‹ Prequel: Ethereal


Chapter 27 - Beginning of the End

Nina's POV

Serena was taking too long. She needed to buy a cellphone. Nice prioritizing, Nina, I thought shifting my head on my arms, sighing distantly. Michael and Raphael left about thirty minutes ago—thank baby Jesus. Getting the sense of how unstoppable Cain could become left me looking like a catatonic mummy. So, I hadn't been down with keeping centuries-old arguments from breaking out between Michael and Lucas. Here I was, in my old house's attic—my old room—looking out the window trying to figure out a way for us to defeat someone who was ten steps ahead.

"You've been awfully quiet," an all too familiar voice, by now, said from behind me. I kept glaring outside, hearing him come in. The creaking floorboards didn't spook me, I knew the exact ones to avoid. I'd memorized a "safe path" so no one heard when I'd snuck downstairs for a midnight snack. Or the times I'd woken up from an awful nightmare and went to sit by the beach. "Did my brother's presence scare you into muteness?"

I turned to Lucas. He was sitting against the wall, one leg outstretched and the other drawn against his chest. I'd come to think of it as his signature pose.

"Why would he scare me?"

"I scared you when we first met."

"You wanted to kill my boyfriend."

"I never said I would kill him." He stated, aloof.

"You threatened to break his soul. Same difference," Or worse. If Lucas had twisted Cameron's soul would we still be Twin Flames? Would our connection—our bond—have changed forever? I hunkered my shoulders, shuddering. "Shouldn't you be sulking and brooding in a dark corner somewhere? You're human now and humans are weak. They catch diseases, they die of broken necks—"

Lucas' fingers slid over my cheek. The touch snared my breath. Slowly, he dragged a piece of tawny hair and locked it behind an ear. I wanted to tear my golden irises from his face, but immortal or not, Lucas' beauty had a compelling effect on people. As he pulled back, his knuckles brushed my chin. My body tilted back this time, a small, imperceptible movement. But it was there.

My eyes narrowed, "What do you want?" I tried to make myself look suspicious but ended up sounding short on air.

"Nothing," he rested an arm on his bent knee.

I almost smirked. The Devil was doing a poor job at lying.

"Oh, come on. You can lie better than that. Or was lying part of your abilities?"

Lucas bumped his head on the wall behind him, eyes breaking contact with mine. His mouth quirked on one side, like he was worried or... unsure. Just when you thought the day couldn't get weirder.

"The day we found Etna, the day I got her back, I knew that one day she would die. Nephilims are mortal. I've had beautiful women on my arm. Princesses, Queens on their knees for me, begging me for riches, pleasures and for their enemies' misfortunes. They were humans, mortals. I never cared for any of them—they eased my boredom, for a time. I didn't care that they died. Some I even betrayed, it was part of who I'd become. When I met Etna..." Lucas pursed his lips tightly. "She didn't make me better. She didn't make me want to change. She made made me come out of this sort of... stasis. She made me see her. See someone other than myself and my infinitely, repeating immortality. Etna reminded me of what it was like to live, to be excited, to see in color." A small, mischievous grin formed on his face. "I knew—one day—that she was going to die and I wouldn't. Michael may be a traitorous bastard, but he's right. I am proud. I look down on humans. I used to kill them for fun." My eyes flickered to the floor. It took everything not to recoil from his side. It was so easy to forget how... how damned and morally lost Lucifer was. With his charm, his enchanting voice and honey dripping words. "With Etna gone, I would've fallen into my old patterns. I would've made more people suffer and life would go back to being bleak. Black and white with background noise."

"What are you saying?" I whispered.

"Maybe Cain taking my Power—me becoming mortal—isn't the worst thing. Maybe it's not a punishment at all if I get Etna back."

I opened my mouth—a squealing noise made my head whip around. Outside, in the driveway, our rental had just squealed to a stop.

