was an ass. That I shouldn't have protected him from the police. Yeah that’s right. Because of me he isn’t even in jail. Toward the end of the conversation Joe started pulling at his sling. It looked really uncomfortable.
“God I hate this thing! Why does it have to be so itchy?! I swear if I ever get to meet the guy who did this I give him the ass kicking of a lifetime.” Joe exclaimed.
“Joe! Watch you mouth I front of Frankie!” Kevin whispered from his chair. We all moved around and the guys got sick of the beds so I had lounge chairs brought in. I don’t think Kevin should have bothered though, Frankie and Nick were caught up playing DDR. Nick leg seemed to be better. That boy is so cute. In between games him and Frankie would take turns sending me flirty smiles and winks. At one point Frankie got up, after he beat Nick for the first time, and kissed me on the cheek, blushed and ran back to play. They got bored of playing and came to sit down with me Joe and Kevin. We all sat around waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Jonas to come back with the food. Did I forget to mention that we already met? Yeah we did and they are so nice. It makes me feel equally bad.
“Did you hear the cops say that we cant press charges? That is some bullshi- I mean crap if I’ve ever heard it. I mean the guy practical mowed us down with his truck, not to mention was drunk and totaled your car Kevin! What is that all about!” Joe said getting back on topic. God I really don’t want them to start asking me questions because I know I would lie. Just then the Jonas’ came in with the food and a lady that I had not noticed. They dropped of the food and told us that they had a meeting so we could leave anytime. The boys had already be released into Kevin’s custody since he was the least injured of the four. Anyway back to the mystery lady. She looked really familiar then realized where I had seen her from. She worked for People magazine. Probably here to interview the boys. Before she could open here mouth to say anything Kevin cut her off. Apparently he recognized he too.
“I sorry miss but were not up to interviews today but maybe some other time.” Kevin said sending her a sweet smile. God these boys and their smiles. But Joe by far has the best one. That one where he kind of twists his mouth when he looks at you is so sexy. Wait?! What! No I can’t like him. Not after everything. Besides once they find out the truth he is going to hate me anyway. The lady turned to leave but something caught her eye. She spun around to look at me and gasped. Oh no. The signs were there. Her bulging eyes. Shortness of breath. Stuttering. Damn I can’t just live a quiet life can I.
“Oh My GOD!!!!! You’re Arya Stone! I can’t believe it. I love you!” Nope. I guess this lady is going to make that as hard as possible. I turned to glance and the guys were giving me weird looks.
“Um…yeah we know that. She kinda owns this hospital.” Nick said looking at her like she was stupid. Please lady don’t do this to me! Pretend like you don’t know who I am. Tried to send he a sign with my power of telepathy.
“Yeah but she is also the biggest pop star in all of Europe. I have all of her C.D’s!” Damn I guess my powers haven’t kicked in yet.
“Look Miss- well I don’t know your name but please don’t tell any one that you saw me. I’m begging you.” I pleaded with her. Now she was the one look at me like I was crazy.
“ My name is Jenna and are you crazy or something?! Do you have any kind of idea how long people have been looking for you? This is the scoop of a lifetime”
“I’m sorry to interrupt but um can you explain please.” Joe said looking confused. He is so hot when he’s confused. Which by the way is like 90% of the time.
“Well see I lived in Italy until a year ago where I was kind of a singer but no big deal or anything I wasn’t that popular-” Jenna cut me off.
“Not popular!? Everyone knows you! See she and Nathaniel David were a singing duo for like two years and came out with a bunch of hits and dated for a while until she left Italy and hasn’t been seen since. OMG is Nathaniel here?! God he is so hot. I love is hair! But my favorite song by you is What dreams are made of! I love that song so much.”
“That was you!” Kevin Joe and Nick all turned to look at me.
“Yeah that was me at Nate” I said uncomfortably.
“Come on sing for us please!” Joe said. He is so cute.
“Um…okay but only if Jenna promises to leave and not tell any one that she saw me.” We all turned to her.
“Alright sure I guess.” Good at least no one has to know I’m in the U.S
I took a deep breath and started to sing.
“Have you ever wondered what life is about
you can search the world
and never figure it out
you dont have to sail the oceans, no no no
happiness is no mystery
and here and now its you and me and...

hey now,hey now
this is what dreams are made of
hey now,hey now
this is what dreams are made of
I’ve got somewhere I belong
I ‘got somebody to love
this is what dreams are made of

open you're eyes
shout to the sky
when I see you smiling I go
oh oh oh
yesterday our
life was duller
now everything’s Technicolor

hey now,hey now
this is what dreams are made of
hey now,hey now
this is what dreams are made of
I’ve got somewhere i belong
I’ve got somebody to love
this is what dreams are made of” I finished and everyone started to clap.
The next morning I was sitting around bored so I decided to watch T.V. The Jonas’ were out getting some clothes for the boys so they were busy and Nat and Lilli were working on Lilli’s new wardrobe for the school year. I flipped on the television and started to channel surf. One particular program caught my eye. It was Extra.
“Hey everyone! I’m Lara and today we have some breaking news about the Jonas Brothers! Now we all know they were involved in a car crash a few day ago and our hearts go out to them.” My chest tightened.
“But that’s not the big news. Well apparently they have become fast friends with a certain pop diva by the name of Arya Stone.”
“WHAT?!” I couldn’t breathe. They then showed a picture of Joe’s arms wrapped around my waist. That’s not fair! I was falling because I almost tripped in my heels! They showed pictures of me getting cozy with Nick and Kevin while we were watch friends in the huge sofa I had brought in. Ugh! They were taking thing out of context. Lilli and Nat, hearing me scream, ran down the stairs to see what was wrong but all I did was point to the show I was watching.
“A field reporter from People magazine gave us some exclusive footage of the rockstars having a jamming session. Lara then signaled for them to roll the tape. It was when I was singing to the boys and that girl Jenna. Damn. My quiet life ended before it began. They then show another picture of me and Joe hugging before he went his house yesterday afternoon.
“Looks like love in Hollywood! But how will ex-boyfriend Nathaniel David react to the news? You’ll find out next time on Ex-” I turned of the show before she was even finished talking.
“Sorry hun, I know you didn’t want this but it was going to come out sooner or later.” Nat said rubbing my back as I plopped down on the couch.
“Yeah but I like later.” Lilli laughed as she sat down cross legged beside me on the floor.
“Okay changing subject is Nick single?”
I looked at her and laughed. You can always count on Lilli to cheer you up. I knew for a fact that Nick was single but I wasn’t going to tell her that. The boy just got out of the hospital. I doubt he was strong enough to handle Lilli.
“ Well enough mopping! We were supposed to meet Gianna and Matt at the park ten minutes ago.” Nat said.
Gianna was one of our best friends and Lilli and her were practically joined at the hip. Matt was Gianna’s older brother who had been in love with Lilli for the longest time but she is totally oblivious. Poor guy. I sighed.
“Okay lets get this show on the road.” I yelled as I ran upstairs to change. Uh…what a week.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you guys think so far?
comment, message?
BTW Nat is 20 almost 21
Lilli and Gianna both are 16
Matt is 17
Arya just turned 19
Her ex Nathaniel is 21 (i'll explain his part in this later cuz he is really important to why Arya moved away from Itally)
Joe is 19
Kevin is 21
and Nick is 16
I'll as more characters as the story goes on.