Crashed _Joe Jonas_

Will You Be My Baby



I ran upstairs after I saw Nick and Gianna kissing. How could he do that to me? I knew that we were going to break up be he could have at least done it before I caught him macking on my best friend. I pace my room and waited for the anger to wash over my body but it never came. I didn’t get it. Wasn’t I supposed to hate them? I mean I was a little peeved but not so much that it was a big deal. And do you know why I didn’t care? It’s because you don’t love him, Lilli! Oh my god! I don’t love him. I. DON’T. Love. Nick! I sat on my bed and wiped the now dried tears of my face. I thought back to this morning. When Nick had kissed me on the cheek before pulling out my chair for me. It was a nice gesture but I didn’t feel anything special. Yet when Matt told me I looked really pretty I was blushing like no tomorrow. I glanced around my room looking at all my pictures. A lot of them were of my sisters and I. Some of me and Gianna but the most remarkable thing was that the only pictures I had with any boy was of me and Matt. There were some of us playing around at the park. One where he had suck a kiss on my cheek but I remembered not minding. There was one of- well, I didn’t exactly know what he was doing but I looked funny. I picked it up to examine it further.
I chuckled softly. I heard a knock on the other side of the door.

“Come in.”
The door gingerly opened and I saw Gianna walk in and close it behind her. Tears glistened from her eyes and I could tell it was eating away at her. She opened her mouth to spill what I knew to be a well rehearsed apology but there was no need. I wasn’t even mad. I decided to put her out of her misery.

“G, you don’t have to apologize. I saw the way Nick looked at you. I could never match that. Matter of fact, I don’t even want to try. I never really liked him that way in the first place.” I smiled at her and we bombarded each other with hugs and apologizes. We talked about everything. From how I knew that Nick really liked her to my feelings for Matt. Gianna told me that I should tell him how I felt. I finally saw in him what every one else did. He was my perfect guy and he loves me. Or did anyway. I just hope it’s not to late for me to be his girl. He might not still want me after the way I’ve treated him.
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I love this chapter. There isn't much talking but i wanted you guys to get how Lilli was feeling. Kind of a filler. Next chapter will be mostly from Matt's POV. Comments motivate me so keep up the love. This chapter is dedicated to Lilli, Gianna and my wonderful amazing older cousin Matthew on which the character is based.
~Jess xoxox <3