"What the hell?" Was Phillip carrying... "Jade?" I was running so fast I needed to grab onto the banister on the last steps. Faintly, I heard heavier footsteps following mine. I was going out of my mind, glaring at a bloodstained Phillip lowering Jade on a sheet Serena spread on the floor. But that—oh God. That wasn't the worst of it.

I walked—ran—inside my old living room, hands dashing for Cam's shoulders. Holy crap. There was a... I could see his... My cheeks turned shades of green.

"Please don't puke on my heart. That would be... so unsanitary." Cameron gritted out, stumbling against the wall. There were red smears across his cheeks and lips. Fighting queasiness, my fingers hovered faint bite marks all down his neck. Had Phillip...?

Cameron pressed his palms flat against the wall, closing his obsidian eyes. His muscles relaxed. A faint crackle came over the living room and blueish sparks materialized out thin air all around us, causing me to fall back in shock. The house lights flickered out. I looked on, watching as those sparks all shot for Cameron. The gaping hole in Cam's chest healed faster than any wound I'd ever seen him get. I flinched at the distinct sound of bone snapping—his breast bone was mending, I thought with horror. His face was red with concealed pain. Sweat beaded along his forehead, matting his hair like he'd been standing under a downpour for hours.

"What the hell happened?" I screamed, eyes still on Cam, shaking like a leaf about to be ripped away in a storm. "Phillip—" I whirled around, furious, breathing harsh. "What's Jade doing here? Why is she..." her arms and legs looked like they'd been put in a shredder. "What. Happened." I asked through my teeth, gripping the sides of my head—eyes closed in an effort to calm myself.

Phillip took as many steps as he could to put distance between Jade's bleeding wounds and his obvious craving. His fangs were out on display. I could see embarrassment on his face. A pang rang in my chest for him, it was too vague, though. I'd seen bite marks on Cam's neck. I kicked away from the couch and stalked over to Phillip with measured steps.

"I'm waiting," I was awestruck by how cold my voice sounded. I only stopped because someone's hand—Lucas'—grabbed my wrist tugging me swiftly into his side, not letting go, even as I shook him off.

"I don't think it's wise to corner a baby Vampire when he's trying so hard not to rip your throat out, hmm?" Lucifer purred in my ear, smiling coyly at his nephew.

I didn't care how far I was from my Ex, I could still be angry and get the facts.

"Did you bite Cameron, Phillip?"

"Yes—" My golden eyes grew brighter, I stepped forward. Lucifer slammed me against his chest, wrapping his arm around my waist. Even now it felt as steady as an iron bar. "But it's not what you think! I didn't want to... I don't even remember doing it—"

My elbow found Lucas' unprotected kidney. His grip faltered. Human weakness, see? I took one step in Phillip's direction ready to do whatever, when a blur materialized in my path. I crashed into Cam's solid chest. His labyrinthic eyes cut into mine, through all the rage and confusion, enough that he didn't need to grab me so I wouldn't bee-line and throw myself at his brother.

"Settle down Warrior Princess before you get yourself hurt." Cameron's chest was heaving. The skin above his heart was pinkish and his t-shirt was in red shreds. "Phillip didn't bite me on purpose. We were at the hospital's blood supply and someone you're familiar with hijacked my brain for a special broadcast."

"Azazel," Lucas said quickly, beating me to the punch.

Cameron carried on, gaze steadfast on mine.

"He told me Cain had Jade. I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, but on the off chance it wasn't a lie we went there. It was an abandoned slaughterhouse on the outskirts of the city, okay? Bodies and body parts were hanging from hooks. Blood was everywhere. Phillip was doing fine until a Freeloader came at us and... I killed it."

"I thought Beasts didn't leave Hell?"

Lucas confirmed as much, "I never allowed them to." I felt my back grow cooler and knew Lucifer stepped away from us.

"I don't know if Cain's let them out or not."

"But you just said..."

Cameron into his hair, tugging it in pure frustration.

