Smiley Face

Chapter Five

When I woke up the next morning around noon, and I definitely did not want to get of bed. Between the massive headache I had, and not wanting to face everyone, I just wanted to die.

I knew that no matter what, I would have to face them eventually- so why not go ahead and get it over with? So, instead of just laying there in the comfortable bed, I rolled over with a groan before sitting up. I let my legs dangle off the side of the bed for a moment before standing up.

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get a few of the tangles out as I made my way over to the shopping bags. I had yet to unload anything, so they were all sitting in the floor in front of the dress. Maybe that's what I'll occupy my time with today before actually having to face the club. It seems like my best bet at this point.

I put on an outfit that consisted of patched up skinny jeans, a Crash & Burn Patriot shirt, an army over shirt, and knee-high combat boots. I put on clean underwear before putting my choice of outfit on and making my way into the bathroom.

I put on dark make up consisting of black and green colors. As for my hair, I brushed it out and leaving it down- deciding that I was too tired to actually do anything with my hair.

Once I decided that I was ready for the day, I made my way back out into the main room of the apartment and got started. I put all the things that Tara and I had bought away in a very organized manner: under wear in the top drawer, shirts in two drawers, then pants and shorts, and then finally just the accessories.

By time I was finished, it was getting close to one in the afternoon and I was still dreading facing everyone. But I sucked it up.


I sucked in a deep breath, before pulling open the door and stepping out of the door. There was no one in the hallway, so I took the moment to straighten out my clothes before walking away from the apartment. I made my way into the main part of the bar, where I saw a few people. Ratboy, Tig, Opie, and Happy.

Happy was sitting at the bar, which Ratboy was standing behind- while Opie and Tig were standing by the pool table talking about something. It was till Tig spotted me that the topic of their conversation seemed to change.

I could ever so slightly hear Tig as he mumbled lightly under his breath to Opie. They were both occasionally looking my way.

"I mean, I can see why Happy likes her. She's exactly like him- very quiet, can handle her alcohol, and has a lot of tattoos. I just think the determining factor there is seeing how well she can work a gun."[i/] I wasn't sure who Tig was talking about, but I had a rather sneaking suspicion that he was talking about me. I didn't like it. Even though I wasn't sure if he was talking about me or not, it still made my blood boil and my body fill with rage.

Though, knowing that starting trouble with any of the club members wouldn't be good, I didn't do anything about it. Instead, I made my way out the door of the bar and sat down on the picnic table, just as I had done last night when Happy brought me back to the club.

I would have gone to sit at the bar but he was there. I just felt too awkward after last night- how could I have let the alcohol get the best of me? I didn't mean to kiss him. It just, I don't know, happened.

I needed someone to talk to about this, but there was no one that I could talk to. Not here. If I were to talk to Tara about it, even if she were to say that she won't tell anyone, she'll end up telling Jax about everything I had to say. The same thing goes with Lyla about her telling Opie. I don't know where these girls where taught about secrecy, but they were very obviously taught wrong. So there's no way in hell that I will be telling either of them about my drunken slip up with Happy.

A very key example of this, was when I first arrived in Charming. I told Tara not to tell Jax that I was here no matter what, even if someone from Reno were to call or come looking for me. But she did anyway. She has no idea how to keep her mouth shut.

Can I really call it a slip up? It was just a kiss, that's just kind of an accident right? Drunkenly having sex is more of a slip up, not just a kiss.


I didn't even trying attempting to stop myself from pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one up. The toxic smoke that filled my lungs was rather refreshing to say the very least.

I couldn't resist from closing my eyes and leaning my head back. Feeling rather blissful in this moment. It was something that I very desperately needed and I was more than happy that I was having it.

Although, sadly, my peaceful moment was ruined by a rather loud Scotsman walking over to where I was sitting at the picnic table. "Hey, lassie, can I steal a hit of that?" He asked loudly. When I opened my eyes to look at him, I saw that he was using a red cloth to wipe grease away from his hands.

