Crashed _Joe Jonas_

Game On Sweetheart


11:37 am
Still in bed………..

It’s been a week since my falling out with Gianna. I’ve seen her at school and stuff because we have all the same classes and everything but its like whenever we’re in the same room she ignores me or says something under her breathe and pretends she didn’t. It is even worse than that because Nick has the same classes as us too, so you can only imagine how well that’s going over. She doesn’t even talk to me anymore. I tried to apologize the other day but she wasn’t trying to hear that. In fact she just blew me off. Okay, more like flipped my off and walked away. Though aside from the fact that my best friend hates my guts right now, my life sucks!

First I trip in the middle of the cafeteria line and fall on my ass. Then Matt, who has been my lab partner all year tells the teacher he wants to switch so now I am stuck with a massive nerd who I am pretty sure doesn’t even speak English!

Kevin and Natalie, who have been getting all couple-y lately, both are ‘disappointed’ in my behavior or some crap. And on top of that Arya is actually taking Gianna’s side! My own flesh and blood. The betrayal! I mean so I’ve some gotten guys that Gianna liked in the past , more like all, but so what?

Not my fault guys like me. What am I supposed to do? Get ugly? And in my defense Tommy Childs and Nick Mercer were both juniors and both hit on me. But I have to admit that I was totally gunning for Nick Mercer. Dude was hot! Can you blame me? I mean he looked like freaking Gerard Way. And then there’s my other problem. Nick Jonas. He’s too perfect. Seriously! It may sound stupid but we just don’t fit. And when we kiss….. It just feels weird. Freaking amazing for sure, but still weird. It almost feels like I shouldn’t be with him. I should be with Matt. Woah! Where did that come from? I sighed.

I should probably get out of bed now. Gianna is supposed to be here for a movie thing with Matt. I need to look awesome. No not because of Matt if that’s what you think. Just because. I jumped up and swung my feet over the side of my bed. I looked down at my purple and green toe socks. I smiled. They were a birthday present from my friend Jackie. I always slept in them. I reached down to pull them off but they wouldn’t budge. They were stuck at the toes. More like glued! I looked up at my door way to see Gianna standing there with an open bottle of Mega Super Glue in her hand.

“It now comes with extra hold!” she said in a fake preppy voice.
“You BITCH!” I said loud enough for her to hear while trying to rip off my socks to no avail. She smiled sweetly and turned to leave but not before uttering three words that made me want to rip out her light brown perfectly done hair.

“Game on, sweetheart.”
Nathaniel and Natalie are not a couple. Anymore.



WOW! Big change.

Yay! Gianna!
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took me so long but i had a bad case of writers block. I love the couples in this one though! messages and comments motivate me to write! This chapter and the next one are for Gianna! I wuv you girl.
~Jess xoxox