"Cain cast this illusion—it made me see a Freeloader. But it wasn't. It was just a guy. A human." He muttered gauging for my reaction. I... I didn't know what to say. I felt sick. Sicker. But at Cain, not at Cam. He'd played into a twisted game and paid a price. A gut-wrenching omen told me things got worse from there. "Long story short, he let us go—Jade included—because I gave him something he wanted." My boyfriend concluded, after explaining how Cain was controlling Demons and Vampires and why Phillip had gone off the rails.

"What could you possibly have that Cain wants?" Hadn't been his Power. A minute ago, he'd shown an impressive new trick. Feeding on electricity to heal faster.

That's when Cameron's eyes tinged darker. He looked like a man who'd gone too far into war to just lie down and die.

"The whole reason why Cain wanted Jade was because he needed a pair of Twin Flames." His voice was quiet, calm. His most dangerous voice. "He had a Vampire read her mind, but Psychics are harder to influence or mind-read than others. Because your Power is rooted in your brain, it's almost like a shield. It doesn't mean it's impossible. The Vampire saw me when he was searching for anything on Twin Flames and that's why Cain dragged me in. Because he thought it meant something." And we both know it did.

My head was in a doozy. A world of confusion. Cameron was here... Jade was here—body totaled, but she was alive. So was Phillip. My golden eyes darted for the door, half expecting Cain to waltz in and whisk us away or something. I stiffened. Cameron would never put me in danger. Never in a million and plus years. Slowly, I turned back to stare open mouthed at his clenched jaw. No, I told myself, Cam wouldn't just throw them under the bus like that. He wouldn't. Not after what he'd said this afternoon. How if it were up to him no one else would die. Cam wouldn't offer Cain my last living relative—except...

"I didn't have a choice, Nina."

Except he'd done it. I found myself forming his name but no sound came.

"He was going to force Phillip to kill me. He had Jade hanging off a hook—like a piece of meat." My legs faltered. I stumbled, like I'd been hit with a hammer upside the head. Steady hands latched on my hips, keeping me upright. My head spun. "Cain shoved his hand inside my damn chest—he could've ripped out my heart faster than I could blink." Cameron snarled, shaking me, desperate for me to look into his face. My eyes were stinging badly.

How could you? I kept thinking on repeat, desperate to understand how he could just sacrifice two people's lives and not show a ounce of guilt. You know how, a little voice called from a muddy corner, he hates Lucifer. He's not family to him. Etna's life isn't important. Oh, God, but it is! I thought in a wave of desperation. A life is a life. I'd killed that Dominion, Helena and even helped Cam drive a stake into a Cambion's heart. But those things... they... they twisted and consumed me. They'd felt right and deep down I knew I'd do them again, because... because I did them for Cameron. But it was wrong, tainted. People do terrible things in the name of love, another voice hissed.

I threw up my hands, slamming them full force into his chest. I'd never seen Cam fall back from one my shoves, not like today. He stumbled so hard he knocked into Phillip who'd been standing about five feet from us.


His face morphed into a classic sneer, "I'm sorry? Was I supposed to sacrifice our happiness and my brother's sanity for someone who has done nothing but screw us over? You can yell and preach at me over and over, Nina, but I'm not going to feel sorry. I did this for us. I did it despite knowing Cain's got some sick plan up his sleeve that involves Twin Flames. And if doing things like this is what keeps me alive, with you, I don't care."

My face was burning. My hands were balled up, shaking. But I didn't shed a tear.

"You don't care that you're being selfish?"

"I never pretended I wasn't selfish." He hissed recovering from my shove, coming forward—until Phillip snatched his arm, holding him back. "Let me go, Phillip!"

"You need to calm down." His brother grunted against whatever force Cameron was using. A fickle glance at Cam's neck told me he was using a lot of it. Veins were straining. "Damn it, Cam." Phillip growled, baring his teeth before using his brother's strength against himself, slamming Cameron on his back, cracking the wood flooring. I tripped when a crack showed up under my feet, hitting my head on the couch.