He had on a tan Teller-Morrow shirt, immediately telling me that he had been out working in the garage. As if I hadn't figured that out by him wiping his hands on in the first place.

Without saying a word to him, I handed the cigarette out in his direction. He took it and nodded in thanks before bringing the cancer stick up to his own lips and inhaling the toxic smoke into his lungs. He let out a small cough before out came a content sigh from his mouth.

"Didn't take you for a menthol girl." He chuckled ever so slightly. I shrugged my shoulders slightly before looking over at him. "It really depends on what kind of mood I'm in. I always keep two packs of stoges on me at a time. One menthol, one full flavors." I explained. From the corner of my eye I saw him nod his head ever so slightly before handing me the cigarette back.

I waved him off before pulling the pack back out and lighting up a new one. I hated sharing cigarettes simply because I felt like I was always hogging it.

So I always found it easier for me to just give the cigarette to the other person and simply light up another one. It's not like I'm gonna be all stingy and just not give them any- cause then I'd feel bad. So I'd rather just be a nice person rather than being a bitch and regretting it later.

"You're not much one for talking are you?" He asked. Breaking the silence that I had grown to feel comfortable in. Instead of saying anything to him, I shrugged my shoulders. Proving his point in a way.

He simply laughed, shaking his head before standing back up. "Thanks for the smoke, lass." He smiled before walking away. Once more I didn't respond to him, and simply waved my hand as he turned his back to me to walk back over to the garage. Which, to be completely honest, I have seen everyone working in the garage so far during my short time- all except Ratboy. So it made me kind of wonder why he wasn't working out there like everyone else is.

I hadn't been sitting there for too long after Chibs had walked away, when I heard the ever familiar sound of a motorcycle approaching the club. So, I turned my head to look to the entrance gate- waiting to see who it was.

I watched as Jax pulled into the lot, and parked his bike along with the rest of them in a row. I was slightly shocked that he didn't have Tara with him today, but I figured that she actually went to work for once- which would explain her lack of presence here at the club. Lyla was at work as well, which I was kind of thankful for.

I have come to learn that when either of those girls are around, I end up getting dragged into something that I don't want to do. For example, when I had to go shopping with Tara in Lodi. I had the money to do it- I just didn't want to. I had to anyway simply because Jax was nice enough to give her money for me to have in order to go with her to shop. Of course he just happened to be that kind of Old Man. Of fucking course.

"Teagan." A hoarse voice spoke suddenly, causing me to jump ever so slightly.

Looking over, I saw Happy coming out of the door of the bar and walking over to me. One of his hands was shoved down in his pockets. I suddenly was having flashbacks of what happened last night.

I was quick to jump up from where I was sitting on top of the picnic table, and take a step back away from him. "Look, Happy, I'm sorry about what I did last night. It was the alcohol, I swear." I started rambling as he took another step towards me. This time, putting a hand up to stop me from talking. "That's not what I came out here about." He sighed, now removing his hand from his pocket.

"I meant to give this to you yesterday, but you had run off before I could." He sighed, handing something out towards me. Cautiously, I reached out and took it from him- only to see that it was the money left over from the shopping trip the other day.

"Oh, uh thank you." I mumbled, feeling ever so slightly relieved.

I didn't say anything else as Happy turned his back and walked away. Maybe he would just forget about what happened last night. It was really just an accident- it's best if we both just forget that it ever happened.

"Teagan!" Hearing a familiar voice behind me, I turned around. This time it was Jax approaching me. "Yeah?" I asked. "I just wanted to let you know, we're having a party tonight to welcome you home. And by home I simply just mean by you being back with the club- safe." His words took me a bit by surprise, but I knew there was nothing I could say or do to change his decision.

"Yeah, alright.' I nodded.

Well, this ought to be interesting....
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The party will take place next chapter. It's too late for me to keep writing. See all you lovelys tomorrow :)