Cameron wasn't at all happy with his younger brother's methods. Phillip wasn't in the mood to play around either, because he opened his mouth and fangs slid out as he growled—in a completely animalistic way—two inches away from Cam's nose. Phillip's eyes were wild, pulsating with Power. Veins were crawling across his face. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot. In this epic frenzy, my brain supplied Phillip was only able to subdue Cameron because he'd fed on his blood earlier. The twins stared long and hard at one another, neither batting an eyelash, until Cam's lip curled distastefully and he shoved his chest, uttering, "Get off of me,"

He looked over his older brother, accessing carefully. Phillip's fangs retracted in what had to be a painful process—into his gums. Next, the arm pinning Cam's throat slid away. Phillip got to his knees as Cameron sat up, glowering. I stared at the cracked floor. Cameron was in control of his Powers, I realized. No thunder boomed outside. No flickering lights. Those were signs to watch out for when he was so angry. This... this loss of temper felt like... Like when Daren tried to cop a feel in the hallway. Or the times he'd seen me with Phillip after we started dating. He'd been blinded with rage and jealousy. I didn't understand. Cameron didn't have reasons to feel that way about anyone.

Cameron was on his feet and marching from the living room without a single glance over his shoulder. Part of me wanted to follow desperately. The other part felt bruised. How could Cameron throw away my last relative—the only blood I had left on this Earth? How could he do it and not even apologize?

"Let him cool off before you go after him." Phillip murmured, helping me up.

"That's fine," I bit out, glaring at the top of the stairs. "I don't want to talk to him."


Three days ago we'd left San Diego. Phillip compelled a dealership owner to "lend" us two cars. One was a dark-green mustang and the other was an old Mercedes. They were both in pretty mint condition and roomy. But since Cameron was driving the mustang, I was in the Mercedes. And I was driving. Serena and Lucas were riding with me, while Phillip and a on-the-mend Jade were keeping Cam company. We were still not talking. Yes, because for some reason he didn't want to talk to me, either. As if I'd been the one selling out his family to a psychopath.

"We should stop soon," Serena suggested. "Or you could let me drive, you've been driving since—"

"We're not stopping until we get to Louisiana." I hated my voice in a monotone. Another thing Cameron was responsible for. "Michael said we needed to meet Diniel or whatever he's called. He's keeping Adam and Eve's blood descendant safe and we need her blood to read the Sacred Word. Which..."

"We don't have yet." She finished, crossing her arms, glaring at the darkening sky. "Why did Michael give it away? Wouldn't it be safer in Heaven?" that question was for our strangely quiet backseat passenger.

"Michael sent Gabriel to Earth with the book. He told him to choose a strong and trustworthy Coven to keep it safe." Lucifer recited his brother's exact words from three days ago. "My Father intended the Sacred Word to be used as a fail-safe against beings with Power, I can imagine that's why my brother thought it was wise to keep it with the people who could use it."

A phone rang, startling me. I heard Lucas going through my backpack and soon, my cell was being thrust between mine and Serena's seats.

"It's your Ex-boyfriend,"

"Shut it," I mumbled, sneaking a look at the golden haired Witch hoping she didn't get angry because, well, Phillip was my ex. For better or worse. "Can you...?"

Serena snatched my phone from Lucas' hand. I didn't miss the melting smile on her rosy lips. At least one of us was on the road of reconciliation.

"I don't think..." her words died in a frown. "Yeah. Sure. But if we crash it'll be your fault." She sighed, hanging up. I perked an eyebrow her way, tearing my gaze off the road for a second. "So. Cam's not stopping until we reach Louisiana, either."

Like he hadn't stopped when we were driving to Danvers. To our first Hell Gate. My face went flushed at the memory of us switching seats. My legs drew together and I licked my lips. Damn you, Cameron Leale. Let me be mad and sad at you.

I gripped the wheel tighter, "We aren't far away now."

Turns out, we'd been further away than I'd thought. We'd made one pit stop for bathroom breaks—where Phillip fed on a compelled gas station employee—and then we drove for another ten miles. My legs were on automatic once we finally crossed into Louisiana, New Orleans. A soft breath left me when we stopped. I collapsed against the Mercedes seat, calloused hands slipping off the leather wheel, dropping onto my knees. I didn't want to move.

My exhaustion was ushered away when Cameron hopped out of their car, looking perfectly energized. Maybe he'd sucked the mustang's battery. I climbed out, rolling my eyes and slamming the door. My chest softened once I saw Cam hefting Jade from the backseat and into his arms, carrying her carefully like she was more fragile than a porcelain doll. We'd treated Jade's wounds and practically mummified her legs and arms with bandages. The hook hole—yes, hole—on her shoulder was definitely the worst of it, paired with a deep stab to her thigh. I drew in a breath, muting a wince. When I saw Romeo again I was going to drive an Azure Dagger into his gut. He'd been in charge of Jade and she'd been abducted from under his nose? I couldn't believe he'd had the courage to ask me to look over Lucas while he got Michael.

Serena was inside the Inn getting us rooms. We were supposed to call this Grigori Angel so he'd meet us, bringing the descendant. Diniel was also going to get a meeting with the Coven in charge of the Sacred Word. Michael was still hell bent on finding another way to get rid of Cain, but every time I thought about the book... My stomach would twist and dip like it was trying to digest a brass ball. I knew what this feeling meant: nothing good. Phillip came over when I was hauling our stuff out of the car's mallet. He snatched my bag, flinging it over a broad shoulder.

I droned him a 'for real?' look. Phillip's smirked brightly.

"I haven't really spent time with you ever since I came back from the dark-side. I figured I'd help you out."

"I get why you've been... distant."

"No, it's not just that." 'That' translated into blood lust. "I... I remember everything I did. Everything I said when I wasn't myself. What happened with Cain's spell was different. I can't remember a thing. It was like my mind checked out and I was his puppet. But what Uriel injected me with..."

"It wasn't you, Phillip."

"I... know that." He paused, pressing his lips. "But you thought I hurt Cam. You've never looked at me like that before, Nina. Not even when we broke up or when I was being an ass about killing Sam to kill the Succubus." Phillip leaned on the car's side, dragging out a long breath. He kept vibrant eyes on his Timberland boots. "Seeing myself in your eyes? It scared me. And everything I did to you just came rushing in." I winced. I didn't need him to list out the things he'd done, like leaving me to burn, or the things he'd spat at me: me being the reason why my family was dead. "Do you ever get sick of me apologizing to you? It feels like I've been at it since our first date."

I remembered that, too. Our first date at the Lighthouse. I thought he stood me up. Was I sick of Phillip apologizing? No. Because I knew every apology came from the bottom of his heart. Was I sad that he kept having to do it? Yes.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted. It was just... Cam had a hole in his..." I couldn't finish. Just the thought kicked up nausea. "Then I saw the bite marks and I just thought... Look, I didn't think you'd done it on purpose. I know you wouldn't hurt your brother."


"But," I lifted my shoulders, cocking my head. "You're a new Vampire. You could have lost control. I was worried, okay? But I don't want you to think I'm afraid of you or that I don't like you anymore, Phillip. I love you," I whispered. I'd slid closer so that our hips were touching. "You're my best friend—the first real friend I've ever had." I dropped between us with a humorless laugh. I turned to look at him and caught him still shying his gaze. I took his face in my hands, brushing his cheeks with my thumbs as I made Phill look at me. "I could never hate you."

Phillip's forehead brushed up against mine. I felt tension drop from him as he whispered thank you. Thank you for not being gone, I thought, hoping his Vampire mind-reading trick caught it. Just as we were moving toward the motel, an old blue Chevy pulled up and since we weren't under a Veil anymore, Phillip and I both felt it. Power. We stopped as the engine died and out came a guy looking like he'd stepped out of a movie. His blond hair hung was curly and his eyes were greener than the Amazon forest. My eyes were fixed on his neck: Triquetra.

"I'm guessing you're the ones who hailed for a Grigori." He said with a drawl, smirking.